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Patriot Intel Report 1-17-2020 "Big Gold Standard News"

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 01 Q 20   Jan 17, 2020

About minute 3:00   We do have some economic news today

We are looking for the USMCA to be signed …

We are looking at a world financial system and things are changing

In Turkey ….this came out yesterday and it’s a major thing…..The Turkish Banks are switching on a digital gold banking transfer…. going totally digital with almost like a blockchain trading platform for gold transfer between Turkish banks and other banks in the world.

This is another indication that we are seeing an inception of the Gold Standard

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Also “Trump to nominate Shelton and Waller to the Federal Reserve”….this came out yesterday . President Donald Trump said Thursday that he intends to nominate 2 people to the Federal Reserve. He is nominating Chris Waller and Judy Shelton to fill Federal Reserve positions.

Lo and behold this happened  right after the Chinese trade deal was signed….I am telling you that is a big economic change…..A lot of people are anticipating going to an asset backed system and this is part of it.

Remember Q said during a Q&A on 8chan that “The Federal Reserve was not going to go away”….it’s going to be reformed….it would be too much of a shock to the global financial systems to totally get rid of the Fed…..it is going to be reformed….

I believe this is part of that just as Q was saying…..the Fed will be rolling over into the new asset backed system.  Trumps Fed pick Judy Shelton is a fan of the “Gold Standard” and this is a big deal.  The article first came out on CNBC yesterday.

She has said in the past that she is a big supporter of the Gold Standard. She believes we should return to the gold Standard economically. So here we have the day after the signing of the big Chinese Trade deal….this is huge. This will be the reform of the Federal Reserve rolling over into a Gold Standard. And will roll back into our US Treasury system. This process has begun. A Gold Standard for the entire world….

This is good, solid, real global foundational news.


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Trump to nominate Shelton, Waller to serve on Fed

Published Fri, Jan 17 20206:49 AM EST

President Donald Trump will pick two economists, Judy Shelton and Christopher Waller, to serve on the Federal Reserve Board, the White House said on Thursday.

Shelton is a former Trump campaign advisor and last year called for lower interest rates as well as more coordination between the Fed and other parts of the government.

Waller is research director at the St. Louis Fed, where he works closely with bank president James Bullard, one of the Fed’s most vocal supporters of lower rates.

President Donald Trump will pick two economists, Judy Shelton and Christopher Waller, to serve on the Federal Reserve Board, the White House said on Thursday.

Trump has been critical of the Fed under Chair Jerome Powell, whom Trump put in that post in 2018, and the planned nominations have been seen as an attempt by the president to shape the world’s most powerful central bank more to his liking. The Fed sets U.S. interest rates and closely guards its political independence as key to its ability to act in the best interest of the country’s economic health.

Waller is research director at the St. Louis Fed, where he works closely with bank president James Bullard, one of the U.S. central bank’s most vocal supporters of lower interest rates last year. Before joining the Fed in 2009 Waller was an economics professor at the University of Notre Dame.

Shelton is a former Trump campaign advisor and last year, after her potential nomination was floated, called for lower interest rates as well as more coordination between the Fed and other parts of the government.

Both nominees must be approved by the U.S. Senate.



Trump’s Fed pick Judy Shelton is a fan of the gold standard and other unusual economic policies

·  President Donald Trump tweeted on Tuesday his intention to nominate Judy Shelton and St. Louis Fed economist Christopher Waller as Federal Reserve Board governors.

·  Judy Shelton, who serves as the U.S. executive director at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, wrote as recently as last year in support of pegging the dollar to gold prices.


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