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Petra, MilitiaMan and Tivon "There is a Global Game Afoot" 7-19-2022


Samson:  Saleh and Al-Abadi discuss completing the constitutional entitlements

07/19/2022 12:22:21

The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, discussed with the Chairman of the Leadership Council in the Alliance of National State Forces, Haider Al-Abadi, the developments of the political situation in the country.

A statement from Al-Abadi's office issued today said that the two sides discussed, in the meeting held yesterday, "the overall political situation and the political movement that the country is witnessing to complete the constitutional entitlements, and to face the many challenges facing our people, who hope to provide the requirements of a decent living and services, and job opportunities, construction and reconstruction during the next stage."    LINK

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MilitiaMan:  Last I checked that is code for "Citizens Entitlements".. imo.. These two know full well what the agenda is now. A good thing.. Abadi sitting with Saleh.. What else did Abadi have on his mind? I'll bet since he was with Saleh, PM Kahdimi comes to mind for a second term and the Dissolution of Parliament.

Timing is moving very fast now. Lets see if the citizens entitlements include the ministries activating / financing them selves to serve the Constitutional Entitlements... imo ~ MM


Tivon:  Someone caught that and it is the good Ole Militia-Man.

We both know what is tied to the Citizens Entitlements. The HCL/Oil & Gas Law.

 We are in for a treat. Al-Kahdimi did request all ministries to start implementing provisions right? Well what would that entail for the Ministry of Oil who had at least 500 billion allocated to their department? Contracts & Procedures? For what specifically? The Artawi oil field and the other four projects from the French oil company?

Is this where the adjustment will take place where that 40% Total signed off on will come into play if they will recieve that at full value?

And you have some thinking this would be dragged out to September into the Saudi Arabia Summit. Ha' I beg to differ. The information is going the opposite direction. This will be a powerful week.

All the items mentioned is basically the Private Sector. How can they provide sustainable living if it is something they are striving for that the current exchange rate cannot provide if the citizens are suffering from inflation?

What other way can they escape this predicament if not for something that can provide a solution? What is the one remedy that can get the ball rolling for these ministries who are tasked with solving these issues?

There is only but one avenue which includes the CBI to ensure the activation of the paragraphs inside the EFSL offsets the economic crisis. Which would make sense as to why Eddie was told what he was told. IMO


MilitiaMan:  Todays COM meetings may be about activation of the ministries finances/provisions. They were told to finance themselves did they not? Where would they get the money? Likely the EFSL, WPs, etc.. That is how things work with budgets... lol Love the timing my friend! The reality needs to kickin now.. imo ~ MM


RE: Monday Night Conference Call with Frank26:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XM_lwoqyq8

Tivon:  If you guys are connecting the dots. You should not be surprised as to why Eddie said what he stated yesterday.

What did Al-Kazemi command of his cabinets on June 23rd? To address the USD rate at the earliest legislative session correct? Well what is coming up this week? I and MM has always been under the impression that the EFSL (Emergency Food Security Law) cannot work without a rate change if what Al-Kazemi wants in full force is to work in any capacity.

So what does he request of all ministries this past Sunday? To adjust contracts & wages. Along with the ration cards.

I have another source (Via My Father) who was commenting on the CBI last week who stated he was expecting a move from them as well. It's not secret Intel. It's commonsense based on what has been published over these past few weeks especially the last few days or so.

From the French oil company Total, to the EFSL provisions to the ATMs. The EFSL is not a wait & see law. It's created to tackle issues at the earliest possible time on a legal constitutional basis. Otherwise we wouldn't have seen those statements from the PM last Sunday.

Remember what Mazhar Muhammad Saleh said? That the EFSL will "Move The Wheels of The Economy".

The Parliament of Finance also said that the law will revitalize the economy. Well it has no choice since we all no they will not be passing a 2022 Budget As announced last week.

So how else will they address the citizens needs? The Euro is said to also play a factor in helping the IQD given its 1:1 status with the USD that will help against inflation which will help protect the rate of the IQD given the hard currency reserves of the USD.

So I was not surprised to hear that Eddie was told to expect an adjustment. Maybe it's internal. Then Al-Kazemi is announced to maintaining his seat then the rate is released internationally? Not sure of the sequence they intend to go with but it's not wrong to presume that everything will happen in conjunction either.

