Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 11-23-2022

RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 23 Nov. 2022

Compiled Wed. 23 Nov. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Wed. 9 Nov. 2022: FTX Crypto Currency Company caught in criminal money laundering scheme, with implications far larger than anyone can imagine. https://youtu.be/20BEJouWBgY 

On Thurs. 10 Nov. Bitcoin declared bankruptcy after FTX Crypto Currency was caught in a criminal money laundering scheme the day prior on Wed. 9 Nov. 2022.

Fri. 11 Nov. was the Opening Day for the banks Gold-backed assets according to the US Treasury.

On Thurs. 17 Nov. 2022 the BRICS Alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) Portals were activated on the Quantum Financial System.

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In the next three weeks (Thurs. 17 Nov. to Thurs. 7 Dec) 86 countries were set to be under Martial Law. …Charlie Ward

By Saturday night 19 Nov. all remaining US troops had been withdrawn from Iraq, after which the new Iraqi Dinar rate was released – although MarkZ said that the new Dinar Rate wouldn’t be officially released until around Wed. 23 Nov.


Tues. 22 Nov. 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

The Alliance Military Special Forces, led by the US Military, were in the middle of making mass arrests.

Bond Holders were still waiting to be paid and get access to their funds.

Full boxes of Zim Sheet Bonds were being processed by HSBC in Zurich and Wells Fargo in Miami Florida.

The QFS has been tested for a year or so.

The BRICS nations and 14 other countries including Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Germany, now had gold/ asset-backed currencies and were officially part of the Global Currency Reset.

There were over 100 countries that had gold/asset-backed currencies.

The gold-backed USN has been printed and was sitting at the banks.

The fiat US dollar will be going away, perhaps by the end of January 2023.

The new Star Link Satellite System was up and running.

Banks were now saying we will not see this before Thanksgiving, but would right after, perhaps Friday or Saturday 25, 26 Nov.

Top Military Sources were saying it would go before the end of November.

Redemption Centers have been on call since last Saturday 19 Nov.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/11/23/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-november-23-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MarkZ   [via PDK]  Article:  “The house of representatives adjourns its session and decides to hold another closed session tomorrow to discuss preserving Iraq’s sovereignty”   What is the biggest hindrance to their sovereignty right now?  It is their absolute dependence on the US dollar until they revalue their currency…  They will never have true sovereignty until they do not have a US based currency…. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

MarkZ   [via PDK]  This means they need to reinstate their dinar value instead of using US dollars.   This is an open conversation in politics over there right now guys.  We know it is closethe CBI told us it is close… The Iraqi government told us it is close…the UN, IMF and World Bank has told us it is close.   Every agency out there has told us this is close... [post 2 of 2]

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Greg Mannarino:  11-23-2022


Are Central Banks Planning a Gold Revaluation?

Heresy Financial:  11-23-2022

Most of you are probably aware that many central banks all around the world own gold. In fact, since the late 90s, central banks around the world have been net buyers of gold. That wasn't true before that.

Coincidentally, that is also when the gold price bottomed ended that long bear market and began a massive, epic bull-market leading into a bubble in the late 2000s.

But the question comes up why are central banks buying gold? Because we know that they are printing paper money and telling everybody to use their paper money. But on the other hand, they are using that paper money to buy gold for themselves.

So, what are they planning on doing with all this gold that they're buying? And could gold revaluation be a part of this long-term plan?


00:49 Why are Central Banks Buying Gold

00:49 Sponsor: Bullion Card

02:37 E.U. Has Gold Plan with Central Bank

06:46 European Central Banks Equalize Gold Reserves


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