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News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Afternoon 1-20-2021


Tishwash:  Expert: Iraq needs to restructure its economy according to the global context

Economist Fawzi Muhammad Al-Zobaei called for the necessity to restructure the economy in accordance with the global context and reform the business environment represented by procedures and laws and make it an appropriate and attractive environment for private sector activity.

He pointed to the importance of Iraqi economic reform according to modern economic foundations, meaning providing the necessary foundations for its transition from a central economy to a free market economy, as well as encouraging and developing the private sector in a way that ensures the full investment of its resources and diversification of its sources.

He explained that the private sector has a fundamental role in all societies as it is the main pillar of their economy, noting that private sector projects are capable of eliminating unemployment as it will employ the largest possible number of manpower, as this vital sector will solve many files, including the banking sector.  link

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Cutebwoy:  The government is talking about the Baghdad Renaissance project: Basmaya loans without interest over 20 years

Baghdad – Mawazine News

The Council of Ministers decided, on Tuesday, that loans to purchase housing units in investment complexes should be interest-free, while she referred to the Baghdad Renaissance project.

Cabinet spokesman Hassan Nazim said in a press conference attended by Mawazine News that “the Central Bank’s initiative loans committee has been activated,” indicating that “the loans for the purchase of housing units in the investment complexes will be interest-free, at an amount of 75 million dinars, with a repayment period of 20 years.” .

He added, “The Council of Ministers hosted the Mayor of Baghdad for his discussion on the Baghdad Renaissance Project, and Al-Kazemi asked him to develop complete plans for covering the streets and neighborhoods of the capital.”

He pointed out, “The Baghdad Renaissance campaign includes laying 16 million square meters in neighborhoods and shops in the capital.” Ended 29 / h

The government is talking about the Baghdad Renaissance project: Basmaya loans without interest over 20 years


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26 the budget itself is about to come out. Now, if they come out with the budget, it's exposed. It goes into the gazette and everyone will be able to see what the rate is...the exchange rate is not waiting on the budget. The budget is waiting on the exchange rate and now we see the budget ready to be released for the 3rd reading.


MilitiaMan  They want to Track...The Money...And the supplies...And the corruption.  Level playing field...the private sector is what they are talking about...businesses from all over the place.  To get the private sector they need an internationally accepted traded currency.  They have to have article 8 compliance.  They have to raise the value of their currency.  And that is what they are talking about...


Fleming RV Update Late Tuesday /Wednesday

Our military intel contact is confirming Mr. Fleming’s sources, Bruce’s sources, MarkZ’s sources, and other sources saying that we are going through the transition right now to the shotgun liquidity release and the T4B notification emails being released any moment from now till Sat 23 Jan

He is confirming Bruce’s sources that at 4:45 pm EST today Tue 19 Jan, as Trump began his speech, there was a release to start paying out bond holder liquidity from about 5 pm EST onward into bond holder accounts (accessible when we in T4B receive our notification emails, 800#s and Safe Link Website links, to start setting our appointments to exchange / redeem); 

His info is the same as Bruce that paymasters are to be in Reno for the shotgun start no later than tomorrow Wed 20 Jan and bond holders could receive access to 1-2% of their account funds as early as tomorrow Wed 20 Jan or Thu 21 Jan and parallel to them, we in T4B could be started any time between now and Sat 23 Jan; 

As Bruce said we need to be patient and pray-in our T4B start, even though it could start as late as Sat 23 Jan after Trump has activated the EBS, declared (made public) martial law, among other measures

He confirmed that bond holder account recipients were told this afternoon Tue 19 Jan that their bond liquidity was to be released any moment now: e.g., Isaac in Zurich was told by his bank “any moment. . . Be ready. . . . Liquidity is coming any moment now.” So this suggests our T4B notifications and the T1-4A shotgun liquidity start is also any moment now through the coming weekend.(edited)

Our guy appreciates all prayers and wants to remind everyone that as POTUS Trump said, THE BEST IS YET TO COME and he confirmed what others have said (Dr. Charlie Ward, Mike Adams, Benjamin Fulford, et al.) that we can be VERY CONFIDENT THAT THE WHITE HATS, THE GOOD GUYS, ARE WINNING, THOUGH it may LOOK LIKE THE OPPOSITE FOR A FEW DAYS!

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Iraqi Banks Tired of Hoarding Dinar Citizens

Currency365:  Jan 20, 2021


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