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"Q and A Charlie Ward Video: ZIM, RV, GESARA etc."

"Q and A Charlie Ward Video: ZIM, RV, GESARA etc."

by Kat - 6.27.20

6/27/2020 04:24:00 PM  Emailed, GESARA, Kat, NESARA, Q&A, Thoughts 

Hi Dinarlandia,

I have many thanks to write and am composing that post later today.

To those who reached out to me through Patrick, you are Divine angels. You lifted me up when I was so very down: Charles, Don, Candice, Gemma, Dyan, my dear friend BV who calls me Kit-Kat which I LOVE—each one of you are radiant Divine Lights.  Blessings and love unceasing.

Enclose below my today's transcription of Charlie Ward’s answers to questions.

I posted an earlier vid of Charlie’s on IDC and I think you all enjoyed it. I certainly did.

"The Future is Bright, a Charles Ward Video" by Kat - 6.25.20

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Transcribed By Kat here:   https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/06/the-future-is-bright-charles-ward-video.html

A little background about Charlie Ward which comes from another video, but just FYI and in his own words:

Charles Ward: I’ve been moving money around the world for a number of private clients which range from the super-rich to government officials to other officials around the world for many many years now. I tend to work in the Middle East mainly. I live in Southern Spain but I commute between Spain and Dubai most of the time.

From a 6-22-20 video with Charlie, Ole Dammegard and Jason Goodman re the RV

So for me, Charlie’s got excellent credentials and an informed outlook regards global money.

As with everything, take what you can use and leave the rest.

I wholeheartedly agree with Charlie — with the RV, GCR and NESARA/GESARA, we are moving into a beautiful miraculous New World: A pristine clean sparkling Gaia, gorgeous healthy restored Kingdoms, Divinely restored Humanity, Healthy, Happy, Abundant, Creative, Innovative, Kind, Peaceful, NO MORE HARM, reverence for all life, all good and wondrous things and far better than I can list here.

With blessings unceasing - we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,  xo, Kat

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Video: Charlie’s Answers, June 27, 2020  Transcription by Kat


0:40 Good beautiful morning, it’s a beautiful Saturday morning, lovely and warm here on the Costa del Sol (Spain.) I’ve had a tremendous amount of questions in the last twenty-four hours and I’m going to answer the first 8.

I’m going to answer more questions as we go through the 1000 questions I’ve been asked and hopefully we can establish the TRUTH as we go along…

1:15 The first question we’re going to address is one of the first ones that came through… is about the ZIMs: Zimbabwe money, Zimbabwe Bonds.

Now most people know who’ve been following me for a while, I spent €60 Euros buying 10 10-Trillion-dollar Zimbabwe notes… now if it’s going to turn into money, great, if it doesn’t matter it’s 60 quid, not my life savings, I’ve just done it as a bit of fun.

1:51 When it comes to exchanging those, because they have no value at the moment anyway that’s why you can buy them on eBay for next to nothing…

But if it becomes a value to them, it’s not that simple to just go into an exchange bureau and change them for any other currency…

2:10 They will be issuing free phone numbers in America where based on:

How you are as a person and what your intentions are… and whether your heart is pure…will depend very much on whether they’re willing to exchange them and what they’re going to exchange them for.

And this is why the 1-800 #’s are being issued and there’s guidelines that will be issued as to what you can and cannot spend them on… because the whole idea of this is to increase the quality of everybody’s life in the world and countries like Zimbabwe have been oppressed for many many years.

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2:55 It may well mean… that they’ll give you a good value but it will have to be spent in Zimbabwe… maybe?

3:03 Or maybe (?) our job, once we have (exchange) them, will be to share our experiences and share our skills to try and help educate people climb the ladder of life… The one thing that we all have is experience and if we can share that with people [because] we’ve learnt an awful lot in our lives…

3:28 So we’ll know more about the exchange mechanisms for the ZIMs, as they’re called, and we’ll know more as to the value of them DEPENDING on the value of you as a person, and me as a person…

3:45 We’re moving into a whole different world… we’re leaving behind the world of dominance of money… we’re moving into a new place, it is a great awakening, and there will be a Financial Reset, a Revaluation of Currency and I’ve said this for the whole way during the journey… and it’s now starting to become clearer…

4:09 There are those completely in the dark, who don’t believe a word of it, but we have some very very good inside information…

