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OD, TNT, X22 and more Sunday Morning 1-12-2020

Operation Disclosure Intel Alert (1-12-20): "Deals"


 Operation Disclosure   RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - January 12, 2020

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

Sources claim that once the sealed indictments are unsealed, arrests will be made no matter who they are or what position in government they're in.

Trump's decision on assassinating Soleimani was a planned step toward achieving peace in the Middle East.

The Iranian President wanted Soleimani dead as he went rogue (with the IRGC under his command) following his own agenda for the Middle East.

The Iranian President made a deal with President Trump to eliminate Soleimani in promise that Iran would drop nuclear development and focus on their economy.

The IRGC deliberately shot down UIA Flight 752 in retaliation to Soleimani's death.

In response, the Iranian government arrested multiple IRGC Commanders just after Flight 752 was shot down.

The feud between the US and Iran is political theater as deals are being made behind the scenes.

Iran is expected to undergo GESARA agenda compliant reforms this year as agreed.

Meanwhile, President Trump is expected to make a deal with Saudi Arabia regarding oil as the US is now the top producer of oil and Saudi Arabia is the top exporter of oil.

Also, President Trump recently admitted in an interview with Fox that the US is holding Iraqi Dinar.

Iraq is expected to undergo a currency revaluation in the near future.

In other news, the Royal Family is scattering as Brexit looms.

The Alliance is playing the long game with the Deep State to avoid widespread global chaos.


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Saturday happenings.....

 Mahdi is on Iraqi TV in Kurdistan trying get the Kurds to agree on reassigning him as the prime minister. Other reports indicate Mahdi arriving in Kurdistan today trying to talk the Kurds into agreeing with Baghdad to have the US troops removed by rescinding their allocations in the 2020 budget.

 Baghdad airport officials telling Iraqi TV this morning they are not sure of the reason but they saw numerous flights of American military helicopters arriving at the airport indicating that the airport is taking on a heavy military presence by the US today.

 Iranian TV reports their government admitting today that they shot down the Ukrainian plane due to human error.

A group of Iranian protesters demanded that the country’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei step down on Saturday after the government said its military had by mistake shot down a Ukrainian plane, killing all 176 people on board. Those aboard the doomed flight included 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians and 11 Ukrainians, including the nine crew members. Ten passengers were from Sweden, four from Afghanistan, three from Germany and three from the United Kingdom.

The protesters in Iran expressed anger at what they perceive as an initial cover-up. Prior to Iran's admission Saturday, it had denied shooting down the Ukraine International Airlines flight.


Harambe:  Business Insider: The US warned Iraq that its access to a key bank account holding billions is in jeopardy if the country expels American troops https://www.businessinsider.com/us-warn-iraq-access-fed-bank-account-r​isk-troop-expulsion-2020-1

Harambe:  BBC Video: 'Death to the liars' Protests broke out in Tehran after Iran admitted it shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-51080078


Tishwash:  Iraq .. Tahrir Square protestors hang pictures of Adel Abdul Mahdi and refuse his return

The protestors of Tahrir Square in Baghdad published today, Saturday, the photos of the resigned Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, and put an "X", indicating their rejection of his return to head the government.

The process of uploading the photos comes after news spread in the media about the existence of discussions to keep Abdul Mahdi at the head of the Iraqi transitional government.

Our reporter, Mustafa Saadoun, said in Baghdad that "the protesters hung large pictures of Abdul Mahdi on the building of the famous Turkish restaurant and confirmed their refusal to return or stay in office."

And information being circulated in Iraq indicates that there have been moves by leaders in the "Construction Alliance" to keep Adel Abdul Mahdi as prime minister, without confirming that information or making any comment from Abdul Mahdi or his office about it   link

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Plane crash: Iranian protesters call for Supreme Leader to resign

Jan 12, 2020

Iranian authorities' admission that they mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet has sparked anti-government protests in Tehran, with US President Donald Trump tweeting his support.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab condemned the arrest and detention of British ambassador Rob Macaire, who was accused of 'inciting' protesters.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that Iran must take 'full responsibility' for the crash.


Backchannels Are Important, Trump Removing [WWIII] Hotspots:  Harley Schlanger

X22 Report Spotlight:  Jan 11, 2020


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