Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Morning 7-1-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 1 July 2023

Compiled Sat. 1 July 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Revaluation:

On Fri. June 30 2023 the US Federal Reserve and US Treasury, unable to pay the Global Repository back quadrillions owed, handed over all their assets.

On Sat. 1 July International Financial Markets will transform into a new digital asset based economy. The new Quantum Financial System would be completely interfaced in computers around the World in order to coordinate currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20022. Implementation of the Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset, the new Iraqi Dinar Rate in the Iraqi Budget will happen after the EID holiday ends on Sat. 1 July. As with other countries’ currencies, the fiat US Dollar transfers into the new gold/asset-backed US Note also on Sat. 1 July.

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On Sun. 2 July about 5 pm EST the International markets and Forex open and Iraq’s new Dinar Rate becomes public.

On Mon. 3 July The US economy was set to implode when SOFR, Libor and many nations are planning on dumping their US Treasuries.

On Tues. 4 July the Quantum Financial System will be fully integrated worldwide. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) was expected to be notified over the weekend and obtain appointments starting Tues. 4 July according to Bruce.

Wed. 5 July was the first day Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) would go in for exchanges.

Banks Brewing for July 1 GCR: https://rumble.com/v2wtrup-rv-gcr-news-somethings-brewing-for-the-1st-of-july.html

Benjamin Fulford: 

Financial Giants Teeter on the Brink of Collapse! BlackRock, Vanguard, JP Morgan Chase on the Verge of Bankruptcy! Unveiling the shocking truth behind the manipulated financial reports, the imminent collapse of industry giants like BlackRock sends shockwaves through the global economy. As their shares plummet and earnings dwindle, the crumbling facade becomes undeniable. Brace for the implosion of a financial empire that will rock the very foundations of Wall Street!

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/07/01/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-july-1-2023/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick  This ATFX is just another vehicle for the new IQD...new exchange rate, lower denoms, to leave its borders and to gain value.  This is not big.  This is immensely huge.  

Militia Man   Article   "British report: Iraq's economic growth has led to a dramatic improvement in the reality of cities"  Those that seem to think Iraq is not going places has another thing coming. They are about to show case themselves to the world even more now than ever before. This article shows that the world is watching and acting on their assessment of Iraq's new found security and stability...The 2023-2024-2025 budget will jump start the next three years like we have never seen before. Again, those that seem to say this is a nothing burger are highly misguided and uneducated in the on goings with Iraq and the world's relationship with Iraq going forward.

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LIVE! Consumer Spending Hits A Wall. Fed. DELIBERATELY KILLING SMALL BUSINESS. Be Ready For Anything

Greg Mannarino:  6-30-2023


SILVER ALERT! JP Morgan Tests "Same Day" COMEX Silver Delivery! Preparing for JULY RAID?

(Bix Weir)  6-30-2023

In a very, very strange move JP Morgan bought and took delivery of 33 Silver contacts on the last day of trading for the month of June...WHY? Are they testing the "Same Day Delivery" mechanism that is the right of any trader on the COMEX?

 This could be a sign of a HUGE SNEAK ATTACK by the King of Silver Market Manipulation and a way to BLAME SOMEONE ELSE for the Silver Price Explosion!!


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