Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Morning 6-3-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 3 June 2023

Compiled Sat. 3 June 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Welcome to the Greatest Economy Crash of All Time
US Dollar Default = Economy Freezes
Emergency Alert System Activates
Currencies Around the Globe Revalue to a Gold/asset-backed System
Deep State Great Reset Fiat Digital Currency Banking System Goes Down the Tube

It’s only wise to have a month’s supply of food, water, cash, fuel and essential items on hand.

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Judy Note: It is my personal opinion that the Black Swan Event that would bring on the Global Currency Revaluation of currencies (based on the gold/asset-backed resources of 209 participating countries) was a financial collapse of the already bankrupt Deep State Global Central Banking System.

That financial collapse would likely be triggered by a default of the World’s Reserve Currency, the US Dollar, and was bound to result in freezing both the US and Global economies.

The BRICS nations gold/asset-backed currency will be an alternative to the IMF.

Global Currency Revaluation:

On Thurs. 1 June the Global Quantum Financial System’s Fed ISO 20022 activated, meaning all electronic payments for 209 countries’ financial network were now able to communicate with each other at lightning speed.

Thurs. 1 June Bruce: Last night all banks came online that had passed the Global Quantum Financial System’s Fed ISO 20022 24 hour evaluation. Thousands of banks that didn’t become Basil 3 compliant as of Thurs. 1 June would be closed. Thurs. 1 June Iraq came out with a new Dinar Rate that was being traded. Sunday night 4 June the new rate would quit trading and be settled on bank screens. Bond Holders received their packages by FedEx starting Tues. night 30 May for 42 hours. They were starting up again on Sunday 4 June and would continue on for another 3-4 days. Tier4b notifications to set exchange/redemption appointments were pending for Sat. 3 June or Sunday 4 June.

Fri. 2 June 2023 MarkZ: In Iraq I continue to hear solid stuff with great expectations of the culmination of the budget battle Sat. 3 June or early Sun. 4 June. My Redemption Center contacts are pretty confident they will work on Sun. 4 June. Starting at the end of next week and after Tier4b was in progress, there would be a massive “clean up” in many Redemption Areas around the world.

Thurs. 1 June TNT Tony Rayren98 on Twitter: The new Dinar rate was international. Banks were told they would work this weekend.

Some say that that Tier4b notification would happen prior to a Emergency Broadcast System announcement of a 2-4 week communication shutdown, while Head of the Global Redemption Committee, Dr. Charlie Ward, indicated on his show that Tier4b notification would come after the EBS – which was expected to begin at any moment.

We are in full blown Debt Crisis: https://gregorymannarino.substack.com/p/we-are-in-a-full-blown-debt-crisis-72b 

Senate Passes Biden Debt Ceiling Bill – Global Debt Crisis Pretend and Extend: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/senate-passes-biden-mccarthy-debt-ceiling-bill-63/  https://www.zerohedge.com/political/senate-rubber-stamps-debt-ceiling-band-aid-biden-sign-law-soon-possible  https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-06-01/global-debt-crisis-pretend-and-extend

Money converter calculator: Find The Best Ways To Move Your Money – Forbes Advisor

Emergency Alert System and Communication Shutdown, Hal Turner News:

You will be given a 24 hour notice before the shut down in 17 strategic US cities

There will be no Mainstream Media broadcasts.

Prepare for 2-4 weeks of a shutdown – no school, work, shopping and Internet – to be replaced with new Internet on Star Link.

Prisons, jails, hospitals and other institutions with kitchens feeding people who cannot go elsewhere are being told they must have a ten day food supply on hand for supply chain disruptions.  That would likely be the changeover to the QFS (Quantum Financial System).  …Hal Turner news

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/06/03/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-june-3-2023/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

 Walkingstick  [via Frank26]  Remember the exchange rate is a line item [in the budget] that can be changed at any time...when they open the budget the #1 issue to deal with immediately...it's a priority, the line item that contains the rate for the budget...that line item...is numero uno...that's what they are going to be dealing with right away. 

 Bruce   [via WiserNow]   I was disappointed that we didn't get notified...We had heard from some pretty strong sources that we should get notified...and it didn't happen...Iraq...was to come out with their gazette version of the budget. And...they were to come out with a new rate...Well, they did come out with a new rate... They have it up on the screens and we see it on our bank screens...These aren't back screens...These are front screen teller screens that these are available on now....And it's moving up and I've already heard of the increase three times so far in two days, and it's continuing to trade up and increase.  Now - The great increase in the dinar rate is going to take place Sunday night when the dinar goes back on the forex and it can be traded up into higher regions.

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Raising The Debt Ceiling Will Trigger A Crisis (Here’s Why)

George Gammon:  6-3-2023


Inflation Hell Guaranteed - US Debt Deal Has Screwed The World

Sean Foo:  6-3-2023

The US debt ceiling crisis has been postponed with a deal reached. But excessive spending is just going to continue which will fuel an even bigger inflation crisis down the road. Here's why inflation is forever and why 2025 could be the year when prices spiral out of control. Here's what you must know!

Timestamps & Chapters:

0:00 This Is A Bad Deal

1:43 Endless Borrowing Begins!

4:27 The World Will Suffer

7:11 Defense Spending Out of Control

 9:52 Big Inflation Crisis Coming

12:39 The End Game Is ugly


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