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News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Morning 2-25-2020


Tishwash:  Muhammad Allawi reveals a plan to thwart the government pass by making the vote secret

Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi revealed that there is a plan to thwart the government's passage by making the vote secret.

He said in a tweet: "I have heard that there is a plan to thwart the passing of the government because of the inability to continue theft because the ministries will be run by independent and impartial ministers."

Allawi added: This scheme consists of paying exorbitant sums to deputies and making the vote secret. He expressed his hope that this information would be incorrect.

A vote on the new cabinet  is scheduled for Thursday.  link

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   ...It looks like Iraq is very serious about being a world power.  They're using 'vehicles' to bring money in and out of Iraq in large amounts IMO from many other countries...they're jockeying for position.  The race is about to start.  This will cause the economy of Iraq to explode.  This is huge...Gold was the first to move to the CBI IMO from many parts of the world last month and now we're seeing IMO large amounts of money that has a safe manner in which to enter and exit Iraq...Iraq is playing with the big boys they just got to announce it now...

Vital Brad   It appears like Iraq might do exactly what Kuwait did.  In 1991 they revalued their currency after their war on...March 24th 1991.  If Iraq is gonna do this they're following in the footsteps of Kuwait IMO...They [Iraq] still owe Kuwait some money but they've already told us that to pay Kuwait that's gonna be in the 2020 budget.  There are certain things in the 2020 budget that appear need to happen - that can't happen until there's a new rate.  It looks like in Iraq everything right now is on standby until the reinstatement...come Monday they get their government set and then guys we're coming up on March.  This was the same time 30 years ago just about that Kuwait revalued their currency...



Monday Night CC  2-24-2020

Playback Number: 605-313-5163  156996#



Don961:  Iraq recovers $ 2 billion in "corruption funds" without disclosing the corrupt

Tuesday - Rajab 2, 1441 AH - February 25, 2020 AD issue number [15064]

Walid Khadduri

Iraqi writer specializing in energy affairs

The Iraqi Integrity Commission announced in its 2019 annual report that “public funds that have been recovered or that judicial rulings have been issued to refund them, and that prevented and stopped its waste and that have been returned to the public treasury account, totaled two trillion eight hundred and forty eight billion, one hundred and fifty three thousand eight hundred and ninety two ( 2.848.153.892) Iraqi dinars, or the equivalent of two billion dollars (the US dollar equals one thousand and one hundred dinars).

The commission also indicated in its report that during 2019 it worked on 239 judicial decisions in absentia “to extradite the convicted fugitives and accused who are wanted by the judiciary. It has opened 109 files for handing over fleeing accused and convicted persons, for proof of their departure from Iraq; including 3 ministers and those of their rank, and 5 with special degrees and general managers. 

While working on 210 files to recover the stolen money; 5 of them are related to ministers and their ranks, and 52 files are for people with special degrees and general managers. The value of the money recovered in the following currencies amounted to about one billion dollars, 12 million euros, two million pounds sterling, 794 billion Iraqi dinars, 721 thousand Jordanian dinars, and 4 thousand Swiss francs.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Integrity Commission is an Iraqi federal government institution, but does not survey the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. It is unfortunate that the annual report, despite its many numbers, does not mention the names of persons convicted by the courts or those fleeing and prosecuted, especially since the religious parties with their multiple names are the same ones that govern Iraq during the past two decades, which means that the leaders and leaders themselves of these parties take turns Authority throughout this period. 

Hence, public opinion must formally know who has been condemned or pursued by the judiciary in order not to continue to plunder the country's funds without public deterrence. It is known that the popular movement in both Iraq and Lebanon, the two Arab countries under Iranian influence, are demonstrating throughout the country from the beginning of the fall to the present, in order to sue the corrupt people and recover the looted money to compensate citizens for the massive financial and economic losses inflicted on the country.

Information from Iraq indicates that there are huge money estimated at billions of dollars transferred annually to Iran; either through Iraqi banks that participate in some of their boards of Iraqi and Iranian bankers, or through the daily currency auction of the central bank, or by dumping Iraqi markets with consumer goods Iranian.

 Iraq, for example, pays very high and non-commercial prices for some goods imported from Iran. The price of Iranian gas exported to Iraq is worth $ 11 million million British thermal units, while the price of gas exported regionally in the Middle East is about $ 6 per million British units.

Corruption is common in Iraq, which has a population of about 30 million people, and the annual financial revenue ranges from oil exports (which exceed 3 million barrels per day of crude oil, and the second place between the exports of "OPEC"), between 70 and 80 billion dollars.

 However, due to the huge amount of corruption and mismanagement of the state, and according to the information of international institutions, the Iraqi people suffer from the following: 3.5 million Iraqi immigrants abroad, 4.2 million Iraqi refugees inside the country, 1.7 million of the population live in camps inside Iraq, 5.5 million orphans, one million An Iraqi woman is a widow, 6 million Iraqis are illiterate (not able to read or write), and the unemployment rate is about 31 percent, and there are about 35 percent of Iraqis below the poverty line. An estimated 6 percent of Iraqis use drugs.

- Iraqi writer specializing in energy affairs  LINK

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Keiser Report: QE, Not QE and Pandemic, Not Pandemic (Ep1506)

Feb 25, 2020

In this episode of Keiser Report from Mexico City, Max and Stacy discuss the fact that the coronavirus proves that the global economy died in 2008 and has been embalmed in ever-increasing quantities of freshly printed money.

The fact that commerce, trade, and economic activity can collapse while markets continue the relentless march higher shows there is no correlation between the two.

In the second half, Max interviews podcaster Peter McCormack of What Bitcoin Did and now also Defiance. They discuss Peter’s journey to Venezuela where he traveled to see for himself whether or not bitcoin can solve any of their problems.


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