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News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 2-14-2023

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 14 Feb. 2023

Compiled Tues. 14 Feb. 2023 12:01am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: According to JFK Jr, right now we were in the Ten Days of Disclosure – that ended on Tues. 21 Feb.

A Market Crash was expected on Valentine’s Day Tues. 14 Feb.

Meanwhile, the Global Alliance was continuing Mass Arrests and Tribunals while turning on the Green Light for the Global Currency Reset that would implement NESARA/ GESARA Laws and give the Global Financial System back to The People.

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Global Currency Reset:

Mon. 13 Feb. MarkZ: “I think a lot of folks are going to have money in their pockets this week. I’m looking for a lot of activity starting around mid week, according to what I heard this weekend. ….Over the weekend we did see some interesting things. There is a big difference between the official CBI Rate, Forex Rate and Market Rates in the region.  Anywhere from 500 + dinars to $1 to the official 1300. The dollar purchases are down 62% as of today…..It appears that the rate change is starting to work. What they are wanting to do is keep Dinar in the hands of the citizens instead of US dollars. Then when there is a reinstatement the people will benefit from it.”

Member: “Robert Kiyasaki says the markets will crash tomorrow…..he calls it the “St. Valentines Day massacre”   MZ: “He is not the only one saying this…..I also hear there will be key information dropping tomorrow Tues. 12 Feb. If you like history and charts, you would be in the Robert Kyosaki group right now. Tomorrow just may be the day the crash starts. Most Economists believe the economy will just implode.”

Mon. 13 Feb. Militiaman: Iraq was on the “Black List”, then it was moved to a “Grey List” and then just yesterday/day before they were moved from that “grey list” by the European Union to the “White Area”…at the same time there was things going on in Washington DC.

Mon. 13 Feb. Dan Bongino Q17: A breaking report from a former Blackrock employee said that the global fiat currencies are about to fail! If this collapse is imminent, it just means one thing from my perspective. The RV is right around the corner. RV stands for the Re-Valuation of the current currencies. This is the birthing of a new financial system on the horizon.  The new currency will be backed by gold. No more inflations and no more making money from thin air. I can’t wait for this to happen. What an exciting time to be living in.

American Patriot USUSUS: RV and the Redemption Funds.

ALL Exchanged Currencies and Zim Redemption funds will be placed in the accounts they set up in the Quantum Financial System.

Absolutely none of these funds will be placed in a Bank at the redemption appointment. Bank computers cannot be programmed to transfer Digital Gold Certificates.

The QFS can and will transplant funds into a bank account so a person can transfer funds to their own bank account but the desirability will become less and less as the banks go into receivership and their customer’s deposits are confiscated to avoid the Bank’s demise.

What bank can compete with the QFS when the QFS is free, secure, private, and stable?

What We Think We Know as of Mon. 13 Feb. 2023

Button Pushed, Green Light Given for the Global Currency Reset. New gold/asset-backed currencies trading on bank back screens. All Tiers looking to be liquid next week.

Possible Schedule of Events:

Tues. 14 Feb: St. Valentine’s Day Massacre Market Crash

Mon. 20 Feb: all Tiers begin to be liquid.

Tues. 21 Feb. end of Ten Days of Disclosure

Fri. 24 Feb: NESARA Law active.

The Real News for Mon. 13 Feb. 2023:

Bank Bail Ins Facts: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/02/12/gcr-rtn-bank-bail-ins-facts-you-need-to-know-now/

The Real Reason They Killed Saddam:

The US launched its “shock and awe” attack on Bagdad in 2003 despite worldwide protests against it. Countless undocumented stories of Saddam’s atrocities and lies about his WMD’s were used as justification.

Follow the money. What was the financial benefit for the illegal invasion? Saddam Hussein decided to sell Iraqi oil using the EU currency, not the US dollar which would have weakened the US dollar and undermined the US economy. That is the unpublicized reason for the brutal elimination of Saddam Hussein. The theft and control of Iraqi oil also played a large role.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/02/14/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-february-14-2023/ 


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Nader From The Mid East   I still believe the budget have nothing to do do with the rate.  The economy have to do with the rate.  The private sector has to do with the rate.  But the budget have nothing to do with the rate.  The budget is for the country.  It's not for outside the country.

Mnt Goat  Article:  "MEMBER OF PARLIAMENTARY ENERGY: A “SEMI-OFFICIAL” AGREEMENT ON THE OIL AND GAS LAW"   As I stated many times already the new 2005 Iraqi constitution states that there shall be a referendum passed in parliament on instituting the conditions of the constitution to manage the oil and gas. This is called now the oil and gas law. Seems anytime we get news of a rate change, this law pops up in the news. Why? I was told way back in 2011 that this law is necessary to...reinstate the dinar as are all the provisions in the constitution must first be met, including this one. Funny how it always comes up when they are getting ready to reinstate the dinar.

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IRAQ -Key Players are all working for Reform Activation

MilitiaMan and Crew:   2-14-2023


The Dollar-Yuan Currency War: Everyone’s Getting This Wrong!

Sean Foo:  2-14-2023

China is actively de-dollarizing, but does that mean they are after the world reserve currency status? We have bold claims from Dr Doom, Nouriel Roubini, that the world will see a bipolar currency system where it will be the dollar vs the yuan. However, is this true and does it even make sense for China to fight with the US to be the world reserve currency? Here's what you must know!

Timestamps & Chapters:

0:00 A New Reserve Currency?

1:33 Fiat Currencies Are Doomed

 3:43 Stealing Market Share

6:07 The Reserve Currency Curse

8:26 China's Real Agenda

10:46 China's De-Dollarization Moves

 13:22 How About A Gold-Backed Yuan?


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