Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Morning 4-10-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 10 April 2021

Compiled Sat. 10 April 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Tier 4B Notification at Any Time.

Fleming’s Military Intel Contact reported that the release would be between now and Wed 14 April.

A World Court decision pointed toward having redemption/exchange activity by this coming Mon. 12 April.

Fri. 9 April Charlie Ward: “Looking forward to a fantastic weekend.”

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What we think we know as of Sat. 10 April:

On Wed. 7 April Charlie Ward confirmed that everything needed for the Global Currency Reset has been completed, we were NOT waiting for the new Dinar Rate to be published and the Alliance just wanted a one trillion percent assurance that there were no more Swamp Monsters out there who could interfere with the release.

Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group) notification to set exchange/redemption appointments through a Secure Website and individual 800#s could come at any time.

After redemption/exchanges begin we would have ten days to redeem our Zim and thirty days to exchange foreign currencies at the special rates.

Tier 4B and Tier 5 (the general public) would exchange at the same time. The only difference between the two was that Tier 4B knew to exchange at the special higher rates by using the Secure Website and individual 800s to set appointments at Redemption Centers, while Tier 5 would exchange at a bank and receive the lower Street Rate.

 NESARA/ GESARA Debt relief Jubilee would be implemented worldwide over the next three months.

The US Military was in charge of the US and functioning as a Republic

Sometime very soon the Emergency Broadcast System would activate the new Starlink Communication System (60 more satellites of which were successfully launched on Wed. 7 April) that would take over all Mass Media worldwide.

A temporary Martial Law would be enforced worldwide.

Expect a possible Stock Market crash, planes and trains grounded, Internet go down and occasional electricity outages as a switchover was made to the new Telsa Free Energy system.

There would be Ten Days of Darkness where uncensored news about the takedown of the Cabal would be broadcast in three eight hour movie sessions per day (24 hours a day) on all Media networks worldwide.

Last March 2020 US Special Ops forces cleared 650 plane loads of gold, ancient documents and precious art out of a 150 mile long tunnel that ran from beneath the Vatican to bankers in Switzerland – effectively taking down the Illuminati’s monetary system centered at the Vatican in order to implement the Global Currency Reset.

Thurs. 8 April 2021 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 712-770-4016 pin123456#

The World Court decision pointed toward having everything engaged in redemption/exchange activity by this coming Mon. 12 April.

Iraq printing of the new Dinar Rate in their Gazette was delayed until Sat. 10 April.

Everything was done to proceed with the reset and there was an agreement with the Elders to proceed.

Paying out bond holders and prosperity packages has begun.

The Stimulus payments being sent out may be considered universal income and may be one of 16 months of payments. It would stop when the new tax laws come into effect.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/04/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_10.html


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

sheila  ...my one banker friend says it could go up to 16$ but to exchange when it hits 8-10 fast...cause when it hits 16, it will drop like rock back to 3.71 or 4 something, like in one day.

Bruce   ...Wednesday/Saturday – those are the 2 days of the week they use to publish any official information in their gazette...does that mean we have to wait  until that dinar is seen or that budget is printed in the gazette...I don’t think so...what is really cool is the rate for the dong and dinar were on the bank screens...[Wednesday] but they came off at 4 pm in the afternoon... So I think we are in the last stages of the waiting game for this and I appreciate every ones patience - it’s been difficult I know for a lot of people...everybody is ready and rocking to go - I think we should keep our eyes open the next couple of days... 

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Emailed to Recaps

Holly:  Rv News: Iraq’s budget is to be printed in the gazette Saturday and we are looking for that. No news out of Iraq yet. I am not sure what time they publish the gazette. There are a lot of people that seem to think the budget will be published at the new rate.

I actually don't believe that is what will happen. I think they will apply the new rate to the budget once it is announced and if needed have an addendum or supplemental budget to make any other changes.

 We are so close everyone. I do not want to put dates or anything out but we are so close. Yes I know, we have heard that before.

 Yes but Iraq has never gotten this far and now it is proof where we are. They can not not hold this back anymore.


Something Smells Wrong In The Silver Market - Price Manipulation and Paper Silver - David Morgan

Cambridge House International:  Apr 7, 2021

0:00​ Intro

 0:58​ Is It Time To Buy Gold & Gold Miners?

2:07​ Covered Calls To Profit From Gold Volatility

4:20​ Biggest Silver Surprise in 2021

7:08​ Silver Market Looks Like "The Big Short" Moment

11:05​ David Morgan's Portfolio

13:30​ Daniela Cambone First Interview with David


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