4:20 But look, as I’ve said millions of times, I’m not a messiah, I’m just Charlie… I choose to believe and it gives me a certain peace knowing what I’m being told makes sense…

4:32 And if you go back to the start of this journey I was told at the end of last year that this was all going to happen, this is why I believe it now… because what I was told is now happening… so this is not a fantasy…

4:44 I was told this was going to happen 6-years ago… then I was told 2-years ago… and then in December last year (2019) they told me they were going to start this year…

And I thought it was a joke, to be honest, but then when it started to happen (virus vaccines, 5G, riots as smokescreen for the Alliance) I started to wake up and realize it’s not a joke, things are happening…

5:00 So that was the first question… about the ZIMs. The more information we get, the more I’ll share with you…

5:15 As well as ZIMs I’ve also got some VND (Vietnamese Dong…) because there’s talk that those will have value… I don’t know... I didn’t spend a lot of money on them, it’s one of those little gambles, if it pays off great, it not, OK…

Gold and Silver always very very good investments and solid… I personally have a preference for Gold, there is no right there is not wrong… it’s how you feel… the theory is that Silver will go up a lot faster…

Gold is always a solid commodity and now that it’s going to be backing our Currencies it becomes even more valuable, but both are very very good…


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6:20 Now we get on to the Third question which I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of questions about and that is NESARA / GESARA…

Well, the last 2-times they tried to roll this out tragic things happened… [First JFK was killed and second, 9-11]… so this time they’re making no mistakes… I’m pretty confident that we will move into the world of NESARA and GESARA… pretty confident on what I’m hearing…

You can go onto the website and study about NESARA… there’s a good amount of information… I also put on my wall a link which is the documentation that lays out the technical side… there’s a huge amount of information there… that’s how I feel we are moving…

GESARA  http://www.blissfulvisions.com/articles/GESARA-NESARA.html

NESARA  http://intothelight.news/knowledge-base/nesara/

7:16 I am more confident now than I was 14 weeks ago with NESARA/GESARA… 209 countries have signed up to it… if 209 countries have signed up to it, it must be serious, you don’t sign up to something just for a joke… and we’re dealing with serious, serious countries… you know, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, Canada, America’s obviously NESARA, the rest of the world, ‘Global’ is GESARA… all these countries have signed up so we’re in a good place for that…

8:00 Look, it’s like going to the beach you what to know what it’s like… but when we get there, you’ll enjoy the beauty of it… we’re still on the journey… still on the journey…and it’s an amazing journey, I’m just looking forward to getting on the other side but I’m incredibly peaceful, incredibly calm about it, KNOWING THAT WE’RE MOVING INTO A BETTER PLACE…

8:34 The 4th question was about Bill Gates… most of you know my thoughts on Bill Gates… Bill Gates created the Microsoft Computer, did an amazing job, but they were all incredibly reliable and that’s not good for business…

8:50 So he created in the computer, a virus, and then he created an anti-virus… and he made an absolute fortune out of it…

So then he starts pumping money into the WHO-World Health Organization, and the CDC-Center For Disease Control, the Imperial College in London, and he starts paying some big big-name players, politicians, giving them big big lumps of money…

9: 30 So that he can infiltrate the human world and create a virus and a vaccine… and without even knowing it, we all fell for it… Or did we?

9:44 Some of us woke up. Some of us woke up to what he was up to… You don’t need to be a genius to work where somebody’s at… he’s got NO qualifications in the medical world, none at all, and yet everyone’s listening to him on the medical side because he’s got money, he’s got power…

10:08 Things are changing, and he WILL be held accountable… he has been responsible for the death of many people… now if I was found guilty of killing one person I’d go to prison for life, for murder… so don’t think for one minute that he’s going to get away with it just because he hides behind a vaccine… He will be held accountable for what he’s done…

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10:43 I pointed out a very interesting fact—fact—about the people who died from Covid-19… every single person—EVERY SINGLE PERSON—that died of Coronavirus Covid-19 HAD a VACCINE, a flu vaccine… and nobody died from Covid-19 who had NOT had the flu vaccine… surely that must ring alarm bells with you, surely!! Surely it must wake people up to the truth you can look at that as factual factual evidence…

11:23 And then you look at these trials in India, these trials in Africa, and HE’S KILLED THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN, THOUSANDS, there are law suits against him… and yet we all listen to him…

11:41 But don’t worry. Put your faith in God. He’ll handle him.