So all the resources being poured into the EFSL given the current predicament of the economy should not be lost on anyone who knows how important this is to the legacy of Al-Kazemi and his continued mission to help alleviate the conditions of his people. The urgency is obvious. IMO

"On Sunday, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi directed all ministries to mobilize their efforts to implement the provisions of the Food Security Law. A government source told Shafaq News Agency, that the focus will be on the items related to returning their nullified contracts, appointments of graduates, holders of higher degrees and the first, in addition to fixing contracts, adjusting daily wages, supporting and improving the ration card and social care". End quote. 


PETRA:   Well done Tivon.  I have been commenting much in Team Chat but thought I would expand on your well versed narrative. 

Yours and MM's study is par excellence as we see the domino's continue to line up for the release of the new International Iraq. 

And, i don't hesitate to say that the first domino is about to fall creating a cascaded event that will change, as Saleh said, "will impact the world!"

To this, we cannot ignore all the global events transpiring in parallel to what I believe, and IMO, is being aligned with the change of the IQD. 

Just last week a prominent newspaper indicated and shared 15 different countries that are either near bankruptcy or insolvent already.  They cannot trade with anybody as their currencies mean nothing.  The only hope they have are their reserves (if any) to use for importing goods and services.  Or, some type of debt relief by the WB and IMF to keep them afloat until they can get their inflation and currency under control with "new" liquidity coming from.....somewhere!!

Other countries involved this past week, think G7 and G20, are all working to prepare their financial systems for a move to a major digital transformation backed by assets as they move toward global financial practice solidarity.  IMO, countries such as those in the EU will be forced to return to their own currencies in order to transact globally.  Even now the Euro is on par with the USD.  Interesting timing?  I think so. 

And, with the BRICS attention and focus on creating an economic system outside the petro-dollar is clearly gaining momentum as more and more countries entertain the joining of this new group.  

So, again, IMO, clearly there is a global game afoot and the lynchpin seems to be the move by Iraq to provide a global stimulus to ignite the world economies but with strict, demonstrable efforts of a digital nature to insure long term success. 

 Remember what Frank and WS said...it cannot fail with the citizens.  Agreed!  But, I believe this new digital paradigm also carries that same flavor....it cannot fail with the "global" citizens!!!

So, Iraq.  The world needs your decision, your stimulus...and, your future legacy!!!


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Samson:  After the judiciary opened an investigation into the audio leaks, Al-Maliki may face execution or life 

19th July, 2022

The Iraqi legal expert, Amir Al-Daami, revealed today, Tuesday, the penalties that could face former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, if the Iraqi judiciary proves the authenticity of the leaked audio recordings.

Al-Daami told Shafaq News Agency, "The Iraqi judiciary had previously taken the audio recordings without judicial approval, and therefore issued judicial decisions with these recordings," explaining that "there are jurisprudential opinions in this matter, the first is a violation of the privacy of the individual, and the second opinion says that as long as there is an interest in general, the interest of the individual takes precedence over the public interest.

And he indicated that "the leaked audio recordings are a violation of Iraqi national security, and a serious violation, and for this the Iraqi judiciary must prove whether the audio recordings are true or incorrect, and it is not possible to verify their authenticity or not except through the judiciary."

He added, "In the event that the Iraqi judiciary proves that the audio recordings are incorrect, then the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, can file a lawsuit to publish these audio recordings and legal measures will be taken against him, and if the audio recordings are confirmed, there are legal measures that will be taken against the owner Register".

And the legal expert added, "If the recording is proven correct according to the judicial investigation, the penalties that will face those who threatened to kill, incitement to civil war, and incitement to attack a holy city, according to the anti-terror law, and the penalty is up to death or life, considering what was stated in the recording is a threat to Iraqi national security and stirs up sectarian strife according to Anti-Terrorism Law No. 13 of 2005.   LINK


Samson:  The judiciary begins an investigation into the audio recordings attributed to Al-Maliki

19th July, 2022
The Supreme Judicial Council announced, on Tuesday, that the Karkh Investigation Court had received a request submitted to the Public Prosecution to take legal measures regarding the audio leaks attributed to the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki.

In a statement today, the Supreme Judicial Council said that the Karkh Investigation Court "is currently conducting a fundamental investigation in accordance with the law."

On Sunday, a number of lawyers submitted a request to inform the Iraqi Public Prosecution regarding the recordings attributed to the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, in which he attacked parties and political forces, the army, the police and a number of countries.   LINK


MilitiaMan:  I don't imagine they took the audios for without a good reason at this stage. Saleh and Abadi talking about the Constitutional Entitlements at the same time effectively.. Seems Abadi has a different stance these days.. Interesting and likely a supportive role with support for the present political circumstances;i.e., PM Kahdimi getting second term on the back of the need to move along with EFSL, WPS, reforms, etc.   imo ~ MM

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