Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Morning 6-7-2020


Weekend UPDATE for June 6 - 7, 2020

Parliament passes vacant candidates and succeeds in completing the Al-Kadhimi government.

Shafak News / On Saturday, the House of Representatives voted on the seven vacant portfolios in the government of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi said that completing the cabinet is an additional motive for implementing the ministerial platform. He added in a tweet on Twitter, that "completing the ministerial cabinet with the House of Representatives voting on the names we presented, is an additional motive to implement the ministerial curriculum, and to fulfill the obligations of the stage and abide by our promises before our people who are waiting for actions, not words."

The Kurds are sending a delegation to Baghdad  next week to finalize the deal. That's the oil and gas Article 140. That should be the final missing part since the full cabinet is now seated.

The House of Representatives also voted to authorize the Prime Minister to create a state ministry to be its minister for the Turkmen component in order to encourage components and participate in state building. #wearethepeople

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Tishwash:  very interesting  hope they share the details later ...

Extraordinary session of the Council of Ministers to discuss financial and economic reform

The Council of Ministers will hold an extraordinary session today, Sunday.
A ministerial source said: The session will be devoted to discussing financial and economic reform. link 


Tishwash:  The prime minister’s advisor sets the price of a barrel of oil in the 2020 budget: between $ 30- $ 35

The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, revealed the price of a barrel on Sunday, June 7, 2020, the expected price of a barrel of oil in the 2020 budget that the government will send to the House of Representatives, while indicating that its total amounts .will be in the range of 100 trillion dinars Iraqi about 80 billion dollars

 Saleh said in a statement to "Al-Masala" that it is possible to prepare a federal budget bill for 2020 by the government that includes the actual expenses that were previously achieved and spent from the beginning of the fiscal year until June, and the sources of its financing, as well as includes the .expenses of the next six months that will be built according to the principle Estimates of the price of crude oil on world markets, and non-oil revenues

Saleh stressed that the government began preparing the Federal Budget Law for 2020 according to the current data and conditions and took into consideration the deteriorating oil prices and the economic crisis, stressing that the budget law has three quarters of it fixed material, and therefore it is .possible to prepare the budget law within half an hour And she found that after completing the preparation of the budget law, the total deficit size will become clear, expecting that the budget bill will be .presented for approval within the cabinet within the next two weeks to send it to the parliament for study and legislation

The government advisor added that in my personal assessment, the rate of calculating the price of a barrel of oil in the federal budget law for the .current year will be between 30 and 35 dollars, expecting that the total budget size be between 80 to 100 trillion dinars


Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles

Frank26   They're in the process of letting it be official...of realizing it.  I'm happy and I hope you are too...be grateful for the evidence that you're seeing in your investment.  I love you...

Footforward  [...what do you think dollar amount will be for the dinar RV?]   ...This is all my opinion and not financial or investment advice. Dinar I'm hoping for something between $3.50 and 6.00 and on the dong I'm hoping for 5 - 25 cents...the plan for the longest time was the dong at 5 - 10 cents. The only reason it may be higher now is because Vietnam wants to pull away from China. I don't think $1 on the dong is possible or realistic. And I think even 50 cents is a stretch...Heck even 25 cents for them is a big stretch.

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Gold and Silver - Price reset within SIX MONTHS

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Jun 6, 2020


John Williams – Buy Gold - Coming Hyperinflation Makes Dollar Worthless

Greg Hunter:  Jun 6, 2020

Economist John Williams says not to worry about the hits on price crashing manipulations on gold and silver, especially in the face of massive record money printing.

Williams says, “The price manipulation is to try to kill it. Central banks hate gold (and silver) because it shows they are not doing their job. I measure unemployment the way it used to be measured by the government, and I also measure the way inflation used to be measured. . . . Gold kept up with actual inflation and your actual out of pocket expenses.

Gold is going up right along with real inflation.

 (ShadowStats.com computations say the real inflation rate in America currently averages 9% per year.) . . . . I am looking for a hyperinflation.

As this money get pumped out there, you will continue to see prices rise, and you are going to see some acceleration there. In hyperinflation, it will be so rapid the currency is worthless to you.”


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