Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 3-28-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 28 March 2021

Compiled Sun. 28 March 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Final instructions for Tier 4B redemption and exchanges from Fleming’s Military Intel Contact on Sat. 27 March: 03-27-2021_Update7gqa3.mp3

On Fri. 26 March the US asked the Court for an extension because the US was complaining that there is not enough time to get it accomplished by April 1, 2021. The Court simply stated that the US has had enough time to get this accomplished and that there would be no more extensions of time.

The Chinese Elders took the US back to the World Court because the US was trying to remove Tier 4B out of the agreements that clearly state that in order for the T-1, T-2, T-3, T-4A to be paid that Tier 4B has to be paid before any of the other Tiers can be paid.

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Tier 4B was put into the mix by a court order. The US was trying to grab all of the money that has been released into the various bank accounts so the Court finally ordered that T-4B be started by April 1, 2021.

The release would go forward to have Tier 4B exchanges/ redemption by at least Thurs. April 1.

Anyone obstructing release process would be arrested, no exceptions

Iraq did it’s thing on Sat. 27 March

Upper bond payout happened on Sat. 27 March at 6am EDT


Podcast of the Redemption Process: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-qmkgr-ff012e

The process starts with a safe link web site. There are certain Intel providers that will be given the safe link website link which will posted on their websites, blog sites, etc. The Secure link could be shared with others. Follow the instructions in notification email and secure link website.

Once you have the safe link website you will go to it and do what is requested to get the toll free number.

You will call that toll free number to get your appointment.

Do not ask for rates and they will not ask you what you are holding in currency.

If you have Zim and they ask just say yes and you will be switched to the redemption center to set your appointment

The 800 number that you will get is specific to you and you only use it once to set your appointment.

The 800 number that you will receive will not work after you have set your appointment.

You will need to take the following with you to your appointment:

1. Two forms of identification

a. Drivers License
b. Birth Certificate
c. Passport

2. Two utility bills

a. Gas bill
b. Electric bill
c. Cable bill

3. You will not be required to watch a video

Those with only NON-ZIM Currencies will be able to get higher contract rates for only Dinar and Dong with exchange bankers recommending 30% of exchange proceeds going to humanitarian projects and the rest will be paid out to the currency holder in tranches/ structured payouts.

For the Zim, there will be a default rate in the lower millions (in the $11-33 million per 100T note range) for the first 2 - 100T ZIM notes and the rest will be sliding scale.

Negotiated higher contract rates for the ZIM pertain to the currency holders presenting their bullet point outline for job creation and/ or humanitarian projects.

Prepare to give a short presentation and to leave them an outline of your projects.

Remember "everything is negotiable."


Zim Redemption: Information concerning the Zim redemptions process has not changed but we will not know for sure until we are actually in the redemption centers

Three basic options on all the ZIM notes you bring (they will take all ZIM denominations):

1. You take whatever the lower default package rate is...you get it now and do not have to wait. No payouts over time....no strings attached. You will be given 2% of exchange proceeds on a debit card.

2. There will be a list of 15 categories of pre-approved humanitarian and job creation projects; you will have time to read through those; you will be able to pick one or more for the higher ZIM contract rate that they determine for you at the time; you will only receive a portion of your funds—another portion goes to the project(s) you picked; your exchange proceeds will be larger than the default package rates, but they will be paid to you over time in tranches.

The list of projects may include job creation projects, projects providing improved clean drinking water, educational projects, projects to provide housing and job training to the homeless, etc.. . You will be given 2% of exchange proceeds on a debit card.

3. You have to go in with your own bullet point outline and overview of the humanitarian project(s) you wish to do. This will get you the highest contract rate. It pays considerably more but comes with some strings attached. You probably will have a WM & Trust company team and will need to report regularly. You will keep some funds for yourself but most goes to the humanitarian project(s). You will receive more dollars—it will be paid in structured payouts over time; you will have more funds to help the world but it will come with a significant amount of responsibility. You will be given 2% of exchange proceeds on a debit card.

See this content in the original post

Currency Exchanges:

On the currency that you are holding the procedure is about the same as the Zims the only difference is that if you do not have any Zim you can get the contract rates on the Dong and Dinar. You now have to have a humanitarian project.

Take all your currency and Zim with you to your exchange. (For what you need to take to your appointment see 1-3 above)

You will be signing an NDA

At all times be nice, do not demand anything or you will be shown the door.

Keep phones charged and on for notification over the next few days

Tier 4B Notification:

Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) would receive notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments sometime between Sat. 27 March and Tues. 30 March according to our Military Intel Contact. Security concerns of Deep State resistance and retaliation have been resolved. Officially the redemption has begun and cannot be stopped.

