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Patriot Intel Report "Major Economic Event Happening Right Now"

Patriot Intel Report:

PIR 02 24 20

About minute 4:50   We have been watching for major economic changes. I told everyone the big indicators we were looking for were Brexit, and the China/US trade deal which will be the foundation of the new economic system .

If you are going to go with a new economic system ….you have a problem which is the old economic system.   How do you replace one with the other? You have to vacate, destroy or raze to the ground the old system. You take it down to nothing and replace it to something new.

I think we see this going on right now. I believe they are using Covid 19 (Corona Virus) as a cover or reason for this. There is an old adage you hear from the “Cabal”  Never let a good crises go to waste.

You see today the markets are down…some are actually suspended and stopped. At the time of this recording this morning the dow was down 720 points. This is huge. Global markets are basically crashing everywhere.

Worldwide trading has been halted on some things. The stock futures that we saw down to 723 were actually frozen at 3:43 est today.   They actually stopped all future markets globally. So we have a major economic event in process right now.

I do believe we are seeing the “”Black Swan” play out as we suspected it would .   


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