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Iraqi News Thursday AM 10-1-20

Iraqi News Thursday AM 10-1-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner


On the first anniversary of the October national events, we reiterate the foundations of the great people of Iraq, the maker of October, its hero, and its flowing youth despite the sacrifices.

This government came based on the road map imposed by the movement, grievances and aspirations of the Iraqi people, and we affirm our loyalty to our people and the road map imposed by the blood and sacrifices of their vanguard youth.

It is no secret to our people the nature of the challenges facing our country at this delicate stage of its history, and with reference to the crises that my government inherited at the level of the deteriorating economic structure, including the transformation of Iraq, with all its human and historical potentials, into a hostage to oil prices, which we are working to completely change through an equation.

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The economy of production and the activation of self-energies, and the challenge imposed by the Corona epidemic and its repercussions at the international level was a shock to attention to the need to immunize our society in the face of emerging crises, which we will face together and triumph over if we unite and the Iraqi national reform path is our guide.

We were and still are loyal to the October movement and its lofty outcomes, and we have worked since the first day on undertaking the undertakings of the ministerial platform, starting with identifying and sorting the martyrs and wounded in Tishreen, which is the natural path to restore their rights and honor their national position, and then transform that into a legal investigation context that guarantees the restoration of the rights of those involved in blood Iraqi.

The sensitive stage that our country is going through requires that everyone unite, including political forces and popular actors, to reach free and fair early elections on the basis of a just law.

My patriotic youth are the most painful across the nation’s map, and I call on them to continue their commitment to peace in expressing their opinion and to the national path for which the October martyrs sacrificed. This is your country, your home, your haven, and the future of the generations after you.

Defend it and the independence of its national decision and prevent any foreign party from interfering in its affairs and options, and fully prepared to stand hand in hand to defend its unity, capabilities and sovereignty.

Tishreen is in the heart and conscience, a movement for all of humanity from the source of human thought and its Rafidian identity. With our youth and with our people, we will fulfill our aspirations for a country of a great and honorable master ruled by law and enlightened by the sun of his values ​​and ideals.

Mustafa Al-Kazemi,Prime Minister and  Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces  1-October-2020


The Ministry Of Finance Responds To Allegations Of Losing 6 Trillion Dinars And Warns

Time: 2020/10/01 15:20:16 Read: 1,924 times

{Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Ministry of Finance "categorically rejected social media allegations that 6 trillion dinars could not be tracked through the 15 trillion dinars borrowing that Parliament approved in May 2020."

A ministry statement, of which the Euphrates News Agency received a copy, stated that "the loan amounts approved by the House of Representatives were used in full to finance the deficit in spending on salaries and retirement for the months of June, July and August."

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The financial statement indicated that "the net oil and non-oil revenues for the period 1/1 - 17/9 2020 amounted to 33.6 trillion dinars, and the balance rounded off from 2019 to 2020 amounted to 5 trillion dinars, and the total borrowing amounted to 14.5 trillion dinars, so the total financing is 53." 1 trillion dinars.

The statement continued, "An amount of 50.9 trillion dinars has been funded for salaries, retirement, social protection network, debt, benefits, ration card, wheat, operating expenses for security departments, presidencies, health departments, medicines ... etc. and an amount of 380 billion dinars for investment projects, according to work achievements."

He pointed out, "The remaining amount of 1.8 trillion dinars is continuing with the accounting department with financing out of the loan," noting that "the amount of foreign borrowing approved by the House of Representatives at an amount of $ 5 billion will be directed to investment projects."

The Ministry of Finance affirmed that it was "changing all its energies to successfully manage the current financial crisis," warning that "such statements in light of the current financial crisis are absolutely irresponsible and generate unnecessary anxiety among the general public."  LINK

Integrity: The Former Governor Of Diyala Is Sentenced To Six Years In Prison For Harming Public Money

Time: 2020/10/01 13:08:58 Read: 3,159 times

(Baghdad: Al Furat News) The Federal Integrity Commission announced the issuance of a prison sentence for the former Diyala governor. For intentionally causing harm to the funds of the entity in which he works.

The Investigation Department of the Commission, while talking about the details of the case it investigated and referred to the judiciary, indicated that the convicted person agreed to disbursing an amount of 500 million dinars when he was serving as the governor of Diyala. Allegedly, the costs of the mechanisms used in the Diyala and Salah al-Din governorates were avoided, based on a review provided by the director of Baqubah municipality at the time.

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She added that a disbursement document was organized, based on the approval of the governor, and a cleaning committee set up a penalty of receiving the amount in cash, and transferring it to the order of another party without any right. Pointing out that the disbursement process took place despite the objection of the governorate accounts manager to disburse the amount.

The Department clarified that the Central Anti-Corruption Criminal Court after reviewing the evidence obtained in the case represented by the statements of the legal representative of the Diyala Provincial Diwan who requested the complaint against the accused, and the minutes of the investigative committee formed in the governorate that recommended referring the accused to the competent courts, the testimonies of justice, the evasion of justice, It decided to convict him after finding sufficient and convincing evidence based on the requirements of the ruling.

It indicated that the court sentenced the convicted person in absentia to six years imprisonment based on the provisions of Article (340) of the Penal Code, issuing an arrest warrant and investigating his right, upholding the seizure of his movable and immovable property, and giving the right to the affected party to claim compensation after the judgment has acquired the final degree.   LINK

Decrease In Imports And Exports Of Iraqi Oil In September

Time: 10/01/2020 14:51:30 Read: 1,469 times   {Baghdad: Al Furat News} Iraq’s oil imports and exports recorded a decrease, according to the preliminary statistics for last September.

A spokesman for the ministry, Assem Jihad, said in a statement that the Euphrates News Agency received a copy of, that "the amount of exports of crude oil for the month of September amounted to (78) million and (388) thousand and (619) barrels, with revenues of more than 3 billion and (167) one million and (434) thousand dollars.

He pointed out that "the total exported quantities of crude oil for the month of last September from the oil fields in central and southern Iraq reached (75) million barrels. As for the Kirkuk fields through the port of Ceyhan, the exported quantities amounted to 3 million and (133) thousand and (834) barrels and the quantities. The exported to Jordan amounted to (254) thousand and (785) barrels.

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Jihad added, "As for the total daily rate of exports, it reached two million and (613) thousand barrels, as the daily rate of export from Basra ports was two million and 500 thousand barrels, and from Ceyhan the daily rate was (104) thousand barrels, and from Jordan (8.5) thousand barrels per day. ".

He pointed out, "The average price per barrel reached (40,407) dollars," noting that "the Ministry of Oil, through its belief in informing the people about export operations and the revenues generated from it, has taken this monthly procedure."

It is noteworthy that the amount of crude oil exports for the month of August amounted to 80 million and 494 thousand and (536) barrels, with revenues of 3 billion and (492) million and (164) thousand dollars.  LINK

  To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:


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