Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning 4-9-2020


Tishwash:  Al-Rafidian directs some departments to activate the Master Card

On Thursday, Rafidain Bank directed some of the state departments whose salaries were localized with the bank and received the MasterCard cards to activate it and receive the monthly salary on it.

The media office of the bank said in a statement received by "Al-Iqtisad News", that "some of the state departments received the MasterCard cards from the bank and they did not activate them and they still receive their monthly salaries manually."

He added, "Some circles must accelerate to address the general management of the bank with the necessity of completing the activation of cards so that the monthly salaries are disbursed electronically to them, like their peers from other departments, especially in light of the conditions the country is currently experiencing as a result of the Corona virus and the need to leave manual dealing and move towards electronic cash   link

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ...all of these meetings [Fab 4, CBI and MOF etc] in my opinion tie into one thing.  The direction of the monetary reform of reinstatement.  All these meeting or "this one meeting" is rather consistent now.  It's almost turned into a lava flow of information for the citizens...it leads to only one thing - a change in their currency structure.  These meetings are not the yellow brick road.  It's the golden road for the citizens of Iraq to finally see something that is so unknown to them - purchasing power.  The yellow brick road originates with the Central Bank of Iraq...this meeting is the only way to start the end...

Vital Brad  It's a rally exciting time right now...I've been reporting on this for the last four years, been following It for the last ten years and what's happening and what I think is expected to happen this week is absolutely incredible.  I never put a date on what's going on.  I've never put a rate on what I think the Iraqi dinar is going to revalue at...But this Easter weekend is something to really be paying attention to...I'm a holder of Iraqi dinar...it's going to be a currency that revalues at a much higher rate than it is currently at right now.  I will be able to take the Iraqi dinar notes that I have and I believe it's going to be a higher value...you've got to be paying attention to what's happening...


Thanks Sierra

"President Trump: Killing of Children is a Big Deal" by Sierra (NZ) - 4.8.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 9:41 PM EDT on April 8, 2020

Today President Trump spoke openly about his mission to end sex trafficking of women - and the killing of children.

Check out this pinned tweet from MrChelseaBoss. It features a video of POTUS talking to the press about it...


'Human trafficking is a big deal. Killing of children is a big deal. Children are probably the most harmed by not have the wall or its equivalent...Women have tape put over their mouths and are smuggled across the border...' (President Trump talking to the press outside Marine One helicopter)

The President of the United States just said 'killing of children is a big deal'. It was in the context of human sex trafficking into USA. AND NOT ONE REPORTER ASKED HIM A QUESTION ABOUT IT.

This one act alone speaks volumes for the complicit arrangement between the Deep State and the mainstream media.

I am a former journalist. If I attended a press conference where our Prime Minister talked about women and children being smuggled into New Zealand for sex trafficking - and children were being KILLED - and not one reporter asked for details, it would be unbelievable.

As President Trump often says, 'The mainstream media is the greatest enemy of the people.'

There are many new Q posts. It seems that the Ten Days of Darkness may have referred to the last ten days without Q posting. If so, it indicates that big things are due to happen - Q has been talking about the Ten Days of Darkness for a long time.

Anons are discussing this theory...

The Deep State deliberately released the virus - DURING ELECTION YEAR - to force the US economy into recession on President Trump's watch. More importantly, the lock down would be their excuse for introducing mail voting for the November election. Mail voting would allow them to falsify millions of votes using illegal migrants and the identities of dead people. It is their last desperate move to steal a landslide election win from President Trump.

Plan thwarted, bad guys. You totally underestimated the brilliance of the Divine Plan being implemented by President Trump and the Alliance. Q often says, 'THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID'.

Phew, a lot of capital letters today - but it IS an intense time with a great deal happening.

Meanwhile here in New Zealand during lock down, my neighbors are chatting in driveways...I have been grocery shopping for elderly neighbors..children are out walking with their parents, teddy-bear spotting (I have three lined up in my office window). There is an air of loving community connection. Everyone is looking out for each other.

I would say that the Light is WINNING BIGLY, wouldn't you??

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


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What is the Gold Standard?

Learn Liberty:  May 6, 2013

Before 1974, U.S. dollars were backed by gold. This meant that the federal government could not print more money than it could redeem for gold.

While this constrained the federal government, it also provided citizens with a relatively stable purchasing power for goods and services.

Today's paper currency has no intrinsic value. It is not based on the value of gold or anything else.

 Under a gold standard, inflation was really limited.

With floating value, or fiat, currency, however, some countries have seen inflation reach extremely high levels—sometimes enough to lead to economic collapse.

Gold standards have historically provided more stable currencies with lower inflation than fiat currency.

 Should the United States return to a gold standard?


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