Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 12-13-2020

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we are making exchange appointments...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

Fleming Saturday/Sunday RV Update

 Our military intel contact confirmed Mr. Fleming's sources that the final funds are being positioned; confirming that Trump & the RV teams have a master strategy in place behind the scenes to GET THIS STARTED & T4B FINISHED BEFORE CHRISTMAS, that is FINISHED BEFORE Thu-Fri 24-25 Dec, less than 2 weeks away, and POTUS & his teams are putting all the pieces together NOW both publicly and privately;

The private side is positioning POTUS for a series of elements to use the restored Republic process (to be legally done by Mon 21 Dec) for getting what is needed done to accomplish (1) NESARA / GESARA restored Republic completion (without which you WILL NOT HAVE POST-RV constitutional freedoms and economic freedoms to spend ALL your funds as YOU determine & (2) to get the RV SHOTGUN RELEASE OUT GLOBALLY as part of the DoD white hats & POTUS strategy to take down the Deep State GLOBALLY; 

This weekend is the final preparation process, and they are trying to keep everyone up to date on the same page;

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The master date in the plan is Tue 15 Dec to start everything Tue-Wed 15-16 Dec IF all goes to plan;

Everything is being coordinated and the funds were finally situated at 3:30am EST this morning Sat 12 Dec for what we have been waiting for FOREVER to pay out the final accounts (downstream liquidity in payouts to lowest level accounts Over the initial 72 hours after the shotgun release starts approx Mon 14 Dec);

They are finishing this weekend the final settlements, closings, and processing of the master major accounts--that's what started at 3:30 am EST today Sat 12/12 when Trump, the top 5 Chinese Elders, and everyone got on the same page to start the release process;

They are ON IT and Tue 15 Dec is the date to start Tue-into-Wed 15-16 Dec--it would take a major BOMB of interference to move it from that date—he said PLEASE PRAY.

Trump wants everything FINISHED by Wed 23 Dec by mid-day--so the RV teams are pressing extremely HARD this weekend to get things ready, closed, funds settled in accounts GLOBALLY in all the levels, tiers 1-4, to start on time next week;(edited)

They will move forward within A 72-HOUR PERIOD with MON 14 DEC as INTENDED kick-off day but it WON'T REACH T4B till TUE-WED 15-16 at the earliest; currently they EXPECT T4B start APPROX. WED 16 DEC but it could go beyond that; 

Ignore the media--that's the public side; the above info is what is known privately now;

The private side (currency holders) he said just get in as soon as 800# notifications come out--if currency holders wish to buy more Dong, WF and Chase have opened sales for purchase till it's closed down once things go next week;

They are working HARD ON THE RV RELEASE--this weekend it is believed that they will make it to get T4B currency holders started in exchanges / redemptions by WED - THU 16-17 DEC IF ALL GOES TO PLAN, PLEASE PRAY THAT IT DOES he said;

They got through the legal issues related to the final release with DOJ & AG Barr:(edited)

There were 300 arrests that took place yesterday Fri 11 Dec--that was one of the last pieces that needed to be put in place for the final release of the RV shotgun start--and that leads to the Insurrection Act possibly being invoked by POTUS (for military suppression of Deep State riots fomented by Antifa thugs), that leads to martial law (if necessary when the Deep State tries to start RIOTS IN 18+ URBAN HOT SPOTS AROUND THE COUNTRY that have already been prepared with initial arrests and round-ups by Spec Op (SOF) military missions (black hawks carrying them); .          

ALL THESE THINGS are TIED to NESARA / GESARA, to the restored Republic being organizationally and legally in place by Mon 21 Dec (POTUS TEAM'S LEGAL DEADLINE to get it done), and to COMMON LAW or CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (your post-RV CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOM and your post-RV FINANCIAL FREEDOM to spend the money as YOU INTEND and NOT AS THE DEEP STATE GOVT wants to do to LOCK YOU DOWN, TAX 50%-70% of your post-RV funds, and to LIMIT YOU under DRACONIAN ECONOMIC LOCKDOWNS and SCAMDEMIC LOCKDOWNS while FORCING COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATES on you AGAINST YOUR WILL and against YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL & GENEVA CONVENTION RIGHTS >>NOT<< to HAVE TO TAKE A VACCINE--

Trump will NOT ALLOW VACCINE MANDATES he said, Trump only wants to make the COVID-19 vaccine AVAILABLE in order to DEFANG and DISEMPOWER the Deep State's globalist agenda to force everyone to be vaccinated to travel or to do business;

He confirmed that it has been CRAZY BUSY behind the scenes since they started at 3:30 am EST this morning Sat 12 Dec, Value Date Declaration from the UST is expected any time in the first half of next week;


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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Footforward   [Is the general consensus that the dong will rv with the dinar?...in my opinion at this point the dong will go after the dinar.

Pimpy  Article "The Council of Ministers votes tomorrow on the budget and it reaches Parliament on Tuesday"  ...Many of us are interested in seeing what's gong to happen in the 2021 budget because there's a ton of reasons to believe the new rate change is in there so we're looking for that...



Samson:  Official Statistics: Iraq's internal debts exceed 43 trillion dinars

13th December 2020

The Central Bureau of Statistics revealed, on Sunday, that Iraq's internal debts during the first quarter of this year 2020 amounted to more than 43 trillion dinars.

"The internal public debt of Iraq reached 43 trillion and 454 billion and 406 million dinars in the first quarter of the current year 2020, up from the fourth quarter of 2019, which amounted to 38 trillion, 331 billion and 548 million dinars," the Ministry of Planning's apparatus said in a report seen by Shafaq News. Dinars, and for the first quarter of 2019, which amounted to 38 trillion and 134 billion and 166 million dinars.

He added that "the monetary reserve of Iraq decreased, reaching 68 trillion, 505 billion and 638 million dinars, compared to the last quarter of 2019, which amounted to 78 trillion, 253 billion and 336 million dinars."

He pointed out that "the rate of exchange at the Central Bank of Iraq was stable for the first quarter of 2020 and the last and first quarters of 2019, reaching 1190 dinars per one dollar."   LINK


IRAQ NEWS: | IQD Iraqi Dinar Currency Exchange RV

Premiered 12 hours ago

IRAQ NEWS: The latest Iraqi news relating to what's happening in Iraq and the Iraqi Dinar investment.


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