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News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday 9-30-2020


Tishwash:  A press report reveals Washington's next step in Iraq: moving the embassy to Erbil ...

A press report reveals Washington's next step in Iraq: moving the embassy to Irbil and running American policy from there

This also means closing or reducing the British and French diplomatic missions

Today, Tuesday, a press report stated that the US government is determined to take irreversible steps in Iraq, through which the administration of US President Donald Trump could change the diplomatic and security reality in this country and impose a new reality through which it deals with Iraqis and Iranians, even if not Trump remains in the White House, the other US president will have to live with this new reality.

A report by Al-Arabiya.net, citing diplomatic sources in the American capital, said that the Americans now consider that Al-Kazemi has failed to use his governmental power to confront the Iranian group, as the Iraqi prime minister controls the intelligence apparatus, the anti-terrorist forces, and the Iraqi army, which are huge, experienced and capable apparatuses. He did not use it to strike the militias that continued to threaten the state and diplomatic missions, especially the US.

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The report added, citing the same sources, that the White House felt in mid-September that things were not moving quickly in the interest of the Iraqi government, nor were there concrete guarantees on the ground or measures to reassure US President Donald Trump, or prevent any serious attack on American diplomats.

And the report continued, the Americans decided, at the end of the third week, to take measures to protect them on the one hand and express their "shaking hands" from dealing with the Iraqis in Baghdad. The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the President of the Iraqi Republic, Barham Salih, and informed him of the US decision, and then he called the Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi.

The two contacts have no effect on the US State Department’s statements, officially, but an official at the US State Department said, “We do not comment on the diplomatic talks that are taking place with leaders of foreign countries,” indicating that the Americans are looking “to continue working with Iraqi partners to ensure the security of our employees and facilities “.

This statement seems to indicate that the Americans wait a little before taking the next step, and relate their next step to the success or failure of Mustafa Al-Kazemi to protect the Americans.

But the scenario of "failure" has huge implications, and includes, according to sources in Washington, the closure of the US embassy in Baghdad and its transfer to the Kurdistan region, and the administration of US policy from Erbil instead of Baghdad. Secretary Pompeo informed the Iraqi President and the Prime Minister of Iraq about this.

This also means closing or reducing the rest of the diplomatic missions in Baghdad, such as the British, French, and others, and civilians heading to the Kurdistan Region, where they are not exposed to any threat.

In addition, according to the report, diplomatic sources confirm that the Americans do not intend to withdraw the military from Iraq. Rather, they will keep Ain al-Assad base, which is a "strategic" base for the Americans, from which they support their forces in northeastern Syria, and they will also keep the Erbil base, and they will have no less than 2500 soldiers in Iraq and advanced weapons through which they can cover large areas of Iraq.

According to diplomats in the American capital, this measure will protect American diplomats and employees from the attacks of the Popular Mobilization Forces, and will pave the way for Americans to attack pro-Iranian militias without concern for the safety of American people or facilities.

The report went on to say, but the fears of supporters of Washington and opponents of Iran in the American capital reach a warning that any American exit from Baghdad means that the United States is taking irreversible steps, and it will be part of the Iraqi reality for many years, and it will impose a new nature for US-Iraqi relations governed by the American presence In the Kurdistan Region, not in Baghdad.  link


FullSail:  Reminder... To Whom It May Concern, please... push the button, flip the switch, turn the handle, pull the cord, connect the cables, turn the knob counter-clockwise, push down the plunger, pull the pin, stomp on the floor switch, turn the screw, send the smoke signal, pull the trigger, light the fuse, cut the cord, press the enter button, press the lever, give the go ahead, approve the release, sign the document, deliver the news, release the Kraken and make it happen, .. Plug It In...Gator Done


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26 & Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick  ...if you take the Financial Law is the law of the Financial Reform...the new exchange rate is in the law...the financial reform...also contains the HCL along with the new rate, along with the new date when the rate will be released.  We have been calling these Financial Reform papers the white papers.

Frank26  ...They [Iraqi people] are finally realizing, 'my goodness gracious, we have a prime minister that is finally helping us.  We have a chance.  They are telling us they are going to change the exchange rate. You can say it's a rumor but it's not a rumor.  They are telling us and we're talking about it everywhere.'  You go have a hookah, hair cuts, we go to the mosque, everywhere we talk about this.'

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Emailed to Recaps:

Fleming:  Our military intel contact said that there is a lot of fear mongering out there in these last hours & a day or so before the shotgun release is currently expected, but he is confirming Mr. Fleming's (multiple independent) sources reporting that the start could take place tomorrow Wed 9/30 or more likely on Thu 10/1, because it is the beginning of the digital USN on the QFS running the new financial system, and because it is the beginning of the new Fiscal Year for the restored Republic.

He is confirming that Iraq and Kurdistan are expecting the RV this week starting overnight Wed morning 9/30.

He also confirmed Mr. Fleming's sources saying:

• There is still a Safe Link Web Site and not to pay attention to those saying not to use the link or web site; look, he said, if you are concerned, just wait for the notification email to come out from Wells Fargo, Chase, or HSBC and FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE EMAIL from one of those three banks as to the 800# and the Safe Link Web Site;(edited)

• When you get to the redemption center appointment, trust that the personnel there will help you through your redemption-exchange and trust that you can ask POLITELY all the questions you have and they will do their best to answer your questions and help;

• He said his info is still that it is a shotgun release (as Dr. Charlie Ward also confirmed recently from his White House and Elder sources—google “inteldinarchronicles 3 Video Updates 9/22 Charlie Ward 'they’ve made a decision now to do EVERYBODY AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME… Shotgun…'”), a shotgun release of T4B notifications going out and all tiers receiving full access to all liquidity at the same time within 72 hours of the start that will be marked by T4B notifications coming out.

• His info is still that the release process will not be T2 on Thu 10/1 and then T3 and T4A next, and then T4B following afterward in a few days, as that would present too many security issues and legally the payouts have to be released and started by paymasters to all tiers within 72 hours of T4B starting--his info has not changed on this.

• His info is that each ZIM holder can still ask for higher contract rates for their project presentation at the 1st Appt and at the 2nd follow-up Appt and they will let you know at the 1st Appt what is possible--if requesting higher rates at a follow-up 2nd Appt is not possible they will explain why at the 1st Appt and accommodate you the best they can.

• His info is still the same as Bruce's and Shelton's that there WILL be a structured payout for ZIM redemption proceeds and that exchange personnel will answer any questions you have about that.

• His info agrees with Bruce's and others that you can bring an addendum to the exchange or a list of people whom you may ask to be exempt from your NDA terms.

• He agreed with other sources that after your exchange and after signing the NDA, you cannot use the words "RV, QFS, GCR, rates, exchange, redemption, currency exchange rates, ZIM, Dinar, Dong, etc" or any other terms related to this exchange-redemption event, because your communication and posts will be monitored by NSA and other agencies.

He said again, he recommends we watch and pray as the start approaches, precisely because this has been a battle between good and evil and the good is triumphing now through this RV release.


Iraqi Dinar News 09/29/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Sep 29, 2020


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