It’s a shame he’s not Russian really because Putin has that wonderful line, “It’s not my job to judge you, it’s my job to send you to a man who will judge you.” (laughter) It’s a bit cheeky, it’s a bit naughty, but it does make me smile. But his day will come… I promise you Trump does have him in his sights, 100%

12:16 Question #5, what about Boris? [Boris Johnson, PM of UK]… Well, Boris, bless him, he’s a bumbling buffoon, isn’t he?...

But it’s very difficult to bumble and bumble for 14 weeks, he was told like the rest of the leaders in Europe and the world, to create confusion and fear… and he’s done a very very good job of that… he’s created complete and utter confusion and complete and utter fear and he looks completely incompetent...

But that was what his mandate was to do by Trump… Trump has total control over him, I promise you, I promise you he knows what he’s doing…

12:51 Trump, the more I’m hearing the more I’m seeing is so much in control of this journey… it’s an absolute privilege to live in this time and watch what’s happening… and he’s the only President I’ve seen in a very very long time who looks younger after 4 years of service than the rest of them… he’s doing an AMAZING JOB in DRAINING THE SWAMP…

13:22 But we’re in a very dangerous period right now… because the swamp… are like a boxer on his last legs… they’re very very dangerous… all arms and legs throwing out punches from every which way and ANTIFA is the boxer that’s out on its feet… and they’re fighting like dogs and they’re causing chaos… but Trump will show them for what they really are…

13:49 We’re moving into a far better time… but to get there we’re having to go through a difficult time… I know that…

13:55 Seventh question: Talking about Italy and the autopsies that were done in Italy… showed that (the deaths) weren’t Covid-19 but a Thrombosis [Thrombosis: A local coagulation or clotting of the blood in a part of the circulatory system.]

The questions have been, if it was a Thrombosis, what was the cause of the Thrombosis?

14:20 First of all, there had to be complete confusion and chaos and lockdown… a really big lockdown in Italy for a number of reasons… to clean out the Vatican, to clean out the Mafia bosses, the cabal, the deep state, deeply deeply imbedded so that’s why there was so much pressure right at the start to get them out cuz there was loads of them there…

14:41 And that was actually done by 5G, which tells you how dangerous it can be… it stimulated the Thrombosis… so Mark Steele is absolutely bang-on right, we need to be very very careful in what we’re doing because they can adjust it to stimulate Thrombosis… and that’s dangerous…

Mark Steele British Weapons Expert and Chief Technology Officer 5g Activist 4-19-20


15:12 And if you look at where the 5G towers were, you don’t need to be a genius to see how it was done… because the bases where it needed to be done all had 5G towers… so we need to keep our eyes opened because into the wrong hands that becomes incredibly dangerous… the question is, who’s the right hands?

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15:35 The Eight Question I'm going to cover now is one of my favorites… this is the world we’re moving into, it’s beautiful… we’re moving away from the corruption of the WHO and the CDC, NATO, UNICEF, all these corrupt, awful organizations that have been blocking cures…

There’s over 6000 patents that have been blocked for curing cancer, Alzheimer’s, dementia etc… for curing so many things, and they’ve been blocked by the Big Pharma groups funded by Bill Gates cuz he wants to get his vaccine out there…

16:19 Once he’s out of the way and they get these patents out (implementation of GESARA) that the WHO have blocked on Gates' say so, then we move into a brighter world… he’s killed enough people with the vaccines… but he’s also allowed people to die where there was cures for them…

16:45 That will all come out, that’ll all come out so that things are a lot clearer and a lot better… but we’re moving into a much better world…

17:00 On a Spiritual level… this weekend is the start of something extremely big that’s happening that will probably take 7 to 10 days to roll out but will start to make a lot of sense and hopefully by the 8th - 9th of July, we’ll have a far clearer picture of what’s happening…

But let’s see… and as I’ve said I’m not a messiah, I’m just Charlie… I’m just trying to find out the TRUTH and I have a lot of good sources to establish what is right and what is not right…

Anyway, you have a wonderful weekend and know in your heart that we’re moving to a better world and a better place…

And remember Jesus loves you even if everybody else thinks you’re a twat…


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