Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Morning 8-27-19


Tranquildad:  I am very positive this will happen very soon, but in my opinion, they need to wait until the trade deal with China is signed. Right now their economy is the worst in 30 years and they need to make a deal. If we RV before the deal IMO the US will have less leverage because they will benefit greatly from the RV also. Just my opinion and I may be way off. Like most of us I really need it today.

Alf:  when it comes to economics it's an all inclusive subject. The world and all the countries economies are all tied together they are inseperable that's a fact in todays world.

Tranquildad:  I don't think the trade agreement has anything to do with the RV itself, but holding it up could possibly be used as leverage. Look at all the other things that it has been held up for. Leverage….Timing is everything.

Alf:  everytime we've had a hiccup in the world finance system we've had a delay. the world economic situation I feel plays into this RV as everyone wants to come out on top especially in the GCR.


Tishwash:  Tomorrow, the UN Security Council will hold a session on Iraq

The UN Security Council is to hold a session on Iraq on Tuesday, the UN mission in Iraq said Tuesday.

"The Council will hold a meeting on Iraq tomorrow at 10:00 am New York time (5:00 pm Baghdad time)," the mission said in a statement received by the Council.

"It is expected that the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq (Jenin Hennes-Blachart) briefed shortly after the start of the meeting."

He pointed out that "(Blaskhart) will provide a briefing on developments in Iraq and the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI)."

The session will be broadcast live at http://webtv.un.org/  and simultaneous Arabic translation will be available.

The text of the Special Representative's report will also be posted on www.uniraq.org, www.facebook.com/UnitedNationsIraq and https://twitter.com/UNIraq.    link


Tishwash:  Iraq: GDP rises for first quarter 2019

Iraq's gross domestic product (GDP) has risen for the first half of 2019, the Central Statistical Organization said on Tuesday.

The central bank said in a report seen by the economy news, that "GDP at the current basic prices for the first quarter of 2019 amounted to 60613 billion dinars, or $ 51.3 billion dollars."

He added that `` the GDP for the first half of 2019 rose from the first quarter of 2018 by 8.9% at the current basic prices, while the output of the fourth quarter 2018 decreased by 4%. '' And the construction on the investment budget and in the rates of implementation, which saw a decline due to late approval.

He pointed out that "the activity of the quantity of exported crude oil contributed 44.97% of the gross domestic product at current prices.

He pointed out that "the activity of the general government at current prices ranked second as it contributed by 16.52% and the activity of transport, communications and storage ranked third with a contribution of 10.49%   link


Harambe:  CNBC: China's central bank could be trying to shore up the yuan (8/27/19) https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/27/china-economy-pboc-could-be-trying-to-shore-up-the-yuan-rmb.html?

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Dinar Investor - Jeff :  ..."delete the zeros" is just that.  It's when they use smaller notes to replace lager notes and is a devaluation unless the rate is increased. 

On March 20th Iraq already came out and told you they're going to increase the exchange rate of the Iraq dinar.  So you have smaller notes coming out to replace larger notes within the country of Iraq along with an increased exchange rate.  Boom there it is cut and dry...

Back around 2012 the CBI already came out and said the two different currencies will coexist together within the country of Iraq. 

 That means a 25k note will have its own unique rate and a 25 note will have its own unique rate...we're good...



Samson:  Taliban: America agreed to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan and an imminent agreement with them

2019/8/27 8:39 

The international "Taliban" Afghan, said it was about to sign an agreement with the United States on the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

The spokesman for the political office of the "Taliban" Suhail Shahin, "Washington has agreed to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan and resolve the Afghan issue peacefully," a condition that was "the Taliban" in order to sit at the table with the Afghan government.  Shaheen did not give details on a specific timetable for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, nor was it possible to get comment on the subject from the United States.

Asked whether the Taliban would sit down with the Afghan government once peace talks with US officials were completed, Shahin said: "Of course we will talk to all Afghan parties, including the Afghan administration, but it will be a party, not a government." 

On Thursday, the ninth round of US-Taliban talks resumed in Doha as part of efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Afghanistan.  The Taliban have been in peace talks with the United States for nearly a year, but have refused to recognize or negotiate with the Afghan government. But the Taliban said they would call on all other Afghan groups to become part of the government after a peace deal with Washington.    LINK


Samson:    Trump commenting on "climate change": I will not endanger American wealth

2019/8/26 19:52

US President Donald Trump, in response to a question on climate change, said on Monday that US wealth was based on energy and would not endanger it for dreams and windmills.

"I feel that the United States has tremendous wealth. The wealth is under its feet. It has brought this wealth to life ... We are now the world's number one energy producer, and soon it will be further."  "I will not lose this wealth, nor will I lose it because of dreams and windmills that don't work frankly well."  He said he was environmentally friendly and defended the cleanest air and water on Earth. 

The G7 summit kicked off in the southwestern French town of Biarritz on Saturday with the participation of heads of state and government of France, the United States, Britain, Germany, Canada, Italy and Japan, as well as heads of state and government of a number of countries.

The group's leaders discussed, over three days, a number of issues, including the Iranian nuclear file, trade war, Brexit, the Ukrainian crisis, security in the African coast, the situation in Syria, digital technology, climate issues and gender equality. A new topic recently put on the table is the fires in the Amazon jungle and how to fight them.   LINK

Operation Disclosure


(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

Central Banks are admitting defeat as signs of a New (Gold-Backed) Financial System are coming into light.


President Trump is stepping up attacks on the Federal Reserve to prepare the American public for the return to the gold standard.

Melania Trump's gold dress featuring hibiscus flowers signifies the "Perfect Storm" and the upcoming return to the gold standard.


The Federal Reserve's Jackson Hole meeting and the G7 Summit are timely as the main topic is the global economy.

France's President Macron agreed to scrap their national tax once an international tax agreement is reached.

All countries will transition to an international tax which is part of the GESARA agenda.

The situation in Hong Kong will trigger a global movement to reject Communism.

Meanwhile, sources still expect the RV to begin before the US Dollar crashes which will trigger the return to the gold standard.


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