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News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Morning 5-9-2020


Shybaby:   Mazhar Saleh: Al-Kazemi’s government will launch the first package to revive the economy

Baghdad - people

On Thursday, Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, revealed the existence of packages of measures to revitalize the national economy.

Saleh said in a statement to the official agency, followed by "Nass", (May 7, 2020), that "there are packages of important measures to revitalize the national economy," noting that "the first package of them includes the adoption of small loans for young people on very soft terms, as well as large private loans In the areas of agricultural activity, manufacturing, and services, especially as they are income and revenue generating.

He explained that "this initiative represents the integration of the monetary and financial policies of Iraq towards building economic stability and strengthening markets in addition to advancing sustainable development paths and raising levels of employment and use and combating recession."

Saleh added that "the package will go out as a priority to revitalize the agricultural movement in fundamental aspects, including facilitating the acquisition and acquisition of agricultural lands, supporting agricultural production and agricultural technology, and in accordance with the requirements of strengthening Iraq's food security and advancing national agriculture."

He continued, "The first package will be taken over by the Al-Kazemi government to support the macro economy and the national market and move the state apparatus more efficiently."

Expectations indicate that Iraq may witness an annual performance that is the worst for the country since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, especially since Baghdad is currently considering the possibility of deduction of huge public salaries, in a move that will receive popular rejection and may renew the wave of protests with a new government taking over .

According to a report published by the French news agency, and followed by "Nass" (May 7, 2020), the GDP of Iraq is expected to decrease by 9.7 percent this year, and poverty rates may also double, according to the expectations of the World Bank, making this the worst annual performance The country since Saddam Hussein was toppled in 2003.

The second largest producer of OPEC was affected by a double blow, firstly by the collapse of oil prices, and secondly by the Covid-19 pandemic, which dramatically affected its oil revenues.

And Iraq’s oil revenues last month reached 1.4 billion dollars, less than a third of the four and a half billion that the country needs per month to pay public sector salaries, compensation and government costs.

That is, the Iraqi government suffers every month from losing $ 3.1 billion in oil revenue.

In the face of this crisis, officials may put massive payrolls on the deduction list, according to two senior officials involved in discussions to suggest solutions.

The basis for salaries is more likely to remain the same, and austerity measures will extend to the large "allocations" that made up two-thirds of the $ 36 billion budget for salaries in 2019.

These allowances include rewards or benefits such as cars and homes, based on factors that include seniority, educational level, children, or informally political and family relationships.

An Iraqi official says that "the cuts we are studying include reducing the allocations of high-ranking public officials by more than half, the average level by 50 percent, and the low level by about 30 percent."

The government will also consider freezing recruitment and promotions, cutting military spending, and stopping maintenance of government buildin

More to this article.....LINK

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru  https://www.dinarguru.com/

Footforward    [... my question is this...Has your source given you a date or a window of when it will happen]   they expected it to be done by the end of march. There is an urgency with all that's going on. They would expect it by the end of June now. This really "should have" happened already...

Jeff  ...For the entire month of May there is only one day that qualifies for the rate change to even be able to happen...large rate changes can only occur over a period time when all financial markets are closed around the world...that's why Kuwait did there's on early Sunday morning March 24th of '91...Sunday is Iraq's and Kuwait's first business day of their weeks...Iraq will also have to have an in-country holiday to justify shutting and closing down their in country financial markets such as their ISX and their currency auctions.  For the month of May Iraq only has one weekend holiday period.  That happens to be Sunday May 24th.  If Iraq is going to change the rate in the month of May the only day they could do it on...would be Sunday May 24th...they said they'll have the government done by May 23rd...everything is looking good.  Moving in the right direction...


"Q: Shadow Presidency/Shadow Government" by Sierra (NZ) - 5.8.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 8:40 PM EDT on May 8, 2020

New Q drops indicate how tightly the net is closing around Obama...https://qanon.pub/

Q drop number 4154 from 8th May...

'[Hussein] pre-post [F] travel [shadow] POTUS?'

Q drop number 4158, also from 8th May...


These two Q drops refer to the Shadow Presidency/Government that Obama (Hussein) set up with the Deep State to undermine Trump's Presidency from the very beginning.

Obama (and others such as Hillary Clinton) traveled the world ahead of President Trump, meeting secretly with world leaders to undermine the new President. Of course there would have been much larger stakes involved, including blackmail to do with satanism and sex trafficking.

Obama, the Clintons, Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Clapper, and the media have been involved in the take down of President Trump since before he was even elected. Hence the term 'Spygate'.

I have just discovered Dan Bongino on Twitter. He has 1.7 million followers and I can see why. He's a prolific Tweeter and a fearless Light Warrior, working to bring the truth to humanity.

Here are three new tweets from Dan Bongino...https://twitter.com/dbongino

'This has been an epic 24 hours. Adam Schiff's status as the biggest fraud in congress has been confirmed. The collusion hoax has been entirely decimated, along with the lunatics promoting it. And Comey's war on General Flynn is over with Comey completely humiliated. And the media sucks too.' 

'Now, more than ever, you need to tune out the liberal media. As the walls close in on Obama and the Spygate plotters, they'll claw at their faces and scream disinformation at the top of their lungs. They're desperate to distract you. Please, for the sake of truth, tune them out.' 

'The most important question an honest media (if we had one) would be asking right now..."What did Obama know, and when did he know it?"'

It's an excellent question. People like Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, John Solomon, Project Veritas and Judical Watch are not afraid to ask these kind of questions. They represent REAL journalism not Fake News.

It seems that DECLAS is very close, with more documents and transcripts being released every day. Now watch the Democrats turn on Attorney General Barr. They will desperately try to discredit him and get him removed. That's when you know the Alliance is right over the target. BOOM.

President Trump and the Alliance have played a (very) long game - for some Alliance players it has been decades - to defeat the Deep State. We Light Warriors are honored to be fighting alongside them, thanks to information from Q.

Stay positive and enjoy the show. The Light is WINNING!

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


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Vietnam Dong News 05/08/20

Pimpy’s Investment chat:  May 8, 2020


When Will the Iraqi Dinar Revalue? Let's Follow the Money

Edu Matrix:  May 7, 2020

Following US Government appropriation of contracts for Iraq gives us a good idea when to prepare for changes. As it stands the US Government is spending hundreds of millions of dollars in Iraq. We can use these actions to help determine exactly what is going on in Iraq.


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