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Only Zero Interest Rates and QE Are Keeping the Everything Bubble Economy From Exploding

The Atlantis Report

Only Zero Interest Rates & QE are Keeping this Everything Bubble Economy from Imploding

Premiered 19 hours ago

Only Zero Interest Rates and QE are Keeping this Everything Bubble Economy from Imploding Last Wednesday, the House gave final approval to pandemic stimulus bill 3.0. That brings total stimulus spending approved during the pandemic to $5 trillion.

The United States is printing money at breakneck speed to survive, to eat, and to wage wars. A big Ponzi scheme between the Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, and Wallstreet! More money for war, more money for wall street! Biggest Ponzi scheme in the history of mankind.

The only thing that is keeping this house of cards from imploding is zero interest rates and QE Eternity.

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 A $2 trillion infrastructure package. Where only $100 billion actually goes to infrastructure. The rest goes to the cons in congress, state politicians, and all their good buddies in industry. The owners of the federal reserve will soon own everything and convince you that you are happy.

At this point, it's like cancer nearing its final stage. There is no vaccine to protect us from the coming inflationary depression. Just say bye-bye to The US Dollar.

The Market loves that free money coming in the so-called Covid bill. Markets have become too dependant on stimulus to survive. It is called inflating a bubble. This is what Rome did before it collapsed.

Bond yields rising means interest rates are rising because the government is borrowing more money and doesn’t have a plan to reopen. Meaning people going back to work and paying taxes is in the air and the loan is at a higher risk.

Also, the two biggest industries here (homes and cars) are directly affected by interest rates. Let’s see what happens by the end of the year.

The US dollar is in its final days.

We are running a massive deficit. The federal government’s budget deficit widened to $311 billion in February from $235 billion in the same month last year, the Treasury Department reported Wednesday. Economists surveyed by the Wall Street Journal had expected the deficit to widen to $255 billion in February.

The deficit is a record for the month. Total spending was $559 billion in February, up 32% from the prior year. For the fiscal year to date, the budget deficit swelled to $1 trillion compared with $624 billion over the same period a year ago.

The U.S. is set to run $3 trillion deficits for two years in a row. The government continues a spending spree, with Congress passing the $1.9 trillion Covid relief package on Wednesday.

 After that, the Biden Administration is expected to soon announce a “Build Back Better” infrastructure and green-energy measure that could cost between One to Three trillion dollars.

It used to take us years to borrow $1 trillion. Now we’re borrowing that much in just five months.


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