Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Morning 8-16-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 16 Aug. 2023

Compiled Wed. 16 Aug. 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 15 Aug. Bruce: Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) should be notified to set foreign currency exchange and Zim redemption appointments prior to the BRICS Summit, which begins next Tues. Aug. 22-24.

Tues. 15 Aug. MarkZ: “Bond people are expecting their funds on Wed. 16 Aug.”

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Sun. 13 Aug. American Patriot: “The Military Earth Alliance Covert Operations have neutralized covert operations and all 209 countries were now gold/asset-backed. The Star link Satellite System has been interconnecting computerized unmanned stations to monitor the Quantum System that’s been connected and synched up.”

By Mon. 7 Aug. the Iraqi Parliament had approved their budget and published it in the Gazette the next day Tues. 8 Aug.

On Wed. 9 Aug. the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was believed to have revalued at a 1:1 with the USD and then began trading up on the Forex back screens.

On Thurs. 10 Aug. the direct payment system was activated to send funds internationally person to person.

Tier 4b should be notified to receive appointments to exchange foreign currencies and redeem Zim bonds within 48 hours of Bond Holders.

The Gold/asset-backed USN was expected to be announced between Aug.18-21, or most certainly at the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg South African Aug. 22-24.


Operation Sandman: Dumping the Fiat US Dollar, The Yorkshire Lass

I’m expecting a big wakeup call come end of August when the BRICS alliance announces a new international trade asset backed by precious metals instead of the US Dollar backed by air.

Once trading Oil in digital currencies backed by precious commodities, these countries will cease holding $’s. Then comes the hyperinflation and the Great Depression. Nearly 60% of international reserves are held in dollar-denominated assets, and it’s by far the most-used currency for trade. The dollar is involved in about 88% of all international trade transactions.

The MSM won’t be able to hide the fact their cabal financial system is bankrupt and collapsing at rapid speed. They will have no other choice to report it.

“Project Sandman” describes a 100+ nation agreement that, when triggered, will see those nations simultaneously dump the dollar and abandon the “petrodollar” . When this decision is triggered, the dollar and all dollar-denominated assets will plunge to near-ZERO literally overnight.


Tues. 15 Aug. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (ibize.com)  667-770-1866, pin123456#

A couple of days ago political things started to happen in all 50 states which were moving this forward. They planned to eliminate the Deep State within the next few days.

The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), or Emergency Alert System (EAS), or Emergency Warning System (EWS) will be activated to expose all the corruption that was going on in our government.

The BRICS Summit in South Africa Tues. 22 Aug. through Thurs. 24 Aug. included 93 member countries that were gold backed in their own currency and wanted to be part of BRICS.

The gold backed USN was being traded digitally and should be out publicly two days prior to the BRICS Summit (by Sun. 20 Aug.)

Bond Holders were still waiting for notification to receive access to their funds.

Iraq could publish their new Dinar Rate on Wed. 16 Aug. or Sat. 19 Aug.

Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) should be notified to set foreign currency exchange and Zim redemption appointments prior to the BRICS Summit.

Read full post here:   https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/08/16/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-august-15-2023-2/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Breitling  What makes you think they were going to revalue their currency They were depending on going international...and provide for the big boys - China, United States and Western Europe.  That's still their plan they've never changed it.

Frank26    [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY: TV saying battle of the stability of the exchange rate will end soon with the recovery of the dinar. FRANK:  This is amazing.  I admit it has been a battle to stabilize the exchange rate and a program rate is not stable...a program rate has no equilibrium.  The CBI is about to decrease the value of the American dollar in your country...these are indeed very exciting time.

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Losing Trust in Banks, Fed Fighting for Credibility & Central Bank Gold Rush – by Lynette Zang


History reveals patterns remain consistent, even in bond trading and yield curve decoding. In this video, Lynette Zang delves into the signs pointing towards a deepening crisis; while bond markets and sovereign debt defaults raise concerns, central banks' gold accumulation as a measure of safeguarding wealth and power is historically higher than ever.


0:00 Yield Curve

3:08 30-Year Treasury Auction

6:38 Fed Balance Sheet

 9:50 Treasury Yield

12:58 Sovereign Debt

 15:59 Public Confidence

18:20 Accumulating Gold


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