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News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 12-7-2022

RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 7 Dec. 2022

Compiled Wed. 7 Dec. 2022 12:01am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: It was a debt-rigged System from the start:

The non-federal Federal Reserve Bank was a privately owned company established in 1913 by US Inc – which was also privately owned by the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and other bankers in the UK.

Since 1913 this Cabal has collected US Taxpayer dollars through their privately owned IRS and sent it to their privately-owned Crown of England in the City of London. After it filled the pockets of the Crown, then the monies traveled on to the privately owned Vatican Bank, which used it again and then sent it to their privately owned Central Banks across the world.

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About a month later the monies were returned to the Cabal’s New York Bank, where US Taxpayers had to borrow on their own monies so they could be charged interest on it, in order to use the monies to pay federal employees and debt of the Cabal’s privately owned US Inc.

Make sense? It did to the Cabal, because that’s how they run their privately-owned money laundering scheme that made even more money for them and funded their criminal activities that made even more money.

Long live the Alliance!!! Restoring the US Republic to a 1776 format of the original Constitution, along with a gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset, would allow the Alliance to change all that and give taxpayer monies across the Globe back where it belongs – for use of The People of the World.

Global Currency Reset:

On Tues. 6 Dec. a small amount of monies was set to be released to some in Tier 3, while a week later on Tues. 13 Dec. Tier 3 could be fully liquid. …a High Up Source.

Redemption Centers should get notified tomorrow Wed. 6 Dec. on their schedules. …Bruce

A German source said we should see the Iraqi Dinar International rate on the Forex after 12:01 am tonight. …Bruce

Tier 4B should be notified to set appointments sometime on Wed. 7 Dec. for exchanges to begin on Thurs. 8 Dec. If we don’t get notified Wed. we should get notified Thurs and begin Thurs. …Bruce

Thurs. 8 Dec. is the date that all monies flow in to where they are supposed to be such as Bond Holders, Bond Sellers, Farm Accounts, CMKX, etc. …Bruce

Sat. 10 Dec. is the Day of Reckoning Gala Event in Texas: could be political, NESARA/GESARA, announcement of Gold Standard, the Brunson Case was in our favor. …Bruce

Tier 4B could be notified of appointment setting at any time from now to Jan. 2023. …Dr. Tom


Tues. 6 Dec. 2022 Bruce The Big Call

Redemption Centers should get notified tomorrow Wed. 6 Dec. on their schedules.

A German source said we should see the Iraqi Dinar International rate on the Forex after 12:01 am tonight.

The Redemption Center Dinar rate will be higher.

Tier 4B should be notified to set appointments sometime on Wed. 7 Dec. for exchanges to begin on Thurs. 8 Dec. If we don’t get notified Wed. we should get notified Thurs and begin Thurs.

Thurs. 8 Dec. is the date that all monies flow in to where they are supposed to be such as Bond Holders, Bond Sellers, Farm Accounts, CMKX, etc.

Sat. 10 Dec. is the Day of Reckoning Gala Event in Texas: could be political, NESARA/GESARA, announcement of Gold Standard, the

In the US there are Redemption Centers with Call Centers in Four Time zones.

Sat. 3 Dec. a major cleanup started in Switzerland and wrapped up within 48 hours. They picked up bankers, traders, etc.

Call Center will route you to correct Redemption Center where you will set your appointment.

Another option is if they don’t directly connect you, they will give you a number to call the Redemption Center

The person you talk to at the Redemption Center will be the person you will be working with during your appointment.

Let them know if you have Zim and what currency you are holding

At appointment arrive no more than 10 min. early – don’t be late or you may not go that day

Show them picture ID and bill with your home address on it

Have your currencies bundled with how much each you have

They will count and verify your currency using a Del-a-Rue Machine

You will have 5-8 min. to present your Humanitarian Project

The total amount you will receive will go into your Quantum Account

You will receive a Quantum Account Access Card made of platinum that will give you access to your Quantum Account.

You will have two passwords to your Quantum Account with Wells Fargo.

The Quantum Account does not gain interest.

You will gain interest in your Primary Account.

You will get credit and debit cards tied to your Primary Account.

You will receive a book filled with names or companies who you are not allowed to give money to. If you give them money your entire accounts will be frozen.

USTN should be at the Redemption Center you can get the USTN in cash at the Redemption Center.

We are not going to be doing branch banking after the RV. You will be working with major bankers.

You are the only one who will know what is in your account.

You need to have an idea of what you need for the first three months and ask for it. They will track what you spend your money on for the first 90 days. After 90 days you will have full access to that Quantum Account.


Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/12/07/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-december-7-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  A change in the exchange rate...you want to see that number [1460] get smaller and smaller as it gets closer to a 1 to 1 rate.  This is a gradual reduction and ladies and gentlemen they're telling you in the article that this has started today...

Frank26  Article:  "The Iraqi Parliament completes the cabinet of the Sudanese government by granting confidence to two ministersARTICLE 140 = HCL,  HCL = ARTICLE 8,  ARTICLE 8 = THE BUDGET = THE MONETARY REFORM = A COMPLETED & SEATED GOV OF IRAQ... THE FOUNDATION OF THE MONETARY REFORM

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