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News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Morning 2-11-2020


Tishwash:  Deutsche Bank arranges first IDR Sustainable Development Notes

Investors with ESG mandates are rallying to support development banks with clear strategic priorities linked to Sustainable Development Goals

DEUTSCHE Bank AG announced February 10 that it has successfully launched the first Sustainable Development Note in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) for issuer Inter-American Development Bank (IDB or IADB), rated Aaa/AAA (Moody’s/S&P).

IDB raised the equivalent of US$100 million by pricing the Sustainable Development Notes denominated in IDR, with a three-year maturity and an annual coupon of 5.50%.

Proceeds of the Sustainable Development Notes will support IDB’s strategic priorities to reduce poverty and inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean by promoting economic and social development in a sustainable, climate friendly way. Each strategic priority of IDB aligns to at least one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This is the first time Deutsche Bank has priced Sustainable Development Notes in an Asian local currency.

Deutsche Bank’s head of Asia Local Markets Trading and Solutions, Ashok Das says: “The offer was very well received by real money investors in the US, Europe and Asia-Pacific where there is continued demand for investments in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) theme.”

“Investors with ESG mandates are rallying to support development banks with clear strategic priorities linked to Sustainable Development Goals,” Das adds. “With demand strong and attractive pricing terms, it’s a good time for development banks to finance.”

The Notes support the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals linked to IDB’s mission which focuses on three challenges involving social inclusion and equality (SDGs 1,2,3,4,6, 10), productivity and innovation (SDGs 4, 7, 8, 9) and economic integration (SDGs 8,9,17).  link

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Tishwash:  Sadr "loses" another round .. and Nasserism is preparing to announce the "Charter of the Revolution"

Against the backdrop of the violence that affected the demonstrators since the beginning of February, and which accuses the Sadrist movement leader and his supporters of responsibility for most of them, Muqtada al-Sadr’s popularity has declined , while the movement is trying to restore it after the harsh blow to the reputation of the cleric who issues himself as an advocate of protests and a peace advocate .

The "Al-Khaima" meeting on Friday night, February 7, between a group of demonstrators and the representative of al-Sadr (Abu Doaa al-Issawi), which paved the way for the announcement of al-Sadr, what was known as the "reform revolution charter", sparked a wave of controversy and rejection among the demonstrators.  

Activist in the Baghdad demonstrations, Haider Falih, told "Ultra Iraq", "The meeting that was held with the representative of Al-Sadr, the results of which do not represent the demonstration arenas, because they want to cover up the attacks on the demonstrators in Baghdad, Babel, Karbala, and Najaf."

He added, "The denunciation of Marjaiya for these attacks prompted Al-Sadr to withdraw the blue hats owners from the pretending arenas," stressing that the "Charter that was announced does not apply to us but to his followers and supporters."

For his part, Abbas Abd, a protester from Sadr City, sees in Tahrir Square the necessity of "adherence to the provisions of the Charter that Sadr announced recently, as it aims to perpetuate the revolution and victory for the sacrifices of youth and reform."

Abbas told "Ultra Iraq" that "Sadr is paying his defense tax for peaceful demonstrators, through an attack launched by the electronic armies of the corrupt parties, which will be harmed by the reform and the success of the revolution."

On the other hand, the activist in Basra Governorate, Hazem Bahloul, told "Ultra Iraq", that "the awareness of the youth was created by the unfortunate events that the country went through, and therefore cannot be driven by force, or the free voices are silenced by tweeting, or demonizing the media with paid and external funding."

He added, "The refusal to obey the directions of Al-Sadr, who turned against the demonstrators, after he included the position of prime minister, constituted a strong blow for the bettors to break up the demonstrations, even using force, in order to complete the power-sharing project." 

And Bahloul said, "The charter recently announced by Sadr, or the results of the meeting held in Tahrir Square, with his representative, do not represent us in Basra Governorate," stressing that "dozens of victims have fallen due to the violence practiced by blue hats owners against demonstrators, the depth of the dispute between Al-Sadr and his followers on the one hand and the street on the other hand.

