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News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Morning 1-24-2021


Tishwash:  Iraq needs to structure its economy according to the global context

Economist Fawzi Mohammed Al-Zubai called for restructuring the structure of the economy in accordance with the global context and reforming the business environment represented by procedures and laws and making it an appropriate and attractive environment for private sector activity.

 He said: The productive and service sectors in the country urgently need to organize the reality of their work in a way that is in line with the development trends sought by the country, where we can achieve a multiplicity of resources, when strategic plans are adopted under the supervision of experts, who have the ability to improve performance and have knowledge of important global experiences." 

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"The importance of Iraqi economic reform on a modern economic basis is to provide the foundations for its transition from a centralized to a free-market economy, as well as to encourage the private sector and its development, in order to ensure that its full resources are invested and its sources diversified," he said.

"Iraq has the capabilities to rapidly promote all its productive and service sectors, and here we can benefit from local, regional and international efforts to bring about economic renaissance," he said. 

"The private sector is the owner of the success components of advanced technology and capital, and it is the main pillar of the economy of most of the world," he said, adding that "private sector projects can eliminate unemployment, as it will occupy as many labor hands as possible, and that this vital sector will solve many of the files, including the banking sector."  link


Tishwash:  A high-ranking delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government arrives in Baghdad

A high-ranking delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government arrived on Sunday in the capital, Baghdad, for a new round of talks in order to secure the region's share in the federal financial budget for the year 2021.

The delegation includes: Minister of Finance Awat Sheikh Janab, Minister of Planning Dara Rashid, Minister of the Region Khaled Shawani, and Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers of the region Omid Sabah.

Qubad Talabani, Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, usually headed the delegation that visited Baghdad several times, but his infection with the new Corona virus prevented that.

The Finance Committee in the Iraqi Council of Representatives has been conducting, for more than two weeks, a series of meetings in the parliament building with the aim of collecting observations and making the necessary amendments to the draft budget law.

According to the available information, the committee will hold a meeting with the regional government delegation this evening to discuss Kurdistan’s share of the budget.

Parliamentarians and politicians say that the budget needs political consensus, so a political delegation from the region will visit Baghdad later this week with the aim of reaching an agreement with the blocs not to block the passage of Kurdistan’s share in the budget.   link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff  ...they actually launched the reforms on December 20th when they devalued the currency...that was a preparation step for the rate change.  That's them confirming to you they're preparing to change the rate...it was a tool being used to reduce the 3 zero note count in country...We are in a great spot.  We're in the best position ever...I've been telling you that January through March was the season for the rate change.  Iraq confirmed that when they implemented the reforms...

Jeff   Iraq is moving in Kuwait's footsteps.  It's that simple.  Kuwait changed their rate at the beginning of their fiscal year.  Iraq's already told you that's what their intention, goals and objections are too.  Iraq already came out telling you in print that they are going to increase the value of their currency at the beginning of a new budget period.  Iraq's new fiscal year does not even start until April 1st...Iraq has gone as far forward as they can at this point without changing the rate...once they finish the '21 budget it's game over.  After the '21 budget comes the rate change.  

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X22 Report Spotlight

Lior Gantz - The [CB] Believe They Have The Green Light For The Reset

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When Will The Stock Market Crash? (Here's How To Know)

George Gammon:   Jan 21, 2021


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