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"Q-isms and a Quick Review" by Kat - 5.2.20

"Q-isms and a Quick Review" by Kat - 5.2.20

5/02/2020 06:22:00 PM  Emailed, Intel, Message, News, Thoughts 

Entry Submitted by Kat at 4:45 PM EDT on May 2, 2020

Hi Dinarlandia,

I've given Q a hard time over the years. It's been out of my own frustration, of course, but I've softened up to old Q. I have a much clearer understanding of what this war of Light vs Evil has been about.

And all day today I've been feeling... this is OUR week. Even Q thinks so:

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 Now I know, I know, I've felt this way a lot over the last 8 years, and so has Q, but I REALLY feel it today.

If you haven't seen this documentary, I highly recommend it. Not only for you, but for your family and friends. It sums up the history of the cabal/illuminati/deep state, brilliantly, and closes with such upliftment and optimism.

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Cabal, Deep State, Q-Anon — 10-part Documentary by Janet Ossebaard 2 hours, 58 minutes



I must warn you, the chapters on the children are revolting, heart-crushing, vomitous and impossible to believe. But our brilliant Judy Byington has known about it all for years.

So let me take this moment to bow to you, Judy, for looking the most despicable crime on Earth clear in the face, and helping the children:


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Keep in mind what David Wilcock said on April 1, 2020: "[Covid-19] is not killing very many people… Society’s going to come back on… the lights are going to come back on… and it’s very likely that we’re getting this amazing Global Economic Reset… arresting of deep state perpetrators… you look at how confident Q is…"

Regarding our exchanges:

I'm sure everyone is more-than-ready, but as a quick review of what we may or may not need, this is what I'm bringing:

-Several forms of ID, including one with photo (Passport, Driver's Lic.), and Utility Bill with street address.

- Currency and/or Bonds, neatly listed on a piece of paper; I'm bringing my receipts.

I've already made copies of my Currency and Bonds with their # clearly visible. Note the # on lower bottom Right hand side — just as a suggestion.

 -If you have more than one Currency, it has been suggested to create a different bank account for each.

-Two copies of a written outline of your Humanitarian plans (you may not need this. We do not have to explain ourselves or justify asking for the Highest Rate—thank you Ron Giles!!)

-Ask for the Highest Rate you can get. If you don't know how you'll spend it now, it doesn't matter, it will come to you as we rebuild a beautiful New Earth.

For instance, how much will it cost to clean up the oceans? etc. That is what this money is for. Get as much as you can. That is how I'm thinking about it.

-Bring clear instructions on how to direct-deposit funds into your existing Bank account, if you want.

-IMPORTANT: Remember to GET COPIES of everything you sign, and every receipt, and the name, business cards or contact info. of everyone you dealt with.

Easy peasy.


As a suggestion: Thank Source/God/All There Is (however you call your Higher Power,) the Alliance, President Trump, and yourself, for making this miraculous blessing possible.

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The suggested action after the RV is this:

BREATHE and take at least 2-weeks to acclimatize, then:  Take care of yourself - Take care of your family, friends, colleagues - Take care of your community - Take care of the world...

The coronavirus is what the illuminati had intended to wipe out Humanity with, but their plan failed.

Thanks to the covid-19 lockdown, the Alliance had the opportunity to free thousands of children held captive in cabal caves, move much of the cabal off-planet, and arrest the deep state that remain on Earth—all the while everyone is safe at home. It's miraculous, really.

Magenta Pixie put it so beautifully in a video I recently transcribed:

"Magenta: I’ve actually had people say that to me… oh my goodness I’ve been so thick all these years… I’ve been so blind… and I’ll reply, no you haven’t, it just hadn’t come to you yet… but now it has… and it doesn’t matter when it comes to you… when you find the truth… when you do find the truth then it’s your time to step forward…

And I was going to say… Social distancing is creating the telepathy… the more they [the cabal] separate us the stronger we reach out with that signal… everything they do is backfiring… they are creating the very thing they’re trying to prevent… which is the Great Awakening… the awareness of everyone on the planet knowing what they’re doing… and their downfall… they’re desperately trying to stop it… and by doing that, they’re creating it…"

May next week be OUR week. Victory to the Light! Victory to the Alliance!  Peace, Light, Health and Abundance for all — Gaia, Kingdoms, Humanity — Goddess, Sovereign, Free. And so it is.  xo, Kat

David Wilcock 4/22: Wikileaks Dumps ALL Files!

603,372 views  https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=98&v=P0ADvOEosFY&feature=emb_logo


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