Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday AM 2-21-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 21 Feb. 2021

Compiled Sun. 21 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Our Military Intel Contact said on Sat. 20 Feb:

Enormous amounts of liquidity started moving at about 9:30am PST Sat. 20 Feb.

Fines, Penalties, PP and bond liquidity of enormous amounts have been pushing successfully through the system for the past 72 hours.

If all went well Tier 4B should be reached by about Tues. 23 Feb.

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Reno said funds were released and Tier 4B was to start early next week.

The Interim Military Govt leaders agreed with the top five Chinese Elders, working with UST to get the QFS activated and get the 72-hour shotgun liquidity start out the door.

The D*eep State has used fear and lies against us. He asked for our prayers that the structures of the D*eep State would be completely collapsed and there would be no more delays in activating the QFS.

Notification for Tier 4B exchanges/ redemption was still expected by Mon.-Tues. 22-23 Feb, while top banks were looking for a Tues. 23 Feb. RV start.

Fri. 19 Feb. Robert David Steele: Everything should be quiet until Monday. Texas appeared to be under weather warfare attack. Patriots were urged to stay off the streets and away from State Capitols — False Flag events intended to discredit patriots were known to be planned. NON-VIOLENCE was VITAL. Obey the law, allow events to play out.

Because of this unrest combined with Interim Military Government planned Mass Arrests of global and political elites, there was a possibility that sometime soon the US would be in a national lockdown, including takeover of the Mass Media and order for school and business closures for around two weeks.

An election for the restored Republic was expected to commence on 4 March 2021.

The beginning of the new global economic tax year was 1 April 2021.

Charlie Ward said that something massive was going to happen on 6 April 2021.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/02/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_21.html


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Footforward   [...Why does everyone keep saying we will only have a short time to exchange?...]   Iraq is not going to sit around forever to wait for these notes to come in. They want to get them in as quickly as possible. I believe the rate will be good...

MilitiaMan   Articles:  "The Kurdish delegation reveals the latest results of its negotiations with Baghdad on the budget" ;    The Kurdistan government confirms that a quasi-agreement has been reached between Baghdad and ErbilIt looks to me like they have a deal since 12/2020 and now seem to be hammering out past arrears. ...Looks like they have a new formula to use too. It goes to the thinking that a new formula is based of a future exchange rate differential. They will have to have be part of the electronic system at the borders to exclusively to the non oil revenues to the treasury.  Sure looks like...a digital requirement... A level playing field... They sure seem to suggest that they will have this sorted this next week or between now and then anyway...We shall see...


Iraqi Dinar News for 02/20/21

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Feb 20, 2021


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Inflation Indicators Are Firing On All Cylinders, Base Metals Surge, Historic Copper Shortage

Silver Report Uncut:  Feb 21, 2021

Inflation is running hot and it's likely it's about to get much hotter. Base metals are surging prices paid have been running at a record pace. Dr. Copper which has traditionally been an excellent barometer of the underlying health of the economy is soaring toward record highs.

We aren't there yet but there is a historic copper shortage under the surface which is about to become apparent in "panic copper pricing"


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