Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 10-1-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 1 Oct. 2024

Compiled Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 TNT : “On Friday I was told this would happen Mon/Tues. People in Kurdistan are being told they have a new rate tomorrow Tues. 1 Oct. Banks are currently in meetings at this moment. Brought Feds in last night. All waiting on the go. It’s done. All three letter agencies said their portions are done and expecting it tomorrow morning Tues. 1 Oct. Kurds are always ahead of Lebanon and Kurds got paid yesterday Sun. 29 Sept. It’s the end of the Quarter.

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Global Financial Crisis:

Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 SITREP: East Coast Port Strikes

The port strike, involves dockworkers from the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), is set to commence at midnight  MONDAYNIGHT, affecting ports across the East and Gulf coasts of the United States.

Scale and Impact: Approximately 45,000 dockworkers are expected to go on strike. This could potentially shut down 36 ports which handle roughly half of the goods shipped into and out of the U.S.

This strike could lead to significant disruptions in the supply chain, potentially causing delays and price increases for a wide range of goods from automotive parts, electronics, to food items like fruits, coffee, and even holiday goods.

Economic Impact: Some sources suggest losses could reach up to $4.5 billion daily if the strike continues.

Why are they Striking?: The ILA is demanding a substantial wage increase, reported to be around 77% over six years, and stricter controls or bans on automation in port operations. This automation, which includes cranes and container-moving technologies, is at the heart of the dispute, with workers fearing job losses.

Preparation: Many businesses have shifting shipments to West Coast ports or preparing for extended supply chain disruptions. I encourage everyone to stock up on essentials. Today… don’t panic.. but just get what you need.


Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 Red Oct. 1 Starting Gun Julian Assange on Telegram

Are we ready for what is about to commence? October 1st, we are about 24 hrs away from the starting gun. The course of history will change our lives forever. Everything is not going to be roses for everyone starting off, but it will even itself out, and the corrections will be noticed where it was needed for decades.

Banking systems have long been benefiting the wealthy at the expense of average citizens, contributing to economic inequality. High fees, limited access to credit for the underserved, and a lack of transparency have been major concerns. A shift towards decentralized financial systems will allow individuals more direct control over their finances, cutting out intermediaries like banks. Reforms will focus on ensuring underserved communities have access to banking services, credit, and investment opportunities traditionally out of reach.

Tomorrow, LIBOR is slated to be replaced by SOFR, marking a significant change in financial benchmarks. America will potentially start the new fiscal year under a gold-backed US Note, phasing out the current fiat USD over time. Because we are going back to a real value-based economy. And Basel 3 will be the standard way to accomplish this for all financial institutions.

Banks are now required to maintain higher capital reserves, meaning they must hold more secure assets relative to their liabilities. This leads to a stronger, more stable banking system, reducing the chances of another financial collapse. For the real estate industry, this means more responsible lending practices. Developers, homebuyers, and investors can be more confident that their loans are being issued by stable financial institutions with better safeguards.

Which is why I constantly tell you all to only do business with Basel 3 banks. I never said all banks are evil or that we should avoid them and start bartering. I’ve always stated Basel 3 is the way to go. So if a bank goes under, it’s more than likely because they weren’t compliant with the new Basel protocol.

We are entering a new phase of our lives. This point in history marks the official start of the long-awaited changes we desperately needed. We are at the doorstep, ready to step into this future with confidence that everything will work out to our benefit in both the short and long term. These changes will be welcomed by everyone who has long sought a new way of doing things.

So understand this: we will never be the same after this. Nothing will. We deserve to live in a world where we are not solely focused on survival—a low vibrational way of living that feeds the very system we want to escape. We’ve been corrupted by this system, putting profits above fairness, equality, and even God and humanity. All of this will begin its realignment back to God just hours from now.

Hope you all are ready. Things will speed up, and we should have a very big October.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/10/01/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-october-1-2024/

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru:  https://www.dinarguru.com/

Harlequinc3  [Response to Guru Clare's Article post below] This guy’s only got 1/2 the picture...CBI won’t just remove 3 0s without adjusting the nominal exchange rate and then adding purchasing power to the dinar — a rate change to you and me, we might call it an RV, though their end game is reinstatement...This guy is just referring to swapping out currency for Iraqis only. He’s not taking into account what happens to the dinar internationally...To an Iraqi, removing 3 0’s is just taking old dinar out of circulation and replacing it with smaller bills/digital payments. That’s why this guy is talking about a partial peg. The CBI is talking about a pure float. He’s only looking at half the process. This article is addressed to Iraqis only. IMO of course.

Clare  Article:  "What would happen to the Iraqi dinar if the zeros were removed? Comment by Dr. Mahmoud Dagher"  Quote: "Economist Mahmoud Dagher pointed out that deleting zeros will not change...the purchasing power of the dinar...Instead of carrying a bundle of 50,000 dinar notes, it will be possible to compress them into a smaller number of notes after removing the zeros, and this will not change their purchasing power.

9-30-2024   Intel Guru Frank26   They're giving them a date of when they're going to stop the auctions, the window.  Now they tell them we're lifting three zeros, you're getting purchasing power.  They tell them you're getting the HCL.  Then they go a step further and they said our currency is going to be stronger than the Jordanian dinar...It's going to be more than Jordan's currency...I believe they're going to reach the REER through the float at around $4.25...


IQD Remains Stable Amid Tensions in Iraq Breaking News Zimbabwe

Edu Matrix:  10-1-2024

IQD Remains Stable Amid Tensions in Iraq Breaking News Zimbabwe - IQD Rate - Protest Over Death of Hezzabaha Leader -ZiG Currency Drops to 25 Zig to One U.S. Dollar - Up from 14 Zig to One U.S. Dollar.


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