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News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday 1-26-2021


Samson:  Revealing the salaries of presidencies, ministers, and deputies in the budget

01/26/2021 15:36

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the salaries of the three presidencies, ministers, and members of Parliament in the draft federal budget law for 2021.

"The salaries of the three presidencies range from 70 to 100 million dinars, for each of the Prime Minister and President of the Republic and the Speaker of Parliament," Jamal Cougar said in a press statement. He added, "As for the salaries of ministers, they range from 9 to 11 million dinars, while each member of parliament receives more than 7 million dinars, according to a member of the Finance Committee."

Cougar explained, "Annual oil revenues are estimated at 79 trillion dinars, while non-oil revenues amount to 20 trillion, but these figures are subject to change." He pointed out that "the total salary expenditures are estimated at 55 trillion dinars, without an accurate statistics for the number of employees due to the lack of a database."  LINK

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RV Excerpts from Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 26 Jan. 2021

Compiled Tues. 26 Jan. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Over the weekend Bond moneys were recalculated, checked, rechecked and moved into bond seller recipient accounts. These were huge amounts of monies to down-stream Tier 1-4A & 4B exchanges.

The master plan was to start the Shotgun Liquidity release on Tues. 26 Jan, which would start the sequence of down-streaming funds that would reach Tier 4B and 1.4 million notification emails from Wells Fargo servers some time Tues.-Wed-Thurs. 26-28 Jan.

The RV release master plan was to get our Tier 4B exchanges completed over the next two and a half weeks. The general public would start toward the end of that window and before start of the sixteen-day Chinese New Year


Mon. 25 Jan. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

As of last Fri. 23 Jan. there were no more issues with the B*iden team that would hinder the release. Everything was moving smoothly. The RV teams have been pushing forward with bond moneys being recalculated, checked & rechecked and moved into bond seller recipient accounts over the weekend (the moneys being moved were from bond redemptions of 111 types of bonds, including the Exotic Bonds [Yellow Dragon bonds, et al.] and ZIM bonds).

These were huge amounts of moneys from which funds will be down-streamed to Tier 1-4A & 4B exchanges.

The master plan was to start the Shotgun Liquidity release this Tues. 26 Jan, which would start the sequence of down-streaming funds that would reach us in Tier 4B with the 1.4 million notification emails from Wells Fargo servers around Tues.-Wed-Thurs. 26-28 Jan.

That database has been checked, pinged, verified and made ready by teams at multiple banks to send out this week.

The ZIM and all currencies rates were very high for us in Tier 4B redemptions—higher than they have ever been.

A list of recommended humanitarian & job creation projects would be presented to currency holders at our appointments to justify asking for the higher contract rates in addition to, or instead of, your own projects.

On Mon 25 Jan military leaders who were responsible for the legal and lawful aspect of exchange procedures would meet to discuss the final parameters of the Shotgun liquidity start and start of Tier 4B exchanges.

Over the past 72 hours Reno has been going full steam ahead preparing for the Shotgun Liquidity start in about 24-48 hours. Paymasters were called to be in place in Reno last Wed 20 Jan.

The RV release master plan was to get our Tier 4B exchanges completed over the next two and a half weeks.

The general public would start toward the end of that window and before start of the sixteen-day Chinese New Year celebration.

Read Full Post Here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/01/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_26.html


Courtesy of Dinar Guru   https://www.dinarguru.com/

Petra  ...the IMF forced the rate down to 1460.  I'm of the opinion, that started the clock ticking.  Because they can only keep the rate down for so long until it really impacts the entire economy of Iraq.  But they did it for a reason.  The white papers do not work at 1460.  The white papers do not work at 1190.  They don't work at a program rate.  The white papers work at a 1 to 1 or greater...

Petra   ...a week ago Saturday I think they realized the clock was ticking down and they had to get that budget done.  IOO the budget is done and we're just waiting on the rate.  Now all the outside pieces are coming together with regard to international activities...and all the efforts to make Iraq come out of the gate absolutely running a million miles and hour...

MilitiaMan  ...we see...that the Kurds showed up today in respect to their share of the 2021 budget. They are also talking about they have six months of back pay coming to them. We have heard they were in agreement on taxation on salaries too, and not just with the kurds in mind. Taxation on salaries will be applied country wide. Hence, the agreements made will be sorted through the new value added... Remember they talked about value added taxes...Well not at 1460 they won't. But, when RI hits and they have value added they will. It is all in the plan in my view...

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The Currency Reset Is Here | 5 Ways To Prepare in 2021

I Love Prosperity:  Jan 25, 2021

The Currency Reset Is Here | 5 Ways To Prepare in 2021 In this video I breakdown the ways I'm personally preparing for the world to change. I expect to see higher inflation over the next decade, a recurring theme of freedoms being restricted, and I want to prepare myself accordingly.

There's a lot of talk about the currency reset is here - and personally, I believe the currency reset is going to happen at some point. I don't know all the ways to prepare, because I don't know exactly what the future will look like, but these are the primary ways I'm preparing for what's coming.


Gather Round The Magic Money Tree! The Systematic Impoverishing Of The World Wrapped With A Bow

Silver Report Uncut:  Jan 25, 2021

Everyone gather around the magic mmt money tree is the call from the central planners and many CEO's at large companies have already made an agreement to begin this global economic transition. I have tremendous fear over what I have been learning since it seems so scandalous yet it's shocking to me how not well known this subject is. I am concerned about some of what they are proposing since it directly affects my personal economic standing.


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