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News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday PM 5-3-2020


Samson:  Pompeo: There is enormous evidence that the new Corona descended from Wuhan Laboratory

05/3/2020 17:43:24

 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed that there is “huge evidence” that the new Corona virus is descending from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, accusing Beijing of hiding information about the deadly virus outbreak.

"We can confirm that the Communist Party of China did everything it could to ensure the world did not know what had happened at the appropriate time. There is a lot of evidence for this, some of which are public and can be seen," Pompeo said in an interview with the American channel ABC. "We saw their ads, we saw that they expelled the journalists, we saw the silence of those who tried to mention what was happening, the medical professors inside China, and they were prevented from issuing reports about that ... in a manner that the Communist parties operate according to."  

Pompeo accused the Chinese authorities of "raising enormous risks", resulting in the injury and death of hundreds of thousands around the world, including in the United States. Commenting on the issue of linking the virus to the laboratory of the Virus Institute in Wuhan, the US Secretary of State continued, "There is huge evidence that everything started in this place.

They said from the start that this was a virus that originated from the Chinese city of Wuhan ... China has a record of the world infected with viruses, the record for the use of laboratories do not respond to the required standards, this time is not the first when the world is facing a virus as a result of errors in the "Chinese Labs". LINK

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Tishwash:   Deputy in Al-Fateh: The voting session for Al-Kazemi’s government will be public

A deputy from the Al-Fateh Alliance confirmed on Sunday that the voting session for the government of designate Mustafa Al-Kazemi will be public.

The coalition deputy, Fadel Al-Fatlawi, said, "This week, the ministerial cabinet will be presented in a public session in the Great Hall, in front of the attention of the Iraqi people."

And Al-Fatlawi suggested, "The full quorum was achieved and Al-Kazemi succeeded in passing his government."   link


Tishwash:  The latest developments in the formation of the government .. Political blocs agree to 4 other ministries in the Al-Kazemi booth.

An informed political source revealed, on Sunday, that the political blocs agreed on 4 other ministries in the cabinet of Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kazemi.

The source said to "Al-Akhbariya", "Al-Kazemi made another step towards forming his government after the political parties approved 4 other ministries, bringing the total agreed upon to 18."

He added that "the ministries of oil and finance are among the three ministries that have not been agreed upon yet," noting that "the session of granting confidence will take place on Tuesday or next Wednesday."   link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   ...IMO...I will not cross the river with you.  How long do you think it will take me to recover?  Two weeks?  ...whenever they do raise the value of this currency it's not like they're going to celebrate and throw fireworks up into the sky.  It's not like they're gonna put it on the front page of the newspaper.  The international world will probably talk about it but inside Iraq - business as usual...it won't be a big fan fair.  They've been teaching them for a long time...there is a change coming to the monetary reform...

Pimpy   Article: "Agreeing on public voting at the session to give confidence to the Al-Kazemi government" ...our boy Kazemi, it looks like he's going to pass...It looks like all the different voting blocks are going to go ahead and pass him...the constitution of Iraq article 76 says if they turn down this current nomination as PM then that means it gives the president the right to dissolve the parliament which is what I want to happen...what does this mean to our Iraqi dinarWhat we're looking for is stability.  I don't believe this government has anything to do with whether or not the rate change gets changed...    [post 1 of 2.]

Pimpy  We do know that the U.N and IMF work in tangent with one another and they're the people that's going to pull the trigger on this deal...in order for the restriction on their currency to be removed there needs to be some type of stability.  So having a PM in there along with his cabinet is going to lend a lot to stabilities to what's going on there in Iraq.  Hopefully the UN will remove the restrictions and we'll see the IQD on the Forex.  Once it starts trading I believe a lot of speculators are gonna jump all over that currency causing the exchange rate to jump up...we will see shortly...   [post 2 of 2]

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Iraq Agreed 19 of 22 Cabinet Ministers For Vote/Get Well FRANK26

May 3, 2020


From Recaps Archives

How Trump can cover the rate change

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  April 1, 2020

Minute 5:00 many things and communities  are now intersecting….The Dinar and Dong community, the GCR community, the Q community, the Nesara Community, the MSM, Internet economists. And more…….

(note: There was no 10 days of darkness or arrests as of yet that he mentions was rumored…)


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