Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 10-13-2022

RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 13 Oct. 2022

Compiled Thurs. 13 Oct. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

On the Global Currency Reset:

Today Wed. the 12th of October was actually Wed. the 29th of October on the Julian Calendar – the same 29th October date that was said to be the Cabal’s official bankruptcy finalization date after they had been given several grace periods.

Today in an interview with Charlie Ward Juan O Savin said that last night Tues. 11 Oct. influential people were summoned for meetings on the RV and this morning Dan Scavino posted from Mar A Largo that, “It’s about to go down.”

Bruce: “There was a meeting on Tues. 11 Oct. at 3pm in Reno where they were deciding what time to release Tier 4B notifications.”

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MarkZ Wed. evening: “Today a Bond Contact that I have in Zurich Switzerland told me he expects to be home well funded and liquid by Friday evening 14 Oct. Other Bond Holders in Reno and Miami told me the same timing today. My contacts in Asia and Hong Kong say they have not yet started exchanges.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ_yrKBE0RY

MarkZ Wed. morning: “I believe wholeheartedly and 100% that the new Dinar Rate is absolutely known and set in concrete at this point…..or we would not have those happy contractors in Iraq… I am now hearing the Dong could be closer to $3 or $4 and the Dinar I am still hearing the street rate will be close to $4 and we will get about $2 more on the Contract Rate in the “Oil for Dinar” contract in rebuilding Iraq. Zim I am hearing $50 million per $100T note. . Hearing  $330 thousand US dollars per one billion Zim agro note……..Nobody will know exact rates until we get there.”

Phil’s Live “Batter Up” show: “By next weekend (Sat. 15 Oct. to Sun. 16 Oct.) we are to see a major public event take place. Once this event unfolds, things will begin to cascade at an alarming rate and we will move into the new QFS under NESARA.”

Captain Kyle on Live on Telegram: “The last week of Oct. to the first week of Nov. (Sun. 23 Oct. to Tues. 1 Nov. the Military will take over using the Emergency Broadcast System.”

There were 120 countries (over 50% of the world currencies) on the verge of bankruptcy joining the BRICS Alliance nation states. This was considered the death of the Central Bank and fiat US dollar – and only a Global Currency Reset could save our global economy.

Last week the Cabal (Chinese Communist Party/ Rothschilds/ Rockefellers/ Vatican/ Blackrock and DAVOS Group) lost a Coup to take over BRICS and the Global Currency Reset in which over half of the world’s currencies have shifted.

As of Tues. 13 Sept. the Federal Reserve and their Central Banks were bankrupt.

Bruce: “On Thurs. 22 Sept. the Iraqi Dinar revalued. On Fri. 23 Sept. the Zim revalued. On Sat. 24 Sept. the Global Currency Reset occurred when 50% of currencies worldwide collapsed against the US Dollar. On Mon. 3 Oct. Iraq was reported to be celebrating release of their new Iraqi Dinar Rate, Iraqi Citizens in the US were exchanging their Dinar at the new rate and nineteen countries with HSBC banks were exchanging the Iraqi Dinar for Iraqi citizens.”

By Fri. 30 Sept. US Inc, United Nations, World Bank, IMF, British Crown and Vatican laundering of slush funds to the Cabal corporations of State Street, Vanguard and Blackrock stopped as the world pulled all credit from US Inc.

On Sat. 1 Oct. the new Global Financial Fiscal Year began, plus Venezuela introduced their new gold/asset-backed Bolivar currency by dropping six zeros.

On Mon. 10 Oct. 2022 Historic Bond settlement was being reported outside of the US. Settlement of Historic Bonds was a major event that would trigger a cascade of events in BRICS.


Judy Note:

Bank of England Says Sell Everything Within 3 Days! Black Friday 14 Oct: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0l-Isdbf5o

Global Debt Markets Breaking Pension Collapse: https://naturalnews.com/2022-10-12-global-debt-markets-are-breaking-pension-collapse.html

Tues. 11 Oct. RV meetings in Reno and Mar A Largo indicated that the RV was imminent.

The last week in October over the Emergency Broadcast System, the Military will reveal all. Also in that last week of Oct. we expect to see various countries being taken over by their Militaries until valid elections can be held. Military Reserves and Armies were expected to be activated in the U.S, Canada, UK, EU, Iceland, South American, Mexico, African regions, Malaysia and over 80 other countries.


Wed. 12 Oct. Charlie Ward and Juan O Savin: Charlie Ward & Juan O Savin: Ironing Out The Truth, NESARA/GESARA With Amelia Love & Warren Amour! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

There was going to be a massive Global Currency Reset that would have a massive impact on the recession.

There are two NESARAs out there – one from the bad guys and another from the good guys. There were 206 countries signed into the good NESARA in 2019.

The RV started Sept. 24 when the British Pound, US Note and EURO came to parity with each other.

BRICS nations and others have already gone gold backed. They are able to go into the Quantum Financial System and trade with each other.

The USN was 1:1 with the US Dollar. The USN has not gone active yet.

Last night Tues. 11 Oct. influential people were summoned into Mar A Largo. This morning Wed. 12 Oct. from Mar A Largo Dan Scavino posted that “It’s about to go down.”

NESARA is actually happening in plain sight. Hundreds of thousands of people’s credit cards, mortgages and student loans have disappeared, although it has not yet reached others. There will be increased benefits for the elderly.

The US Treasury failed an audit last week. A trillion dollars was missing.

The IRS, Federal Reserve and old US Treasury were closing.

The Flat Rate Sales Tax of 17% on brand new non essential items has been signed into law.

Biden was president of US Inc. In 2018 that US Inc. corporation was declared bankrupt.

In March 2021 the Military recognized Trump as the Commander in Chief, not of US Inc., but of the Constitution.

The Euro will disappear and countries will go back to their own currencies.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/10/13/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-october-13-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  If they [Iraq] could just get their crap together I still believe the value of the Iraqi dinar is going to go up in increments but much much bigger increments because you can't stop your economy once it starts doing well.

Frank26  They are running out of time because the UN wants to put them back into Chapter VII.  If they go back into Chapter VII that could be really bad.  REALLY bad...we not only have the UN pushing Kazemi to sit his government.  But we also have countries that have signed contracts with kazemi...there's this pressure now from two directions.  The pressure was internationally.  Now the pressure is internationally and from the Untied Nations, internationally.  This pressure I think is going to be very good for what we've got...

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The Mother Of All Debt Bubbles Is About To Pop

Smart Silver Stacker:  10-12-2022

The Bank Of England has further expanded its emergency bond purchase program, warning of "Material Risk" to the UK economy.

We are in the midst of the largest debt bubble in history, and there are only 2 ways out. A default and massive economic downturn, or hyperinflating away the currency to pay the enormous debts.

 US consumers now have the highest levels of debt on record. Yesterday, US airports were hit by a Russian cyberattack.

The risk of an attack on our financial sector is very real, putting all digital assets at risk.


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