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News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Morning 7-29-2020


Tishwash:  Iraq .. Rafidain and Al-Rasheed banks are working tomorrow to complete the payment of employee salaries

Direct: Rafidain and Rashid banks in Iraq today, Wednesday, instructed their employees regarding the resumption of work for tomorrow Thursday; With the aim of completing the payment of employee salaries.

In a statement, Al-Rashid Bank stated that the general manager of the bank directed the branches in Baghdad and the governorates that are authorized to pay the salaries of employees and retirees to open their doors for tomorrow Thursday; To pay the salaries of all state employees and retirees before the days of Eid Al-Adha, according to the Iraqi News Agency (INA).

For his part, the Rafidain Bank directed the resumption of working hours tomorrow, Thursday, in some of its branches. To complete the payment of employee salaries.

The media office of the bank stated that, according to the directives of the bank’s director general and in coordination with the Central Bank of Iraq, it was decided to resume work on Thursday for the branches that have resettlement and included in the payment of salaries.

The bank directed the necessity to adhere to the precautionary measures against the Corona virus. link

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Tishwash:  Parliamentary Planning: The 2021 Budget will see some economic changes

The Parliamentary Planning and Follow-up Committee affirmed on Wednesday that no fundamental changes occurred in the budget of 2021 to develop the non-oil production sector, indicating that the government has so far been unable to improve the industrial sector.

"What will happen in the next budget is adding some money to the budget by increasing revenue for ports and border ports and taxes, but it will not change much of the reality of dependence on the oil sector," committee member Mohammed Al-Baldawi said in a statement to "Information".

He added Albulada, that " the smuggling of goods through the ports of shares in delaying the progression of agriculture is a large sector and rely on it to increase the gross domestic product" .j

" The budget deficit will be largely due to its dependence on oil and the decline in global prices as well as reducing the share of Iraq in sales amid deficit The government is improving the industrial sector and is the most important in Iraq to reduce dependence on oil. link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26    ...what did we say last week?  Iraq is international...the international world knows this don't they...if you're a shark, if you're a whale you can smell blood in the ocean right now.  And that's what these guys do - these shark these whales, these companies, these entities, these treasury departments, in other words those who have powerful super dollars, big dollars, big bucks.  They know when to buy the Iraqi dinar.  NOW!  And they're buying it left and right.  You're seeing the proof of it...What's missing is the announcement... how is it they know?  I call it the "white papers"...what do the white papers containA rate and a date and the HCL stuff...that means banks already know the rate and the date of the Iraqi dinar - when it's going to be announced don't they?  IMO yes.

Pimpy   ...without putting too much hopium into what's going to happen, I'm waiting for the Finance Minister of Iraq to possibly make some very interesting announcements this week.  Let's see what happens.  I don't want to say too much but we're definitely monitoring it.  One thing that can help restore the sovereignty of Iraq is for them to have the restrictions removed off of their currency so they could be a sovereign nation and start dealing with the international community...something tells me there's going to be some very interesting news here between now and the first week of August.  Something that you could feel very happy about...

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Vietnam Dong News 07/28/20

Pimpy’s investment Chat:  Jul 28, 2020


Keiser Report 1571   “Paper Tears”

Jul 28, 2020

The value of fiat money always returns to it’s intrinsic value-ZERO

Fiat Money is a passing fad in the long term history of money…..there is always a return to gold!!!

It’s all crashing down


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