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Prepare For the Greatest Crash In History as the Fed Lost Control of Interest Rates and Panics!

The Atlantis Report

Prepare for The Greatest Crash in History as The Fed Lost Control of Interest Rates & is in Panic

May 26, 2021

Prepare for The Greatest Crash in history as The Fed Lost Control of Interest Rates and is in Panic

Powell is likely going to have to raise interest rates. Yes. As inflation increases, the way to curb it is through raising interest rates.

The fed originally stated that rates weren't going to rise until at least 2022. However, it seems that we may see a rate increase sooner than expected.

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Right now, the Fed has a target rate for the dow jones. Investors aren't at the controls of the markets, the Federal Reserve is. But, they do have a crash planned, and it will be the greatest crash our nation has ever seen.

But they want the government to borrow even more before this happens. The Fed doesn't want to discourage our government from borrowing even more, by crashing the markets now. But they will have their scapegoat to blame the greatest crash in history on.

Perhaps their scapegoat will be as simple as using the horrendous second-quarter results as their excuse to "Pull It."

Whatever scapegoat they use, I believe it will happen. I believe a worldwide market collapse is part of their planned and executed pandemic.

For the full transcript go to https://financearmageddon.blogspot.com


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