Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 12-20-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 20 Dec. 2023

Compiled Wed. 20 Dec. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Be Prepared: It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand for your family and to share with others.

The Global supply chain now faced severe disruption due to shipping firms diverting away from the Red Sea.

Banks across the Globe were imploding, yet like other pertinent stories, was not being reported by the Mainstream Media. You would think it was time for a Military takeover and switch to the new Star Link Satellite System.

All Intel on the Global Currency Reset indicated that Tier4b would be notified to set appointments by Wed. 20 Dec.

The World will(allegedly)  change over to the new gold/asset-backed Global Financial System on Mon. 1 Jan. 2024. The Deep State Cabal’s Great Reset appeared to be dead in the water after the US Congress rejected it months ago.

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Global Currency Reset:

Mon. 18 Dec. Patriot Rod Steel RV Update: “The IMF has released the funds to all countries. US Banks have LIVE RATES on the bank screen. We expect for this to GO officially by Wed as Iraq’s budget is to be released Wed. 20 Dec. now with 10 days to spend 80% of the money. … (Tier4b will be notified) immediately, or no later than Wed. 20 Dec. We need 10 days to get in there before the first of January (when the General Public goes).” https://youtu.be/jOrKdna_LPI?feature=shared

Mon. 18 Dec. TNT: “All three letter agencies are now saying that it has been released. Our Fed contacts said it was released to the banks late last night Sun. 17 Dec. and that the rate was now live.  No one is sure what the banks are waiting for. Several Regional Bank managers have reported having a live rate on their screen. This could possibly go to the tellers screen after banking hours tonight or in the morning Tues. 19 Dec. It should be totally released by Wed. morning 20 Dec. since Iraq is saying they will release the budget on Wednesday. The RV was scheduled last Fri. 15 Dec. That morning Iraq citizens were told by Sudani that the Dinar rate was going to change in the next couple of days. The US has released it. IMF has released it to each country so when it goes, they can start exchanging.”

Mon. 18 Dec. Wolverine: “I just talked to Marecia. Everything is looking good. We are close to releasing it. We are on the verge of it happening. Take care, guys. I love you. On Sat. 16 Dec. I received a call from a very high source. All I can say is that Christmas is coming and we are going to have a very good Christmas. I had received another call last Sun. 10 Dec. that Zurich went liquid. A lot of things are happening, especially with the Admiral. It started Fri. night 8 Dec. and it’s rolling out. Everything is now in the payment phase through authorized banks. All escrow accounts of the people who will receive have been opened.”

Mon. 18 Dec. MarkZ: A caller asked Markz where he will be “Wednesday when the notifications come out.” MarkZ replied: “Put it this way… because I think there is a great chance of that, I made certain to book a flight with Internet just so I can go Live no matter where, may be choppy but will be there. …..“We are close since Iraq is supposed to start spending the last 80% of their budget on Wed. 20 Dec. and the chatter is very loud right now about fines, interest and penalties and adjudicated settlements getting ready to be paid out possibly on Tues. 19 Dec. I’m getting updates from government sources across the World, plus my bank sources, who all agree that everything has been released and the amount of currency rates have been agreed to and has been shared with various countries. I hear more and more contacts from different nations say that they now have the “GO”. We don’t know the timing. They appear to have been releasing the countries one by one. The IQD is on Forex as a tradable currency.”

Sun. 10 Dec. Frank26: There is no more guessing. The World Bank has just told the whole world Iraq is about to raise the value of its currency. https://dinardetectives.com/frank26-1223/

Recently the IMF and Iraq met regarding Iraq’s new economic reforms that were enacted earlier in 2023. The IMF gave Iraq the green light to allow the markets to determine the Iraqi Dinar exchange rate for international trade beginning 1 Jan. 2024.


Tues. 19 Dec. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (ibize.com)  667-770-1866, pin123456#, 667-770-1865

Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) should be notified late tonight or by 11 am tomorrow Wed. 20 Dec. and could possibly start appointments on that same Wed.

You can get up to $3,000 cash at your appointment.

The Federal US Dollar will no longer be used after Feb. 20 2024.

The plan was to get this done by Christmas.

Zim Holders have priority.

USN has been moved into place at both banks and Redemption Centers.

The new USN will go into ATMs New Years Eve and should be there New Years Day.

The new USN has been traded globally for over two weeks.

The best rates are only available at Redemption Centers, not at the bank.

Read full post here:   https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/12/20/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-december-20-2023/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:  https://www.dinarguru.com/

Nader From The Mid East   The United States have signed off on everything and threw the ball to the IMF.  Now everything is in the hand of the IMF.  The World Bank, Treasury, CBI, all met...This how it's going to go now - As soon as they delete all the dollars from Iraq...things going to change.

Frank26  I like the idea that from the 20th to the 25th isn't that a good time to bring forth a new exchange rate?  Why Because they've only used 20% of their budget all year.  That's insane...What are you waiting for New exchange rate.  You say you're going to use the other 80% from the 20th to the 25th? ...What did you tell the citizens of Iraq is going to happen on the 1st of January 2024?  They can't use any other currency.  What are they going to use? Rocks to buy things withShoot rocks are probably more valuable than the used toilet paper that you got right now...The 20th to 25th is logical, the 1st onward is logical.

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RED SEA CRISIS: Crude Oil and Gas Surge As Major Carriers Halt Shipments

Lena Petrova:  12-19-2023



Greg Mannarino:  12-19-2023


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