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Physical Silver Shortage vs. Paper Silver

SilverSqueeze: Physical Silver Shortage vs. Paper Silver

By Bullionstar  Monday, Feb 01, 2021 - 9:40

Submitted by Torgny Persson, BullionStar.com

The silver short squeeze in physical silver at present is unprecedented. Even so, the spot price of paper silver is not even close to the real physical equilibrium price of silver.  BullionStar may soon have no option but to abandon setting prices based on silver spot price altogether and move to fixed prices.

Thanks to  r/WallStreetBets (WSB) and related spin offs, the wider public is starting to open its eyes to the corruption and cronyism in the financial markets including in the paper gold and paper silver markets.

For years, BullionStar has been one of the strongest critics of the manipulated precious metals markets where paper issuance of silver (out of thin air) exceeds the physical availability of real silver at a multiple of at least 100 to 1. 

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While some in the WSB movement have suggested purchases of SLV shares and call options, many others are recommending physical silver. It’s important to understand that purchases of SLV shares does not equate to putting pressure on bullion banks. Bullion banks provide various services to ETF’s, such as custodial services, and ETF’s are known for colluding with central banks.

The only way to put pressure on the corrupted paper silver market and on the bullion banks is to buy physical silver. Only then is there a chance that price discovery for real physical silver will shift to be based on the actual trading of physical silver instead of being inherited from synthetic paper trading prone to manipulation.

This week may be the most interesting week for silver savers and investors in decades. The questions asked by this movement are of huge importance for the whole financial and monetary system.

– Is what we are seeing the start of a seminal silver crisis with the potential of finally bringing down the manipulated paper silver market?

– Can this movement lead to an attack of the very nature of unbacked fiat currency?

– Will the bullion banks try to smash the paper spot and paper futures prices back down and if so, will the price of physical silver definitively disconnect from the paper price?

– Can COMEX and SLV really source the physical silver required amidst the high demand?


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