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News, Rumors, and Opinions Saturday Morning 4-18-2020


Tishwash: An International Report Expects The Recovery Of The Arab Economy In 2021, And Iraq Is At The Forefront

 (.. The International Monetary Fund expected a sharp contraction in the economy during the current year, although he expressed optimism for the recovery of the world's economies, including Arab, in 2021.
The Fund reduced its expectations for global economic growth this year in light of the uncertainty associated with the spread Corona virus emerging in the world.

In April's Global Economic Prospects report, the fund said that Coved 19 had caused high and high human costs worldwide, and isolation measures were severely affecting economic activity.

"Assuming that the epidemic will fade in the second half of 2020 and that stimulus measures around the world are effective, we expect global growth in 2021 to rise partly to 5.8%," said IMF chief economist Geeta Gopinath.

With regard to the Fund's expectations for the Arab region for the year 2021, the data showed that Iraq will lead the Arab countries in terms of economic growth, as its economy rises next year by 7.2%, after a fall in the current year by 4.7%.

Iraq is ranked second, Algeria, and according to the report, the Algerian economy will grow in 2021 by 6.2%, after a decline in 2020 by 5.2%, and comes in third place, Qatar with growth in 2021 by 5%, after a contraction in 2020 by 4.3%, and then Morocco grew by 4.8%.

As for Saudi Arabia, it will grow in 2021 by 2.9%, to occupy the tenth rank in the ranking of Arab countries in terms of growth.  link

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff    Article:  "An Iraqi consultant returns the high price of the dollar to two workers and sets the date for its stability". Quote:  "The process of increasing the foreign exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar always occurs during official holidays. The corona virus quarantine period IS A HOLIDAY!  When is Iraq's stock exchange going back online Right now it's set to restore as of April 26th...

Pimpy   Everyone is presenting the names of the candidates they want to be part of Al-Kazimi's...they're establishing this ministry and getting him voted in as quickly as possible...this has not been voted on yet.  It will be voted on I believe next Tuesday...So far so good.  Usually by now we've seen all kinds of articles where people were threatening to block the ministry and block the P.M.  We're not seeing that right now.  I think parliament is smart enough to realize that 'hey we actually don't want to lose our power.  We need to find some type of compromise.'  We'll keep an eye on what's on...we'll see if it actually makes it ...We will find out next week for sure.  Or where they [parliament] get dissolved...


Thank you Sierra

"Corn is Harvested" by Sierra (NZ) - 4.18.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 4:36 AM EDT on April 18, 2020

A new Q drop is titled 'Harvested Corn Field'. Anons will instantly recognize its significance. Images of corn fields and corn cobs in Q drops have been linked to the Deep State, in particular James Comey.


Q drop number 3985 from 17th April features an image of a large corn field after harvest, laid bare. There is a link to a video featuring music. Recent Q posts include links to 'healing frequency music'.

Lisa Mei Crowley has retweeted a tweet from ENoCH...

'It was April 18th when 2 lanterns were lit in the old North Church signaling the British were coming by sea. Paul Revere began his midnight ride to alert the patriot militias. The next day was the official start of the American Revolution. The shot heard around the world.'

A new Twitter account has emerged titled Lt Freedom...https://twitter.com/lt_freedom

There is just one tweet. It features a short video of a soldier standing in front of an armored vehicle at Valley Forge. A USA flag is flying above the vehicle. The soldier recites a list of famous battles, including Iwo Jima, the Alamo and the beaches of Normandy. And, thrillingly, he ends with the words...

'Where We Go One We Go All.'

Could these be signs that long-awaited action is about to begin? Valley Forge was where the American Continental Army made camp during the winter of 1777-78, commanded by George Washington. The Valley Forge encampment proved to be a turning point in the Revolutionary War.

Is the Alliance alerting us to a major turning point in the battle to destroy the Deep State?

Pray for President Trump, the Alliance and all the military personnel involved in what may be the final battle to liberate humanity.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


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The Sound of Silence - Pentatonix


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