Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 5-5-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 5 May 2021

Compiled Wed. 5 May 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Notification at any time.

Last week there were 2000+ bankers arrested who worked for the Cabal trying to obstruct the RV process. They were taken for trials to military holding prisons around the globe.

On Sat. 1 May the Green Light was given for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) for any time from right now through Sat 15 May.

On Tues. 4 May some bond sellers in Zurich and Europe began to be paid their initial 1% as of about 9 am PST, 12 noon EST (6 pm Zurich time) as confirmed by our Military Intel Contact and another high up source.

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They have been testing electronic handshaking to ensure no funds can be illegally removed from accounts including ours in Tier 4B.

Test payouts followed the conclusion of key talks at the G7 in London on Tues. 4 May at about 5 pm UK time. They have been testing electronic handshaking to ensure no funds can be illegally removed from accounts including ours in Tier 4B.

It was estimated that it may be Wed. or Thurs. by the time the RV monies hit Tier 4B.

On Thurs. 6 May the Redemption Center staff schedule would change to ten hour days.

Tier 4B would be the first to be paid out of the GCRs 27 categories in 209 countries and would receive special currency rates on their exchanges until Sat. 15 May.

Zim Bond redemption could be done until that Sat. 15 May.

On Sun 16 May the General Public Tier 5 would be able to exchange foreign currencies at the new but lower international rates.

The 800# and Safelink Website would be given to several gurus, including Fleming.


Tues. 4 May 2021 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 712-770-4016 pin123456#

On Mon. 3 May there were four different conference calls for Redemption Center staff.

On Thurs. 6 May the Redemption Center staff schedule would change to ten hour days.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2021/05/05/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-may-5-2021/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MilitiaMan  There is plenty of data out from prominent economists...of recent mentioned clearly...that there is...a focus on the matter and that the HCL needs to be sorted and quickly... Digitization will have that taken care of.  A level playing field with the smart technology initiative in mind will set this in motion quite quickly. At least it sure looks that way!!!  All the work to date shows me that they are not stopping...


Emailed to Recaps:

Holly:  We have waited to see something, anything happen that we have been told about. The months and years go on and we don’t and it get harder. But we still believe. We believe there is a plan.

We believe the corruption and evil governments will end their power and control over us. We believe in the alliance and the white hats that they are working on a plan.

Sometimes it hard to keep believing when we do not see any movement. Then we kick into our faith. Our faith is all we have to sustain us in troubled times. Our faith is like a rope to grab hold of.

Without our faith in a higher power we are nothing. Without love, the greatest energy there is we are nothing. Hold on to the ropes of faith and love and let those sustain you when you think you are falling. Together we are stronger and together we will rise. And yes there is a plan, we will see it soon!

Rv News:

1. This RV/GCR not about us and never was.
2. It’s about funding for the world to set all countries free and put them all on a level playing field.
3. We were not meant to be part of this. We were included as more heard about it.
4. A slow rollout is controlled and creates less chaos
5. T4b done may take much longer then being said to complete
6. A slow roll out can catch any thieves in the process
7. Countries will slowly be fed money and prevent collapsing

8. It is all about safety and security.

Things are progressing and more whales are being notified. Plan accordingly if this takes long we then a week or two for T4b to get funded. The roll just may go slower than expected.

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Brace For "Transitory Hyperinflation" Warns BofA, This Is Anything But Transitory As Inflation Soars

May 4, 2021

BofA's Savita Subramanian writes, after the third week of earnings. mentions of “inflation” have now quadrupled YoY; and after last week, mentions have jumped nearly 800% YoY!

 Bank of America explains what this means: "On an absolute basis, [inflation] mentions skyrocketed to near-record highs from 2011, pointing to at the very least, “transitory” hyper-inflation ahead."

Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger were having an investor presentation the other day and Buffet was explaining how they have been facing inflation pressure and have needed to raise prices themselves, the funny thing is, He said no matter how much they raise people are paying, this signifies the rapidly rising prices across every sector is anything but transitory.

The food price inflation is significantly higher that is being explained as the shrinkflation has been intense but can only last so long. This is stunning because this is the first hyperinflation warning from a major Wall Street bank though they suggested we could be facing Weimar style hyperinflation previously, this time wasn't a 'we might' but rather a 'prepare' for hyperinflation which they suggest will only be temporary.

 I can't understand how they could think that and I don't think they do. This is just to soften the blow.


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