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News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Afternoon 1-8-2020


The Maze:  The RV! The Trump effect...and what we are actually witnessing!

IMO Trump is now playing hardball with Iran, no different than China, N. Korea or Japan. Just different chess pieces being used and taken off the board, and YOU Iran, you're getting out of the way! We now see Trump beginning to take control over other countries in the Middle East and elsewhere. Though it appears they are making the decision for progress themselves.

In reality, Trump's lighting a fire under their a$$'s we just don't see it that way, but we should.

In the same stroke of genius, he sends a message to the entire global leadership. Do NOT mess with the USA. We will finish the wars you start and we will sanction you to your knees! The missiles fired into Iraq tonight by Iran is their way of bowing out, mark my words. Unless they accidentally killed someone, because they did not intend to kill anyone...Trumps next move may surprise you.

China has and will continue to comply to Trumps demands. We now see he has Canada and Mexico under control via HIS deal! Love him or hate him, unless you are living under a rock or have your head buried in the sand. Very quickly, this man is beginning to impact the global economics and governance in a way NO OTHER MAN has ever done! What we do not see, are the chess moves he's making, what chess pieces he's using or even why? However, like the wind that we can't see, it's the effects thereof that we do see...

Chess, what a great game.

Soon we will see a Check Mate on ever country I have mentioned and there's more coming. The world is now a stage for Trump and he will bring this piece of it in for a landing for the people of Iraq, first and foremost.

Hang in there...there is GREAT hope now and the window, is wide open.




The Maze: Anybody that has read things I've said over the years knows I'm always pointing the negativity and calling them out while saying it's NOT going to RV any time soon!

 NOW, I want to share with you why I believe we can start getting excited.

The long and short of it this. If you're uneducated about politics or history your'e not able to see the strategies being played on a global scale and how one thing happening opens another door of power one man can have over his enemy(s). It truly is plain to see once you understand the politics of dancing...


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Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

tman23  I’m more enthusiastic now then ever before, IMO Iran was an issue because the question being was...How can you back the IQD when the assets are always under the threat?  Iran lost their 3 top military leaders and as I posted as told Hadr Ameri was picked up “arrested” by US military...there has been nothing in print yet to confirm but a very good source...so after last night it shows Iran is in a turmoil mess ...SIMPLY PUT, everything is far better in positioning then it was...AND I PUT ZERO STOCK IN MAINTAINING THE 2%...rules change and that one is not engraved in stone.



Samson:  Deputies moved to pressure the government to send the 2020 budget

12:01 - 08/01/2020

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee Thamer Diban, revealed, on Wednesday, a parliamentary move to pressure the government to send the federal budget for the year 2020 to the House of Representatives, indicating that there is an urgent need for ministries and provinces to speed up budget legislation.

Theban said in a statement to "Information", that "the public budget belongs to the general public and the government and its delay by the government will negatively affect the basic needs of citizens."

He added, "The House of Representatives began by pressing the government to send the budget to the Finance Committee and the Presidency of the Council to complete its approval in the upcoming sessions."

Theban said that "keeping the budget in the inclusion of the government is not in the interests of ministries and provinces, because many projects will stop due to the failure to allocate funds to them." 



Samson:  Iraq begins work on two projects within the Chinese agreement

8th January, 2020

The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, said that Iraq started working on two vital projects in the oil and energy sectors within the agreement signed with the Chinese side

Saleh said in a dialogue held in cooperation with the Iraqi Economic and Political Center, that "the agreement entered into force as of the first of October and since the beginning of this year, nearly half a billion dollars has entered the balance of the sovereign account of Iraq with China

He pointed out that this return is the result of "exporting 100 thousand barrels per day" and it will be spent to finance infrastructure projects in Iraq

The financial advisor emphasized that "Iraq started working on two projects within the Chinese agreement, namely; building a project of a thermal power station in northern Baghdad with a capacity of 1400 megawatts and a project for strategic oil storage in southern Iraq

He pointed out that the agreement with China extends for 20 years to rebuild dilapidated infrastructure in Iraq

Saleh added that Iraq is likely to raise its oil exports to China to 300 thousand barrels per day instead of 100 thousand b/d if he sees his interest as necessary   LINK


Samson:  Deputy: Saturday session will witness the inclusion of the Alternative Budgetary Financial Management Law

12:21 - 08/01/2020

Member of the Parliamentary Services Committee Abbas Owaid revealed, on Wednesday, that next Saturday's session will witness the inclusion of the federal civil service and financial management laws, noting that the Financial Management Law for the provinces to spend the money until the federal budget is completed.

"A session on Saturday will hopefully witness the inclusion of a series of federal civil service laws and the amendment of the Financial Management Law," Awaid said in a statement to "The Information."

He added that "there are service and political bills that will be put on the agenda of the upcoming sessions to be completed before going for a legislative holiday," noting that "there is a parliamentary movement to present a draft law to remove all foreign military forces from Iraqi territory."

Awaid pointed out that "the most prominent law that will be discussed is the amendment of the Financial Management Law to continue the governorates with the disbursement of funds until the 2020 budget is approved."     LINK


Patriot Intel Report

PIR 01 08 20

I think the Ukraine aircraft leaving Tehrane airport was shot down  and we are in the end game and these are good things that are happening….the deep state was deeply entrenched in Iran and they are going down.


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