Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Afternoon 6-1-8-2023


Clare:  The office of Imam al-Sistani announces Tuesday, the first day of Dhu al-Hijjah.. and Eid al-Adha, June 29


 The office of the supreme religious authority, Grand Ayatollah Imam Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Sistani (may his shadow be long) in Najaf, announced that tomorrow, Monday, is the continuation of the sacred month of Dhul Qi’dah, and Tuesday, corresponding to (6/20/2023 AD), is the first of the month. Dhu al-Hijjah of the year 1444 AH.

Thus, June 29 will be the first day of Eid Al-Adha.   LINK

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Clare:  Egypt is preparing to introduce a new currency 


The Central Bank of Egypt is preparing to launch the 20-pound plastic coin, within days, on the banking market, as it will be circulated for the first time in the history of the banking system on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.

According to the statements of Khaled Farouk, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the Money Printing House, there is a slight change in the shape of the 20-pound plastic from the one whose design was presented to President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, as the colors that citizens objected to, represented by the hologram sign, were toned down. One of the global watermarks used to secure banknotes and documents against counterfeiting, and it is not an aesthetic form and does not carry any other connotations as some believe.

The same source added that the design of the plastic 20 pounds will take into account that it is in Braille for people of determination, and it will also be characterized by flexibility, strength and less thickness, in addition to that its longevity will reach about three times the life of the current paper category made of cotton.

The speaker also highlighted that it is water-resistant and less affected by dust, as well as environmentally friendly, recyclable and pollution-resistant, compared to paper money in circulation, as it is difficult to counterfeit or counterfeit.    LINK

Clare:  In cooperation with private and government banks..the governor of the Central Bank proposes large financial projects

June 18, 2023

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, chaired today, Sunday, the periodic meeting of governmental and private banks.

During the meeting, which was attended by bank departments, His Excellency confirmed a number of projects that are consistent with the requirements of the economic reality in Iraq, explaining that these projects establish a qualitative shift in the Iraqi economy and enhance its stability, revealing at the same time the project to establish a Riyada Bank, and the project to establish a loan guarantee company that facilitates The lending process for medium, small and micro enterprises, in addition to the direction of the Central Bank of Iraq, in cooperation with the government and the contribution of the financial, banking and business sector, to establish a city that is the "financial and business center in Iraq."

His Excellency participated in the discussions put forward by a group of banks regarding the initiatives of the Central Bank, the relationship between banking institutions and customers, and what is related to developing mechanisms for entering the electronic platform for selling foreign currency.

His Excellency noted the possibility of opening new channels for external transfers and the high rate of daily transfers.

Central Bank of Iraq
Media Office
18 - June - 2023


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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Sandy Ingram   Breaking news coming out of Iraq.  The Iraqi government is planning to complete the requirement for Iraq's acceptance to the World Trade Organization (WTO).  This means financial contributions to the WTO have been settled.  A statement issued by the Ministry of Trade said that work is underway to complete the requirements for joining the WTO...

Frank26   Question:  "Will the dinar be taxed as capital gain or ordinary income?"  I always say to you that our government is not going to let you get away with anything.  Our government is not going to say, 'Oh, forget the taxes?  You bet. no problem.'  This is a major event. Our government knows very well.  Probably they know how many American citizens have Iraqi dinars.  You don't think they want to collect it87,000 IRS agents?  I told you they would come after you long before they announced that.  I told you...yes it will be taxed up the wazoo. [NOTE: Consult your tax professionals to determine the best tax strategies and correct taxes for your unique circumstances.]


Iraq Exchange Rate BREAKING NEWS OUT OF Africa - Zimbabwe, Putin,

Edu Matrix:  6-18-2023


The Economy Is In Trouble - Here's Why | Peter Grandich

Liberty and Finance:  6-18-2023

The Fed has paused interest rate hikes. However, the stock market is not going to skyrocket, says Peter Grandich of Peter Grandich & Co.

 He expects stocks to sideways trade. Gold, on the other hand, he is optimistic about. While it is sideways trading right now, he expects a meaningful move within a few weeks.

Junior resource stocks are more depressed than they've ever been in 40-years, which may signal a unique opportunity in the sector, he says.


 0:00 Intro

1:52 Fed pause

4:05 Gold price

6:35 Junior resource sector

 14:08 Fed pause

 19:05 Stock market

22:43 Inflation


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