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News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday 7-28-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 28 July 2021

Compiled Wed. 28 July 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The Global Currency Reset Shotgun Start for Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group) could happen at any moment this week according to Fleming’s Military Intel Contact. On Mon. night 27 July they started and stopped the RV because someone tried to hack the email servers. Every evening from now on they would continue to try to start the RV.

Tier 5 the General Public, were set to start on Mon. 2 Aug.

The new rates have been locked in and were said to be extremely high.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2021/07/28/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-july-28-2021/

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy   Article:   "Iraq's foreign money between the anvil of creditors and the hammer of protecting the US Federal Bank".  There are a handful of articles that keep talking about this...we have been holding on to some money for Iraq for a long time.  There have been a lot of creditors trying to get in there but there was an agreement...the United States told everybody else hands off period.  Nobody could come after this money.  All debt is considered settled once they pay these things off.  Why do they keep talking about that?  [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]

Pimpy  I can't help but smile because IMO what I think is going to happen once the troops leave Iraq is gaining their sovereignty, they pay their remaining debt off - they have the money to do it quickly with Kuwait and this other company then they should be debt free.  Then we give them their funds back.  If they get their funds back...does that mean they should reinstate the rate the United Council was talking about which is $3.22?

Pimpy  ...In 2017 what did they [United Council] sayIraq has...done nothing to lose the value of their currency.  It should be reinstated at $3.22...If they indeed used the revenue from oil to destroy 70% of the currency that was in circulation...is it low enough where they can now reinstate once they get their money, their sovereignty, once their debts are paid?  Is it possibleAgain...the United Council said whatThey've done noting to lose the value of their currency.  There's no reason for it not to be reinstated at $3.22...Is it possible they're going to give them their funds back?  Is it possible there's enough in there to cover the $3.22 rate? 


The Nomad Economist: 

We Cannot Have Low Interest Rates and Robust Growth

Central banks should know by now that you cannot have negative interest rates with low bond yields and strong growth. One or the other.

Central banks have chosen low bond yields at any cost, despite all the evidence of stagnation ahead. This creates enormous problems and perverse incentives.


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Ted Butler: Coming Silver Breakout Will be Violent

Palisades Gold Radio:  Jul 28, 2021

Ted discusses the Comex's 'commercials,' composed chiefly of banks and financial institutions which arguably aren't using the futures markets for legitimate reasons. They are speculators and are not legitimate hedgers. They cheat the other traders by sending out false price signals and utilize algorithmic systems to manipulate the rest of the users.

Today, we're down in silver because these commercial interests suppress the price by artificial means to get others to sell. So in every price decline, the commercials manage to be net buyers while everyone else is net selling.

It's like a three-card monte game only with millions and billions at stake. Spoofing is a short-term tool used to suppress prices briefly. The CFTC should instead be concerned by the concentrated size of these short positions.

Ted has received many responses over the years from the government, and usually, they tend to dispute and reject most of his points. They often argue that the concentrated positions don't matter. However, earlier this year, he wrote to his Florida Congressman, who did an excellent job following up with his concerns.

This time they didn't argue and instead passed on the information to the enforcement divisions. The big shorts have been reducing their positions and are now at the lowest levels since 2015.

If banks don't add to these positions, then on the next rally, silver will fly. These big banks have gone through a lot of work to reduce their short positions. As a result, the message may be getting through to the government and these crooks.

The silver squeeze movement has brought much attention to silver, and because silver is still a small market, there will be a lot of room for new investors.

So the sky may be the limit from here. We've been in a tight trading range for silver for some time, which has kept silver demand somewhat at bay. There are few sellers today, even though retail demand is steady. The single best reason to buy silver is due to the manipulation and because it can't stay that way much longer.


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