Sadr, who has been in Iran for several months, posted a tweet on Saturday, February 8th, consisting of 15 points, which he dubbed the "Reform Revolution Charter". And the most prominent points mentioned by Al-Sadr stipulated the withdrawal of the "blue hats" and the handing over of the file of demonstrators' protection to the security forces.

"These moves represent a retreat in the positions of Sadr, through whom he tried to abort the demonstrations by force, but he realized that he was unable to do so as a result of the continuing momentum of the protests despite the violence and killing that he practiced against them," political analyst Mahmoud Rostom said in a press interview.

Rustam notes that "Al-Sadr was forced to retreat from his hard-line stances towards the protests after the harsh criticism of the Supreme Shia cleric, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani."

On Friday, religious authority Ali al-Sistani condemned the violence that claimed the lives of protesters in the southern city of Najaf, and said that any new Iraqi government should gain the trust and support of the people.

While the protester in Al-Haboubi Square, in the center of Nasiriyah, the center of Dhi Qar Governorate, Hussein Abdul Amir, believes that Sadr's continuous attempts to dominate the protest squares "have completely failed, and everyone has become with a high level of awareness and awareness of what Sadr wants, in cooperation with the corrupt parties."

Abdul Amir says to "Ultra Iraq", that "Al-Sadr leads a strict religious movement and is not a democratic movement, therefore imposing wills, and demonizing demonstrations by him, is rejected," stressing that "there is a charter that will be issued by signing all the protest arenas in Iraq, in response to the charter that Declared by al-Sadr. "

The activist stressed, "The breaking of the sit-ins is only possible by achieving the demands for which the demonstrators came out and gave them blood," explaining that among those demands "accountability of the killers of the demonstrators, including the leader of the Sadrist movement and his supporters, and the holding of early parliamentary elections, according to a new law on the scale of The country, the revolution, and the new generation, not the sizes of political parties and blocs. "  ink


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  Question [Have (Guru) Walkingstick's banks received instruction on which day to distribute the new small category notes?]  IMO...Oh yeah! ...I have told you it's a schedule and the authority to launch that date has to come from the CBI.  So do they have the date?  I don't know.  I know they have time-frames...

Frank26   Question [Once this happens  - Please explain the strategy of putting money into the Iraqi satellite banks here in the United States versus a U.S. non-satellite bank.]  ...I think it depends on how many dinars you have.  I think that's the best answer I can give you on this question...If I go to an American bank and I say here's a million dinars and we converted into a million American dollars and it stays in that bank I pay the taxes on that capital gain right there.  And then I go to one of the [CBI] satellite banks like one up in Dearborn Michigan maybe and there I could say to the satellite Dearborn bank let me convert half a million into American dollars.  I'll leave it here or transfer it to my American bank...do you want to pay taxes now?  Then just go to an American bank.  If you don't want to pay tax on everything and let's say you want to cash in half a million of your dinar and convert them into American dollars.  You pay taxes on it now and the other half a million I want to leave them in dinars.  So you leave it in the satellite bank because they'll stay that way...this is all in my opinion.  You have to make your own decisions...[Speak with your financial adviser and tax professional at the appropriate time.]

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Repo Market News! Worse Than You're Being Told (Getting Bizarre)

George Gammon: 2-11-2020

Repo market is the story where YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE FACTS

It's telling us something is VERY wrong with the system. The repo market used to function easily with 10 billion in excess reserves, now it requires over 1.5 trillion? Something must be very wrong.

Up until now you've been told the issues in the repo market have to do with a bank bail out, taxes and regulations, or bad collateral but there could be much more to the story.

The entire repo market disaster could have been caused by the treasury department! That's right. The treasury department has a reserve account with the Fed called the TGA or Treasury General Account, and its roll has changed wildly since the GFC.

Some experts are saying the treasury is no responsible for the majority of the cash going into the repo market. If they want to boost the stock market they can through injecting more liquidity into the repo market for hedge funds to use to buy stocks.

If you're interested in the repo market or the future of the economy THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU! In this repo market video I'll discuss:

1. How the Feds deal with the treasury, called the SFP changed the repo market forever.

2. How the treasury can now control the amount of reserves used for the repo market.

3. How the the treasury has now weaponized the TGA and the repo market.


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