Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning 3-18-2021

RV excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 18 March 2021

Compiled Thurs. 18 March 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Our military Intel Contact confirmed that the Shotgun Start was still set for an any moment this week and likely by Thurs. afternoon 18 March.

A couple of weeks ago the international monies accounts of Dubai 1 and 2 received huge tranches of funds from upper level bond redemptions.

On Mon. 15 those monies were finally released for the purpose of starting Tier 4B exchanges this week.

On Tues. 16 March Dubai 1 completed paying out tranches into US Treasury accounts.

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On Wed. morning 17 March Dubai 2 completed payouts and audits, after which Tier 3-4A bond sellers were told they would receive liquidity that day.

Within 24 hours or by Thurs. afternoon 18 March we in Tier 4B should receive notification to set our appointments.

By Thurs. 25 March and no later than Wed. 31 March Tier 4B exchange appointments at the special rates were expected to be FINISHED.

The next day of Thurs. April 1 was the beginning of the fiscal year for the new gold/ asset-backed US Treasury Note. On that date the General Public Tier 5 could exchange gold/ asset-backed foreign currency exchanges at the new international rates.

Around that same Thurs. 1 April President Trump was expected to be back as our only legitimately elected US President to announce the Global Currency Reset and NESARA / GESARA Debt Jubilee.


Some Interesting Facts:

From Dorothy Whitney: Our 2021 was the year for a Biblical Jubilee and Debt Forgiveness.

50 years ago in 1971 Nixon ended the Gold Standard

100 years ago in 1921 the First World War ended for the United States when the US and Germany signed the Treaty of Berlin.

150 years ago in 1871 the US was changed from a Republic to a Corporation

An Anon: We were in nine weeks and/or 40 days of darkness, with both ending on 22 March 2021.


Wed. 17 March Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

Our military Intel Contact confirmed that the Shotgun Start was still set for any moment this week.

A couple of weeks ago Dubai 1 and 2 received huge tranches of funds from upper level bond redemptions that were finally released Mon. 15 and Tues. 16 March in order to start Tier 3, 4a, b payouts.

On Tues. morning 16 March Dubai 1 completed paying out tranches into US Treasury accounts.

On Wed. morning 17 March Dubai 2 completed paying out tranches into UST accounts.

Those Dubai 1, 2 payouts were completed in order to start Tier 4B exchanges this week.

Behind the scenes the top five Chinese Elders, Alliance, and  DoD were pushing this out right now because the bond market was imploding: (see stockcharts.com and type in symbol TLT for an ETF of the bond market).

The Tier 3-4A notifications were about to come out for bond sellers, Tier 3 adjudicated settlement recipients (Fines & Penalties, Native American Indian settlements, the Stimulus Bill Black Farmers Pickford settlements - $5 billion reported in media), plus Tier 3, 4A groups to access their funds.

Tier 3-4A bond sellers were told they would receive liquidity today Wed 17 March, and if they do, then we in Tier 4B should receive notification within 24 hours. Tier 4B notifications could come out within hours to 24 hours of the T3-4A notifications.

This morning Wed. 17 March after they completed audits, payouts and account access started, orders were given to proceed to start the process Wed. afternoon 17 March.

Tier 4b notification could come in tandem within 24 hours, so be on the lookout and stay ready to get the notification email to set your appointment.

The Department of Defense UST has not been the only Central Bank holding things back. The European Central Banks have also, as has Iraq pushed the HCL vote to Fri-Sat, 19, 20 March.

Our Military Intel Contact recommended we keep praying that there would not be any more D/eep State interference and that the blessing would arrive this week as planned.


Judy Note on GCR Rates and Exchanges/Redemption in Countries Outside the US. Please be aware that this is my opinion only and I recommend that you do your own research.

We haven't been given much about exchanges/ redemption for other countries because all exchanges were dependent upon the worth of that particular country's own currencies and contracts they had with other countries.

We do know that:

All exchanges/ redemption periods will be at the same time for everyone (it is a Global Currency Reset).

I've heard that some countries don’t have Zim redemption, some countries won't require humanitarian projects to redeem Zim and that in some countries the Zim was redeemable at a 1:1.

The Secure Website would work for everyone across the globe.

For further questions ask as you secure your appointment.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/03/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_18.html


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   You're going to have the new small category notes that will be given to the citizens and they will coexists with a specific amount of 3 zero notes...as they get phased out inside of Iraq, they get phased out outside as well...5 or 6 years ago the 50 note was cancelled by the Central Bank of Iraq - they gave everybody 90 days.  So you had 90 days to turn in those 50 notes...

Frank26    Phase 2 - a second rate change...higher than 1 to 1?   Yes.  [IHO]  $1.45...how long will it take to collect the 3 zeros before the citizens have a second rate change increase?  I don't know...IMO it's the same amount of time that they gave them to turn in the 50 dinar note...Is that second rate increase only domestically or domestically and internationalIt's for both sides. [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Frank26   I'll say this, when they do reach that benchmark, we walk into phase 3...conclusion...an area which we say all 3-zero notes that have been withdrawn from circulation allows them to finish their monetary reform and establish REER.  1 to 1 is not the Real Effective Exchange Rate and nor will  [phase 2's possible $1.45]  IMO.  This country is too powerful.  I have no idea what this [REER] is... [Post 2 of 2]

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(3/17) Iraq Latest News

Dinar Investor:  Mar 17, 2021


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