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News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 8-30-2022

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 30 Aug. 2022

Compiled Tues. 30 Aug. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Mon. 29 Aug. Globalists appeared to have tried to prevent the Global Currency Reset by starting a war in the Kingpin of the GCR, Iraq.

The Kingpin of the GCR, Iraq, broke out in War on Mon. 29 Aug. The American Embassy was evacuated and airport closed. News and communication has been cut off from Iraq.

Iraq invasion, gunfire in Baghdad: US Embassy Officials Evacuating From The Roof Via Helo In Baghdad!! (videos) 

Iraq: Clashes between Shiite militias and security forces and rival militias occurred throughout the day in the Green Zone in Baghdad. So far today, more than 15 people have been killed. Baghdad airport suspends all flights.

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A High Up Source felt that the GCR / RV could occur any time between now and mid Oct.. The “hold up” was more military logistics and underground tunnel resistance – that was in the process of being aggressively finished.

Tues. 16 Aug. Coach Jerry: “Be encouraged dear community, our time will come. If we could figure out the precise timing, then the evil opposition could also figure it out. And I have a sneaking suspicion that the Worldwide Alliance has designed this entire “movie” such that no one, outside the good military, is quite able to figure it out.”

Mon. 29 Aug. MarkZ: “Bluwolf was looking for the next two days…and that is certainly the chatter going around. I am hearing very positive things, especially from groups. I am not going to share specific timing because I don’t know it, but their goal is for it to happen over the next few days. The US appears to be ready. Many of the groups had representatives working all weekend making sure the i’s were dotted and t’s were crossed. Everything was updated for their group members. I was told we will have 10 days to set appointments and then 30 days that we can exchange.” https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/coffee-with-markz-monday-morning-chat-8-29-2022

Sun. 28 Aug. Bluwolf: “According to the Pentagon, we are minute by minute in this aiming to receive the 800 at any moment. This blessing is about to begin. Getting the arks of change ready for Monday to Tuesday of this week. Others are also informing them the same thing I had already warned them and that’s confirmation. Be prepared with documents in hand. All changes will be made by HSBC or WF. You need two forms of ID with photos, two forms that identify your residence, birth certificate. Need an area code of the state y’all want to switch to. I understand Zimbabwe will be changed like this without any zeros elimination. I understand it will be based on 1-1 USTN. Reno already has money in coffers. The codes are activated, just a sequence is missing that would start everything: Prosperity Packages, private placements, GCR, St. Germain Trust (everything that is going to emerge comes out of this trust period). This Trust will take over 400 years to be distributed in the GCR, the RV of all 209 countries. https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/bluwolf-the-times-of-victory-are-approaching-now-8-28-2022

Fri. 26 Aug. MarkZ: “Our markets have gone into freefall. This was setting up nicely for a need to reset our currency. I am guessing within a week after the reset we will transition into a flat tax. How long it will take for prices to adjust may be a different story.”

The Banks will be undergoing a transition. Cash will not be readily available for a period of a few days. This will start as soon as we begin the announcement period probably 12 hours after everyone wakes up. The change is global, not just in America with its fifty States. Every country on every continent will undergo a form of change. That is an enormous proposition, and one that has required this time to prepare and set in motion.

We will have about 10 days to exchange or redeem our currencies and bonds (Zim) for the special rates. …White Hat Intel

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/08/30/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-august-30-2022/


Zimbabwean Dollar Bounces Back After the Introduction of Gold Coins

Monday, 29 August 2022, 21:27 PM

Zimbabwean Dollar bounces back, after the introduction of gold coins worth $1,800 each.

Inflation made people exchange it for US Dollars, which made it lose value.

Over 4,475 gold coins have been sold, boosting the value of the Zimbabwean Dollar.

More will be issued.




Currency 365:

Many false statements coming out of Iraq right now as complete chaos has taken over....... We watch & Wait... FOR AS THINGS SEEM AT THEIR WORST I SHALL SET THE PEOPLE FREE!!!!


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Militiaman   Article: "Waste and smuggling" ...the central bank sells Iraq instead of the dollar"  Looks like the CBI has been sorted from within now... With the new Digital System they have been apparently able to get the corrupt sorted out. Stopping the AUCTIONS was to be expected. I have a strong feeling things are very much so in our favor...  Working to sell Iraq, as in IQD?  We shall see.   Stopping the Multi Currency PracticeAgain we shall see!

Fleming   ...As soon as they get their parliament announced then they will be able to go directly to Forex within a few days & post the international rate on the Forex...

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ALERT! Silver Will Save You as the Banks Collapse in SEPTEMBER 2022...Where's your CASH?! (Bix Weir)


There's no time left to "get your affairs in order!" As European banks fail there will be a maximum 2 weeks left to get your money OUT of ALL USA BANKS!

You should be on the sidelines watching the SHOW!!



Greg Mannarino:  8-29-2022


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