Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 12-15-2022

RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 15 Dec. 2022

Compiled Thurs. 15 Dec. 2022 12:01am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Judy Note: Two of my Sources have confirmed that several, but not all, Bond Holders received their funds on Tues. 13 Dec.

On Tues. 13 Dec. the Golden Dragon Bonds Trust paid out, with the monies set to be deposited in a Quantum Financial System Account. …a High Up Contact on Tues. 13 Dec.

It was unknown how long it would take for Tier4b to be notified for their exchange/ redemption appointments, though it would be reasonable to assume that it would happen soon. The important thing to realize was that the monies have been released and they can’t go backward.

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Bruce on Tues. 13 Dec: Some of the Bond Holders have received their emails with access codes and now have access to their funds, while some Bond Holders have not.

On Mon. 12 Dec. the Iraqi Dinar posted a new $4.00 Rate on the Forex (on the bank back screens and trading upward). The Vietnamese Dong would be posting it’s new rate on Sat. 17 Dec. and Zimbabwe Notes would be posting their rate next week, as would the gold-backed USD likely be coming out Tues. 20 Dec. or Wed. 21 Dec. …A High Up Source

All US fiat currency has to be turned in to exchange for the new US gold-backed notes by 31 Jan. 2023. …Simon Parkes

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/12/15/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-december-15-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick   [via Frank26]  The new ATMs have the software for the new small category notes.  I don't know if the new small category notes are in it.  But I can guarantee they do have the software for the new small category notes.  That's why they are not online as of yet.  The software for the new small category notes is already programed into these machines and is ready to go active any time.

Pimpy   Article:  "Parliamentary legal hints at an "emergency" session to approve the 2023 budget  If this thing can somehow get approved by Al-Sadini and then the House of Representative takes a look at it and [if] everybody's pretty happy, you can see an emergency session be called in and people vote on it right away.  The sooner the better...



Clare:  The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq receives a delegation from the International Finance Corporation

December 14, 2022

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif, received today, Wednesday, a delegation from the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank, headed by the Regional Director for the Middle East, Mr. Khawaja Aftab Ahmed.

 During the meeting, aspects of bilateral cooperation were discussed and strengthened, and the completed projects between the Central Bank of Iraq and the institution were reviewed, including the project to strengthen institutional governance frameworks for the Iraqi banking sector, and the preparation of the regulatory framework for the financial leasing activity, in addition to the accession of the Central Bank of Iraq to the international sustainability network. 

They also discussed future projects that include developing the environmental and social aspects of the Iraqi banking sector, and developing the capabilities and expertise of workers in the banking sector.

Central Bank of Iraq Media Office
14 - December - 2022


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MarkZ:  Bob Kudla joins me to talk about today's Fed rate announcement 12/14/2022



The Next Gold Rush Will Shock The World - Bank Calls For $3,000 In 2023

Sean Foo:  12-15-2022

Gold prices are starting to rise again and we have Saxo Bank calling for a wild $3,000 gold price in 2023. While this might sound crazy, there are a lot of events lining up that might push gold to the stratosphere.

These include the Fed slowing down with their hikes, the US dollar losing relevance and the fall of bitcoin. Here's what you must know!


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