Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday 2-13-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 13 Feb. 2024

Compiled Tues. 13 Feb. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Mon. 12 Feb. MarkZ: Member Story:  “I made contact with my (Florida) Regional bank manager today and she said that she is aware of the fact that bond holders are starting to “disappear” and go quiet. I have spoken extensively to her about this process and she said that I need to relax and stop focusing on it. It will happen –and I expect it to happen within the month of February.”

Mon. 12 Feb. Wolverine: We are ready to go according to all sources and Whales. This is the week we are (allegedly)  waiting for. We should get notifications today Mon. 12 Feb.

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Wolverine Cont: Some Bond holders who are whales, have been paid and they all are under NDA.

We heard last week that about three of these Whales started talking. Unfortunately, their accounts were (allegedly)  frozen after 30 years of waiting. Please be careful everyone.

There are some bad people sending out legit looking forms, saying they got paid, and asking you if you got paid, but if you respond to them you will be breaking your NDA contract.  If people ask you if you got paid just BLOCK them. Be careful! In my opinion, when you get your blessing, do NOT help people right away, as they will ask “Where did you get all that money?” Just be quiet, and only discuss with your family members who know about this.  Remember if people ask where you got the money, just say “Please don’t ask, just accept this gift.”  

Mauricio had a meeting with people who said this will be a Golden week. People ask me if this IS the week, but I cannot tell you with absolutely certainty- it is too much pressure on me. All people are messengers. Even the Admiral is a messenger. 

The EBS system is ready to go. Hopefully we will get that after our blessing, as the EBS does come AFTER the blessing. 

Sun. 11 Feb. Chance Mcfadden: “Banks are being told there is most likely an announcement on the new Dinar Rate early this week.  Iraqi banks in the US began paying Iraqi citizens living in the US who are exchanging their old Dinar for US Dollars. The Federal Reserve says the rate is $4.81, which is the rate agreed to at Davos in January. I was told the paperwork was just completed.

Sun. 11 Feb. Rod Steel: “I’ve spoken with some bond people and they have received funds. I was told the paperwork was just completed and the Admiral is going to release everything on Mon. 12 Feb. The Iraq Government will reveal the new ‘lower denomination notes to their citizens this week then the Dinar Rate to be published in the Gazette

Sat. 10 Feb. Mike Bara: Exchanges are (allegedly)  taking place at major banks with branch managers and wealth managers. Dinar, Dong and Rupiah are(allegedly)   being exchanged. Zim and Bolivar can only be exchanged at Redemption centers. The rates on Dinar are $2.93 as of today, $2.21 on Dong. No rate on Rupiah. Exchange has (allegedly)  taken place, and 10% of monies are spendable today. Currencies were set up in separate accounts. New debit card issued for new funds. No NDA. Recipient will return in “72 hours” (Monday) to finish the process. This implies rates will be public (allegedly)  when Forex goes live or shortly thereafter. Also implies funds released on Monday will be gold backed. We are very, very close.

Sat. 10 Feb. Brazil Rubem Baz: “Because the Imperial Family of the Ancient Chinese Golden Dragon is the one that puts up all the gold necessary for the Ransom payments, they decided that the deposits for the holders. They will begin on the day they begin to celebrate the Chinese year (year 4722 for them), which is Sat. 10 Feb. This money has already been received by the main Financial Institutions and the 50 Best Banks in the World and they are passing it on to Paymasters who will contact the clients. Liquidity will be from Monday, February 12, because in the West normally people do not work on Sundays. Among the 12 different animals to which each of their years corresponds, this one corresponds to the Dragon, which for them is not an evil monster, but a just and benevolent creature that brings prosperity. Over the next two weeks, large holders who have already completed their paperwork and submitted SKRs will be (allegedly)  paid.”

Sat. 10 Feb. Military Confirms 10,000 Redemption Centers, Thousands of Med Bed Centers: https://makegreatnow.com/breaking-10000-redemption-centers-military-confirms-thousands-of-med-bed-centers/ 

Sat. 10 Feb. NESARA + GESARA = Military GESARA | The Enigma Called Military GESARA – Trust the Plan! – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

Mon. 12 Feb. GESARA NESARA QFS Global Financial Reset – Everything is Changing – It’s Time to Trust the Plan! – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

Global Financial Crisis:

 Mon. 12 Feb. BOOM! Get Ready for the Unthinkable: Trillions of Dollars in U.S. Treasury Bonds are Flooding Back to Europe and 110 Nations, Unmasking Hidden Connections, War Crimes, and the Dire Fate of Global Finance – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

Sat. 10 Feb. How The City of London Controls the Financial Industry and Represents the Banking Families of the Cabal (video) – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

Fri. 9 Feb. The BRICS’ Plan to Redefine Global Economic Power: Commodities vs. Financial Assets – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

Mon. 12 Feb. As trillions of dollars in U.S. Treasury Bonds flood back to the Old Continent and beyond, crossing over into 110 nations, we must prepare for the unthinkable. The grim reality has become clear: the mighty U.S. corporation, a monolith that has long dictated the course of the world economy, is teetering on the brink of insolvency. As this financial behemoth quivers, shockwaves will surely ripple throughout the globe, leaving no economy unscathed. https://amg-news.com/boom-get-ready-for-the-unthinkable-trillions-of-dollars-in-u-s-treasury-bonds-are-flooding-back-to-europe-and-110-nations-unmasking-hidden-connections-war-crimes-and-the-dire-fate-of-global-fina/

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/02/13/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-february-12-2024-2/

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru:  https://www.dinarguru.com/

Frank26   [Dallas Chase Bank Story]   BANK VISITOR:  Today I get a call from the wealth manager at the Fort Worth location I go to all the time.  I talked to her about a year ago about...the dinar and dong...The first thing out of her mouth was about the foreign currency.  I said, ok, have you heard anything?  She said, no but there's been rumblings, I'm going to get with my higher ups.  I thought it was really funny the first thing out of her mouth was the foreign currency.  FRANK:  Because she's heard something.  She's not going to admit it to you.  BANK VISITOR:  ...I said, do me a favor and find out what's going on if you can...She said I've got your number I'll give you a call...I got the feeling from this lady they've got some competition going on even within the banks themselves [for client business].

Goldilocks   Article:  "Viet Nam’s exports surge 42% in January"  Quote:  "Viet Nam’s exports reached nearly US $33.6 billion in January, a 42 percent surge over the same period last year and the highest level since April 2022...The increase in their goods and services will begin to increase price pressures on their currency to meet these demands through digitized payment systems."


Ray Dalio Warns That America is Headed For A Complete Economic Collapse

Atlantis Report:  2-12-2024

Ray Dalio is the founder and co-chairman of Bridgewater Associates, the world's largest hedge fund, has warned that America is headed for a complete economic collapse unless it changes its course and reforms its system.

According to Dalio, we might be standing on the edge of a classic late-cycle debt crisis, a perfect storm where excess debt meets a shortage of buyers.

Today, we will examine Dalio's warnings and insights and discuss their implications and relevance for the US and the world.


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