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News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 7-26-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 26 July 2023

Compiled Wed. 26 July 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Exchange and Redemption Appointments:

Tues. 25 July Bruce: The new financial system QFS, in conjunction with the USN and Star Link System, would be implemented starting at midnight Tues. 25 July and go through midnight Wed. night 26 July.

Bond Holders will get access to their funds Wed. 26 July or more likely Thurs. 27 July.

A Redemption Center person said Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would get notification for our appointments on Wed. 26 July or Thurs. 27 July.

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A Contact tight with Citibank said Citibank would start exchanges on Friday 28 July.

A Bond Holder Paymaster said the USN would come out Wed. 26 July, GESARA would be announced on Thurs. 27 July and the rollout of NESARA would happen on Sun. 30 July or Mon. 31 July.

The general public Tier 5 would start on Thurs. 3 Aug.

Tues. 25 July MarkZ: Rumors are all over the place right now…that today is going to be huge and tomorrow will be great…I am hearing a lot about the 27th for a few days now…rumors that people have money …I just have not seen that economic receipt yet. But, I am seeing a lot of people under an NDA or being effectively “hushed” right now.  That makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

Sun. 23 July: Banker advised to have all trained staff in currency exchange process to be on immediate call beginning Mon. 24 July.

Goldilocks Sun. 23 July: The Stock Market is getting ready to go into correction after FOMC meeting on Wed. 26 July.

Charlie Ward stated that the RV will happen after a Global Financial crisis.

At the Wed. 26 July FOMC meeting the Stock Market will go into correction. …Goldilocks

On Thurs. 27 July Basel 3 Compliance will be implemented in the banks, with banks closed that cannot prove gold/asset-backed assets. Along with the previous day’s Stock Market correction, bank closures would create shocks and adjustments in our markets and payment systems as they moved into a real value.

Thurs. 27 July was also slated as the day to activate NESARA/GESARA. This last week of July US citizens expected to receive restoration allowances that paid them back illegal interest given to the Cabal, plus their SS payments would increase. INTEL – July 27th ‘Restart of Planet Earth’ & The GESARA / NESARA Announcement – Schedule of Events (rumormillnews.com)

On Wed. 23 August the new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System would be made public.


Global Financial Crisis:

Mother of All Depressions At End of 2023: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=226542

Banks Are Closing: According to Dallas on PPN right now, CHASE BANKS are closing down nationwide. If you bank with them, you better go get your $$ out now.

Sloan: Just went to Chase ATM to deposit cash…Can’t accept …went inside.  Heard them say system won’t allow new accounts to be set up…my deposit had to be made in a back room as he couldn’t look up my account number at his station.  He apologized…I just laughed and said I knew what was going on and good luck. They said it was nationwide.

Protocol 20 Codes: QFS, BRICS Nations, GESARA & the Power Shift in Global Finance – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

West Virginia: Restricts 5 Banks From Doing Business in the State: Pursuant to West Virginia Code §§12-1C-1, et seq., the West Virginia State Treasurer’s Office has determined, based on publicly available statements published by financial institutions authorized to enter into financial services contracts with the State Treasurer’s Office, that the financial institutions listed below are restricted financial institutions and are hereby placed on the West Virginia State Treasurer’s Restricted Financial Institution List: BlackRock Inc, Goldman Sachs Group Inc, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo & Co. https://www.wtrf.com/west-virginia/west-virginia-bans-5-banks-from-doing-business-in-the-state-over-coal/

Texas: Texas Committee Passes Bill to Create 100% Reserve Gold and Silver-Backed Transactional Currencies. The comptroller would also be required to create a mechanism to use 100% backed gold and silver digital currencies in everyday transactions.  https://schiffgold.com/key-gold-news/texas-committee-passes-bill-to-create-100-reserve-gold-and-silver-backed-transactional-currencies/

Banks freezing accounts without warning: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/07/24/us-banks-are-abruptly-freezing-accounts-without-warning/

People Rejecting Fed CBDC: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/07/24/x22-report-fed-testing-cbdc-people-rejecting-it/

New Members Flocking To Join BRICS: https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/just-in-brics-just-unveiled-new-members-flocking-to-join-for-new-currency-and-trade-order

On Wed. 26 July U.S. lawmakers will convene for a “markup” to discuss two bills concerning digital assets and stablecoins.” https://finance.yahoo.com/news/upcoming-congressional-meeting-review-two-013000366.html   https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/4763

Imminent Killnet attacks are planned for PayPal, Western-world financial systems. This will create financial havoc throughout the Globe. A “Call to General Mobilization” went around the internet today directed at Killnet operators WW.

Operation Sandman, Shiela: The House and Senate pass a debt limit of $4 trillion, which could bring the total debt to $36 trillion! Where will the 4 trillion dollars come from? No one will lend U.S. money, not China, Russia or Saudi Arabia. Then the Federal Reserve will print it. De-dollarization is established. Operation Sandman – where $2 trillion US Treasuries will be dumped within 24 hours, with St. Petersburg leading the way. The US dollar can potentially lose 50-90% of its value. https://t.me/drue86/35852

US Financial Collapse Expected to Occur in July 2023, Shiela: Historically, fiat currencies have a lifespan of 27 years. The USDA Reserve Currency has been in place for over 90 years, 40 of which were in fiat currency. We collapsed the Russian economy in the 1980s and 1990s: the tables have turned. US allies like France and Japan have dumped US Treasuries. In Long Beach, the largest port in the United States, shipping companies rejected US Treasury Bonds.

Russia Moves Forward with CBDC, Digital Ruble Signed into Law | Dinar Chronicles

Commercial RE is taking a beating!  Blackstone gives back the keys! Big corporations are just walking away!  https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/realestate/a-category-5-hurricane-in-commercial-real-estate/ar-AA1eiRHu

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/07/26/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-july-26-2023/

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Mnt Goat  On Thursday, the Central Bank of Iraq issued instructions to all licensed banks and non-bank financial institutions not to deal in dollars with 14 of the Iraqi banks.  I can see that if these illegal dollar cash transactions continue the CBI will close down these banks. It’s coming and this will help tremendously in bringing down and keeping down the value of the dollar against the dinar. This may be the last step in the banking sector that needs to be addressed. The diversification of banking practices to make profits with products outside of currency exchange spreads, will come naturally once the free market economy kicks in. The 3 year budget is now open and the money is being dispersed to the districts for projects.

Frank26  Articles Quote:  "The parallel price means the exchange rate of the dollar in the market and exchange offices, and not the official rate set at 1132 dinars per dollar, according to the decision of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq, which was approved by the Council of Ministers.That rate is the goal of the CBI right now...They're telling the world, citizens, everybody, you that their official rate is 1132.  Yet what you see on the CBI website is 1320.  ...Why Because they are trying to de-dollarize.  Why So they can bring in the new exchange rate with the new currency and new value.  Why Because that is the only way Iraq will be able to protect itself from...Iran that steals their money...


IQD taking to the street somthing get to change

Nader:  7-26-2023


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