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News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Afternoon 9-10-2020


Thursday UPDATE for September 10, 2020

Iraqi TV is stating that the economic and financial reform papers will be presented to Parliament at the end of September.

PM Al-Kadhimi's visit to Kurdistan was a key factor in relations between Kurdistan and Baghdad.


Briona:  It is confusing the way the banks are expecting this any time, and actions in Iraq say something else.

TeamD:  bankers have to have the patience of Job to show up for exchanging and so far it hasnt happened

Luvmyboys:  why would the UST tell the banks to have their employees at the ready for days when it seems we are waiting on Iraq to do something...I don't understand any of this

Cutebwoy:  REMEMBER reform paper if and when presented to parliament it will have to be reviewed ,decussed and voted on and this is corrupt iraq we talking about who is in no hurry to get anything done... IMO

RVALready:  I think Kazemi intends to bypass parliament on the RV, as they are mostly corrupt. He will send them a copy of the white paper to read, but that is all the power they will get. They will be voted out of office next year, and many arrested for corruption. IMO.

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TishwashPositive signs to solve the problems of Baghdad and Erbil .. Kurdistan is ready to agree on three files

The Kurdish delegation concluded its negotiations in Baghdad on the outstanding issues. Meanwhile, Kurdistan expressed its willingness to agree on three files.

"The meetings of the regional government delegation headed by the deputy prime minister of the region, Qubad Talabani, with the ministers of oil, finance and electricity in the federal government have ended, and the delegation has returned to Arbil," said the spokesman for the Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Samir Hawrami, in an interview with government media.

He added, "Talabani assured the federal government of the region's readiness to agree on oil resources and the management of border crossings as well as non-oil resources," noting that "the meetings were generally positive, during which they discussed in detail the outstanding problems between Baghdad and Erbil."

He explained, "The issues related to the region's financial dues and how to fix them were discussed in the 2021 budget bill, which the federal government is currently preparing," stressing that "the meetings will continue by the secondary committees in Baghdad until an appropriate mechanism is reached based on the constitution in order to solve legal problems." And artistic. "   link



Cornhusker:  I think iraq will RV at the end of September to make the world happy at 1 to 1 for the 2020 budget witch is the end of year for the US.then for the 2021 budget at the end of December is the new year for Iraq and come out with new currency. To comply with bazel3 and the new QFS world wide. IMO.


Samson:  Economic Reform in Iraq: The Need for Focus and Persistence   LINK

Humble1:  “Al-Kadhimi pledged to prepare a white paper that would outline the government’s comprehensive plan for addressing Iraq’s economic woes. The expected launch of this paper in September represents a second chance for the government to push through meaningful reforms. But to demonstrate any degree of success, it will need to stay focused and persist in its efforts to translate the white paper into actionable goals.”

 For those that want to say this will happen at the beginning of the year and like to site articles as to the reason why they think that way, here is an article, in writing, saying white papers EXPECTED TO BE LAUNCHED IN SEPTEMBER, the only question remains, not when we will see the new rate, but is the new rate in the reform papers to begin with.  I personally believe Franks sources that say the rate is indeed in the reform papers, as I have not witnessed him to be wrong with what he gives us in his study, Frank tells us something is going to happen or show up, and bam, there it is a few days or weeks later.  I believe the new rate is in the reform papers, I believe that they will be introduced this month, and I believe, based on this article and many, many other articles, that this event is happening this month, not the end of the year.  All of this in IMO, make of it what you will.  God Bless.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff  I've been in this since 2009...name a year when they've ever delayed a budget by half a year.  Iraq had no reason to delay this budget.  The Council of Ministers had the budget approved in early December of last year ready to pass to parliament but they didn't.  Now ask yourself WhyThe reason why they had to delay the budget was very simple - because the budget had reforms in it.  Those are post rate change items.  They had to delay the budget because it's married to the rate change...they've never approved a budget in the middle of a year before.  This is the first time.  I've never had a budget go past the month of March...Iraq is showing their hand...it's just amazing...

Pimpy   Article: "The Minister of Finance stresses the necessity of reviewing the exchange of the dinar and reveals the size of the external debt" ...we don't know what the rate change is going to be we just know that the rate change is going to be part of the reform papers and it's going to be part of the 2021 budget...it looks like we're finally here.  They're actually saying it.  This is the first time we heard anything about exchange rates in quite some time....it looks like we have some kind of a window.  It seems between now and the end of this year we will see something happen...

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Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Sep 9, 2020


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