On Wed. 24 March Paymasters were told to be at their desks at Redemption Centers this weekend (Sat-Sun 27-28 March).

On that same Wed. 24 March the World Court ruled on an Chinese Elders' lawsuit and ordered that Tier 4A/B have access to their funds no later than Thurs. 1 April.

On that same Thurs. 1 April onward the General Public Tier 5 could exchange gold/ asset-backed foreign currency at the new international rates.

Thurs. 1 April to Tues. 6 April was also the beginning of NESARA/ GESARA Debt Jubilee debt forgiveness for those holding federally backed loan debt. NESARA Restored Republic public debt relief kick-off would be Easter Sunday 4 April.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/03/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_28.html


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Footforward    I think some sort of crisis is coming revolving around oil in the middle East and hence that leads to a financial crisis in the middle East which leads to a break in the financial system in the middle East and creates a need to revalue the dinar.

Breitling   Question:   [Since Iraq has devalued the dinar why would they turn around and add value to the dinar so quickly or is the process to add value still a long way off?]   Nope, they can do it overnight.  Once they start adding value how quickly can they get up to a buck I don't  know that process.  They haven't really talked too much about it or exactly what's going to happen.  They've always said they want to get to $1.17.  Period.  End of story.



Cutebwoy:  Analysis: Iraqis Are Getting Fed Up with Iran

London - Baghdad - Asharq Al-Awsat

A stain on Iraq’s sovereignty.” That is how an Iraqi army officer describes the billboard glorifying Qassem Soleimani, an Iranian commander who was killed in an American airstrike on Iraqi soil in January 2020.

The hoarding looms over Baghdad’s administrative district, known as the Green Zone. Many Iraqis once hailed Soleimani as hero for mobilizing local forces that beat back ISIS militants, The Economist reported.

But public sentiment in Iraq has turned. The masses who cheered Iran as a liberator increasingly see it as an occupying power. Iraqi politicians are trying to loosen its grip.

Iranian-backed militias still hold sway in much of Iraq. Many were involved in the violent suppression of anti-government protests that erupted in 2019. Lately, though, they have lowered their profile. They hang fewer placards celebrating their generals, and appear less often in the streets.

They miss the guidance of Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Muhandis, the Iraqi head of an umbrella group of pro-Iranian militias, who was killed in the same airstrike. With no clear chain of command, the militias are splintering. They were expected to mark the anniversary of the airstrike with a show of force. Thousands of Iraqis marched in Baghdad; the wreck of the car in which Soleimani was killed was displayed. But there were no big retaliatory strikes on American targets, said The Economist.

Iran has long used Shiite politicians in Iraq to assert influence. But Iraq’s prime minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, is not playing ball. Unlike most of his predecessors, Mr Kadhimi is not from a party that is close to Iran. Since taking office in May he has enforced American sanctions, preventing Iran from repatriating the billions of dollars it earns from exports to Iraq. (Ali Shamkhani, the head of Iran’s national-security council, summons Iraqi officials to Tehran, Iran’s capital, and curses them for not transferring the cash.)

The prime minister has also annoyed the militias by restoring state control at some border crossings and removing their men from security posts. At his behest NATO is sending 3,500 new troops. “These [Iranian-backed] groups are feeling extremely threatened,” says Maria Fantappie of the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue, a conflict-resolution group based in Geneva.

Such is the level of distrust that foes of Mr Kadhimi, a former intelligence chief, accuse him of passing Soleimani’s location to the Americans, enabling the airstrike. Militiamen have assassinated Mr Kadhimi’s confidants and chased some of his advisers abroad. A group called Kataib Hezbollah, with links to Iran, surrounded his residence in June with pickup trucks full of armed men after he moved to arrest some of its members suspected of killing protesters. Since then Mr Kadhimi has shied away from confronting the militias directly.

His cabinet includes ministers from pro-Iranian factions, who are trying to increase the number of militiamen (already in the tens of thousands) on the government payroll. An Iraqi official recalls the prime minister fretting: “If you don’t pay them, they’ll bomb the Americans.”

Sometimes they do anyway. Twice this year Iranian-backed militias have fired rockets at American and allied personnel in Iraq. Were Mr Kadhimi to become more aggressive, that might also invite a stronger response from Iran, which supplies electricity and gas to Baghdad and other big Iraqi cities. If it cut supply during the summer, unrest would undoubtedly follow. The Iraqi officer peeved by billboards has even bigger worries. If Mr Kadhimi tore down the pictures of Soleimani, he says, Iran might use its proxies to grab Iraq’s southern provinces.

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