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News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Morning 12-18-2022


Henig:  Including a New Administrative Capital.. Plans to establish 16 new cities

Baghdad / NINA / - The Ministry of Planning announced today, Saturday, the existence of development plans to implement 119 housing projects, including 16 residential cities, noting: "The idea of building a new integrated administrative capital for the country is within that plan."

The official Spokesman for the Ministry of Planning, Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi, said: "The Administrative capital exists as a vision within the development plan for the city of Baghdad, and the places where the administrative capital can be established are specified, but implementation steps remain," according to the official Al-Sabah newspaper.

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Al-Hindawi added: "One of the places chosen to establish the administrative capital is the area opposite the residential city of Bismayah on an area of more than 50 square kilometers, and it could be a new administrative capital to accommodate all government buildings located in the heart of the capital, Baghdad."

With regard to the housing issue, he explained: "There are many projects included in the development plan for Iraq in general and the capital, Baghdad, and they need to be implemented, and among the development plans there are 119 housing projects throughout Iraq."  LINK

Henig:   IMO: You think they're doing this at the contract rate? Yeah, me neither.

KandG:  How does Vietnam, who is on Forex and trading - keep bringing in new business (Apple, etc) with a worse rate than Iraq.  I don't ask being ill-hearted, just wondering if we go down the wrong road with this thinking that countries can't grow internationally with a low exchange rate.  Family, feel free to comment - with facts preferably.   


Henig:  Vietnam News:

US cybersecurity firm sets up 1st critical infrastructure protection lab in Asia

December, 17/2022 - 07:37

OPSWAT, a US-based provider of infrastructure protection cybersecurity solutions, announced on December 16 the opening of its first critical infrastructure protection lab in Asia in its new office in HCM City.

HCM CITY — OPSWAT, a US-based provider of infrastructure protection cybersecurity solutions, announced on December 16 the opening of its first critical infrastructure protection lab in Asia in its new office in HCM City.

As Việt Nam ramps up its digital transformation efforts in line with the Government’s fourth industrial revolution plans, cybersecurity becomes increasingly important, especially for critical infrastructure such as financial services, energy and government services, Benny Czarny, founder and CEO of OPSWAT, said.

The company provides organisations with information on the latest network security trends and solutions, particularly through real-world use cases and attacks on information technologies, operational technologies and industrial control system environments.

By hosting demonstrations of cybersecurity attacks and defence simulations, the lab would enable Vietnamese cybersecurity professionals, engineers and students to gain practical experience in security and critical infrastructure protection technologies, Lã Mạnh Cường, the company’s general manager for Việt Nam, said.

It would also provide training and educational support to local customers, partners and other stakeholders.

The company plans to double its local headcount from the current 300 employees over the next three years as it seeks to further accelerate its growth in the country.

Since coming to Việt Nam in 2018, OPSWAT’s local operations have grown at an average annual rate of 50 per cent. — VNS   LINK

KandG: Exactly my point in my earlier post this evening - Vietnam is doing business internationally with less than a toilet paper exchange rate - we may need to rethink this idea that Iraq can't do international business on a program rate.  I agree we see many encouraging articles showing a rate change but this particular narrative may need some additional thought IMO

Henig:  Well, here's a question, though: Is it possible that they're doing business with Vietnam *because* they know the VND is about to exchange at a higher rate? I mean, I don't know the answer to that, just posing a question--but it seems like a possibility IMO.

KandG:  You certainly could be right - I hold Dong also and would be very happy with that concept - that's why I posed the question to the group for feedback - and that is good feedback.  IMO Thanks 


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  Iraq is desperate financially.  They have money.  They've got lots of money and untapped money too.  But they can't legally use it until they fulfill the Paris Club agreement.

Mnt Goat  The news this period is almost all about the corruption in Iraq and what they plan to do about it...there is no way out of these corruption schemes unless these currency auctions end. To end them they will have to reinstate the dinar and trade it globally...Why won’t the IMF or the US take responsibility and do the reinstatement?  It is because of all the corruption... It all goes back to...“what comes first the cart or the horse”?  In other words, do they reinstate the dinar and then hope the corruption will end or do they end the corruption first, reducing the risk of failure in the reinstatement? I believe they have taken this second option...

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RV News 20:40 Simon Parkes

“Hello Charlie… I’m doing your thing. Here we go. This the report I got.

All currency test-runs done.

HSBC will lead the process. [Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp.]

U.S. on full alert for the Redemption process.

Temple Texas—NOT Reno—sets it off.

DOD & Military is pushing everything out tomorrow.

Heavy roundup happening of remaining deep state cabal as NESARA is fully installed.

United States Navy ready to go.

Gold-backed currency locked in.

Advanced healing technologies making its rounds.

Humanitarians worldwide will be funded. …very good!”


Iraqi Dinar update for 12/17/22 - removing restrictions on IQD

Pimpy’s Investment Chat: The Other side of things:  12-17-2022


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