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Petra Thursday PM "Sounds Like A Photo Op To Me!" 1-28-2021


Petra:  "the Parliamentary Finance Committee will, next week, distribute copies of the revised draft of the Maronite law to the heads of political blocs 24 hours before the date of the voting session on the budget law." The source pointed out that "next Monday is the day set for resuming parliamentary sessions and voting on the budget law."

 So, IMO, BIS requires at least 24 hours notice prior to any formal rate change within all CB's around the world. They, in turn, relay that information back to all the CB's globally.

Now, if you read what I just posted the final "draft" will be sent.....24 hours prior to the vote. Interesting timing. This may be something, maybe nothing, but it sure falls in line with rate before budget.

They are to vote on Monday as Tuesday is their "last day of session!" So, timing is sure unique and allows the ledger to reflect the rate change retroactively back to Jan 1. Again, IMO. 

So here is another thought. The article indicating that the Kurds are to return next week for "more discussions" Really? The budget is done and agreed upon. The Kurds received their 12.7% of the budget. HCL is done and waiting for the final draft. So.....why are the Kurds coming back????

Sounds like a photo op to me and IMO. Just taking their data, extrapolating it, and validating our thought process. Makes sense to me at least but that's not saying much....LOL....PETRA

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Samson:  Finally, the 2021 budget is ready for approval in Parliament

28th January, 2021
A representative source said, on Thursday, that the draft General Budget Law for 2021 is ready for voting in Parliament.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, that "the budget law has become ready for voting in the House of Representatives after amendments were made to some articles of the law and the deficit was reduced by 50% after it was 71 trillion dinars."

He added that "the Parliamentary Finance Committee will, next week, distribute copies of the revised draft of the Maronite law to the heads of political blocs 24 hours before the date of the voting session on the budget law."

The source pointed out that "next Monday is the day set for resuming parliamentary sessions and voting on the budget law."

Next Tuesday falls on the second of February, the last day of the legislative term of the House of Representatives after it has been extended for a month, and that Wednesday is the first day of the start of the legislative recess of the House of Representatives, and the House has not announced whether it will extend the separation to vote on the budget or enter the holiday.   LINK

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