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News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday 5-20-2020


Wednesday morning UPDATE for May 20, 2020

Iraqi TV is broadcasting that PM Al-Kadhimi has ordered to print new money to pay the citizen's salaries and that Iraq will borrow the funds to cover the deficit in the budget.

A new law will allow them to defer the payment of loans until later.

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  ...I told you al-Kazemi is no joke.  This guy is already going for the rest of his ministry.  The rest of his cabinet to be voted on before...the big holiday which is coming up here real soon.  There is a lot of energy in the dinar community in hopes that the rate will change right on or before this holiday.  I would be really grateful for that...I'm liking this guy a whole lot.  Unlike the other people who drug their feet, man this guy's like look this is it.  We're doing this, we're moving forward...looks like our boy Al-Kazemi is gonna get the rest of his cabinet members in there sometime this week or next week...



Samson:  Wasit went to banks tomorrow to complete the payment of salaries before the Eid

10:22 - 20/05/2020

The local government in Wasit, Wednesday, directed all banks in the governorate on Thursday, and excluding them from vacation.

The governor, Muhammad Al Mayyahi, said in a statement that he had seen / information /, that he directed all banks in the governorate to work on Thursday and exclude them from the holiday.

Al-Mayahi added, "This measure comes for the purpose of completing the payment of employee salaries before the Eid al-Fitr holiday."

It is mentioned that the crisis cell in the governorate decided earlier on Thursday to consider every week an official holiday during the month of Ramadan.  LINK


Samson:  Economist: Iraqi debt has exceeded 132 billion dollars, and any new loan will be under severe conditions

14:22 - 05/20/2020

The economic expert, Saleh Al-Hammash, revealed, on Wednesday, that Iraq’s external and internal debts exceeded 132 billion dollars, indicating that the upcoming loans will be under very harsh terms and benefits for Iraq.

Al-Hamash said in a statement to "Information" that "successive governments in Iraq did not realize the extent of manipulating the capabilities of Iraq and investing the surplus funds from the high oil prices in investment and trade projects that contribute to reviving the economy."

He added that "Iraq is currently negotiating with the donors not to pay the 11 billion dollars due from previous loans, which amounted to 132, in addition to the biggest crisis, which is the payment of salaries."

He Alhmac, said that "talking about the reform of economic measures to revive economic useless because the government Sthml any project economist as soon as the rise in oil prices again," noting that "the next loans will be very harsh conditions and the benefits of great instability in Iraq and the lack of strong credit, as well as high indebtedness He has.”   LINK

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Don961:  A member of the Parliamentary Finance reveals the size of Iraq's debts and is likely not to approve the 2020 budget

Localities 05/20/2020 00:29 1143    'Baghdad today - Baghdad

He confirmed the parliamentary Finance Committee member, Mohammed Darraji, Tuesday (19 May 2020), that Iraq 's debt stood at $ 124 billion, while the likely failure to approve the 2020 budget

and said Darraji during the host in a program the shortest route ()  provided by Dr. Nabil Jassim Al - Sharqiya News, "Iraq’s debts currently amounted to 124 billion dollars, while expenditures in 2019 amounted to approximately 116 trillion dinars," noting that "the debts owed by Iraq include what we are owed by the Kuwait war."

He added that "the previous government erred when it agreed to reduce oil production because it caused great losses," calling on "Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, to take a decisive position on this decision after the appointment of a new oil minister, even if we had to leave the OPEC agreement."

He pointed out that "there are many solutions that must be followed to save the country from the economic crisis it is going through, including preventing speculation with food and not importing products except the necessary things, as well as imposing control on the border ports by the Iraqi government to ensure that unnecessary products are not imported." It is "possible to achieve this by supporting the anti-terror agency because there are large (militias) controlling these outlets."

He continued: "The exchange rate of the currency must be changed, and the direct sale to the citizens should be taken instead of the auction, and external relations must be exploited and worked to improve them," stressing that "it is necessary to review Iraq’s decision on reducing oil, and to return from it regardless of circumstances."

On the budget, Darraji commented: "The circumstances Iraq is going through are difficult, and the possibility of passing the 2020 budget, so far, is not certain."  LINK

Iobey777:  YES! We know! So just DO IT, Iraq!! It’s time!!!


Iraqi Dinar News and Executive order 13303

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  05/20/20


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